Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Good points, all of them.

What if people hunted what they were personally interested in, and when they find standouts… They send to you for backup and propagation?

Could be like an Overgrow TC library. Throw a cut in, get access to the others sort of thing?


How did making f2’s go? Only thing I’ve found about continuing his ghash crosses is a couple people saying it goes heavy into the ghash father at f2.


Has anyone release their mad science media concoction for cannabis yet, though? Most of that is trade secret still. Lots of houseplants are TC but even that concoction is trade secret. I’ve read up on it and a lot of it is hit or miss on figuring out what that plant is going to respond to even if you narrow it down on alike-plants grow in “this”.


@DirtMcGirrt They often put recipes in white papers. I once found a technique used to make static tec dry sift in a white paper haha. Great resources!


Most folks keep that info close to their chest still. I would say the baseline is the Murashige and Skoog recipe. As you mentioned even if you find something specific for cannabis each specific cultivar will respond differently so its almost a crap shoot. There are places like Phytotech that sell a bunch of different plant specific formulas including some for cannabis, My best guess is that its going to take having several different recipes on hand that you use and r&d what works best per cultivar.


With Ghash I find the keeper rate is a little lower, most plants end up with undesirable Ghash traits. My personal keeper rate with Ghash is usually 1 in 10-15 females. Usually it’s a heavy mom leaner.

When we open pollinate for f2 we are reinforcing all of those undesirable traits since like 95% of our male stock is very Ghash dominant.

Testing males is needed for improving lines like this IMO. Would take a lot of work.

My other thought was… Since these moms are getting easier to source, we could just reverse a ghash hybrid mom leaner onto its mom to Bx and reinforce desired traits?


Yeah that’s where, again, male selection really matters. Fairly easy to spot the non-ghash leaning moms but need the male to be that way too.


Yeah, round 1 would probably be selecting the males that are most mom like in morphology. The we would have to pop all beans to make sure we selected right, male expressions are solid, etc.

Say we are reproing secret chief… SFV is readily available. Maybe if F2ing, it would be smart to throw a few pure SFV plants into the pollen cloud to reinforce recessive traits?


I agree about the keeper rates for anything gh13hp. Typically find a keeper in about a dozen plants whether it’s F1 or F2 stock, and always it’s something leaning towards the mothers…


Can we collate all the Ghash traits then? The ghash leaners should all have a similar stem rub across all the crosses. Similar leaf morphology traits…

Did Bodhi ever post a pic of his hashplant leaning 88g13hp male he uses? I can’t say I’ve come across one :thinking:


Re: OG x 88g13hp hybrids… I’ve always gotten really peppery earthy almost jalapeño spice on the more hashplant leaners. Almost smells like castor oil too.

Squat ish structure but still has good internodal spacing, big round bulbous buds, can take a lot of light. Big fat leaves that can take a lot of light without stress.

I find OG leaners to be taller with bigger internodal spacing, stressed plants throw triplets, too much light will cause leaf curl, etc. Causing stress really seems to ID the mom leaners IMO.


Loved my Redeye Jedi (Skywalker OG x 88g13hp) which was squat with golfball buds. Didn’t smell, taste, or hit like any other 88g I’ve run. Seems to me like going purely off of structure or leaf morphology may be a mistake but I have no genetic background or relevant education to say that for sure.



I really like the look of the bud structure. I have some Skywalker OG right now and it is basically just energy in bud form.


who made the skywalker og ?.

a friend sent me some the other day and it says on the package.

granddaddy orange * cherry bomb and the breeder i think it says

CACIC AVE MAN 2019 stock

just wondering …


That would be nice for sure… currently have 3x snugglefunk (black domina x 88g) seedlings in veg.


Hola Gang

Why don’t you start with
a plaine G13HP88 instead
of cross ?



You really hit a home run every time you grow these plants eh? Looks awesome!

Popping all of these next. Hopping to get another pack of the red eye jedi for numbers sakes, but I think it will be a good one!


I think the og x 88g13 gotta be some good stuff stoked to get into monarch ( Louie xiii x 88g13hp) kinda surprised I haven’t seen anyone pop any of those yet and the pack of black triangle I got too can’t wait to see what you find fat lineup there


That Monarch should be fun to look through. Best of luck with them!


The Banana OG cross should taste great.