Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

I mean, Bodhi made Apollo 11 f3’s and f4’s using somebody else’s work, so… I think the f4’s I bought were like 80 bucks a pack.

And this, too. The Metal Haze thing wasn’t even that long ago, either haha. Wasn’t that just like two years back?


To be fair there, bodhi stopped all Apollo work when Brothers Grimm came back. And Dutch Flowers has been dead for a long time.


Yeah, sure, I thought about that haha, but isn’t the Tranquil Elephantizer also a “dead” line? I haven’t been keeping up on the latest stuff, except for what I read on this thread, but I dunno if Bodhi is still working that line or releasing seeds of it or anything.


Yeah technically I think both parents are dead.

The first version of Tranquil Elephantizer used Bodhi’s Snow Lotus mom x Bodhi’s first Ghash Male.
The Tranquil Elephantizer Remix used Bodhi’s Deadly G mom x Bodhi’s Snow Lotus male.
I think there might have been another version using the Snow Lotus mom and the Deadly G male, but that didn’t get released?


It was released as a Remix I believe. Might have been a one time thing. It’s hard to remember, it was so long ago.


Bodhis not worried, I’d be more worried about the guys kid - their father doesn’t seem to have a solid plan for financially supporting their pursuits in higher education.

Purity tests are a weapon. We’re all damaged goods bro.


Dla9 is pretty great. A bit of variation in the 4 females I got, but they’re all good afternoon, evening smoke.


It is Bodhi’s cut but it was pheno hunted from NDN Guy’s stock. Guy got it mixed up or something.

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Are you gonna let him get away with saying this shit @HolyAngel ?!?! What’s Teddy doing with pictures of your mom?!


So I think everyone’s missing the obvious solution here. Someone buy a pack of Kakua’s F3s, chuck them into F4s and sell them for $50/pack. Make sure to call out that they’re made from Kakua’s F3 chuck of Useful’s F2 chuck of Bodhi’s Tranquil Elephantizer v1.

If you can find a pack of Useful’s F2s to make your own F3s, even better. Undercut the shit out of him.


For some reason you’re assuming I think he’s an enemy. You don’t know me. We’ve never even communicated before. So you have no basis to make that assumption. So kindly and respectfully GFY.

Obviously he thinks there’s a market for TE v1 F3s. I think there’s a market for TE v1 F4s produced from his F3s…but I think they’re worth less per pack than he thinks his F3s are worth. While I’d need to sell twice as many packs to make the same profit, I think I could sell at least 3 packs of F4s for every pack of F3s he sells. Simple business.


This is really clogging up the thread. I wish JBC would have said to putbthe ET f3s in as freebies for every pack purchased. This would have enticed me to buy some packs from him! Anyway if anyone has a pack og ET or the Remix they want to send my way… ill put in some work for everyone lol


You don’t like the price don’t buy them simple as that.


Todays the day I’m starting my pagoda project going to be hitting water today got sick earlier this week that set things back but will start a thread in a day or two once I see some life hopefully wish me luck getting these old seeds to go :crossed_fingers:


Woot! :partying_face: Good luck bro! Hope you have 100% successful germination to full term flowering plants and no herms :crossed_fingers: :pray:



I grew it with no former knowledge as it was passed to me with some other cuts. Maybe it’s the way I grew it I dunno… full organic water only soil mix, sunshine and light dep at near 52N , 3000ft elevation in western canukistan. It’s really good smoke and I liked it enough I am keeping the cut around
I keep forgettting to throw Bodhi’s Oreoz x 88g13hp in my cart when grabbing seeds but there are so many choices and so little time LOL


Yeah, I never got the cardboard taste from the cut people have reported. Swear I heard the cardboard terps thing more from the beans than the cut itself :thinking:

The cut I had was loud, tasty AF, gas. Purpleish/silvery flowers.
This isn’t my pic but the flowers looked exactly like this

High was good too. My complaint with it, like virtually every single cookies cross I’ve ever tried is, ~30min later I felt like I needed to smoke again. I can’t smoke every 30 minutes. It’s mids :man_shrugging:


Now multiply that by working in a dispensary for 5 years, where that’s the only thing available, and you’ll have an idea of my own Cookies hatred!