Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

I find as the day progresses it works less and less for me, so I usually ramp up, edibles rarely work for me but I do love rso, it’s weird but I find good top shelf flower to work great, maybe it’s the entourage etc. but I can press some fresh frozen, and smoke cured bud from the same plant, the dabs get me high AF, especially the first 10-20 mins, but the pain relief is fleeting. Whereas with the right bud it helps for hours . I suppose we are all different and it affects us all uniquely, plus it depends on the pain we are in I suppose, very interesting.


It depends on the pain for me. Nerve stuff, that ssdd helps the most of everything I’ve tried so far. Muscle stuff, I have no idea. Edibles don’t work for me at all tho.


“Dont count your chickens”…
Your very right!

Ive had gassy burnt tire rubber before, but that firework is surprisingly pleasent and was totally unexpected. Fingers crossed it sticks around

I havent seen any grow reports of the headgasket yet.

Time will tell

And yeah all this dank sinatra talk is making me look for seeds of DS crosses. I agree that the medicinal effects of various buds ive tryed is fleeting, it would be nice to see what somthing with that strong of effects it has on me.

Grow easy


I have major neuropathy and metal plates nearly head to toe, a rod holding my right leg together, etc. as I’m sure some of you know so Dank Sinatra or SSDD or both should sort out my symptoms I hope !

Smoking gives me immediate relief if the strain is right, I eat edibles semi frequently and with those it really depends on dosage.

RSO or distillate often help a bit, but really I feel bubble hash and other solvent less extracts like rosin seem to give me much better pain relief vs dabs, vape cartridges, disposable pens, etc.


Damn I’m a bit bionic myself but not that much just a few plates/rods. I’m screwed up from a couple bad accidents and 20+ years of die hard hockey, weightlifting and the drugs I’m sure too :man_facepalming:t2: I Definitely feel you about the bubble, well let’s get us some more pain relieving strains bro! Starting with that Dank Sinatra!


My pain is almost entirely nerve pain due to severe degenerative disk disease , getting poisoned severely by some of the worst chemicals on earth, and some super funky stuff going on in my guts.

IMHO the key with the RSO is to take it regularly. I take 1 gram a day . I take .3 in the am . 8 hours later I take another .3 . And 8 hours later , just before bed , I take .4

I went from being suicidal from constant extreme pain , to barely feeling any pain AND sleeping a full 8 hours a night at least. I don’t get high from the oil at all , but it also makes me feel the need to smoke much less.

FTR I smoke for nausea , C PTSD ( I think they are calling it nowadays lol ) and because I do enjoy being high.


Instead of editing the post and people maybe missing this part . I feel the need to let folks know RSO was kept illegal when the corporate takeover of weed happened here in Canada.
They said FUCK medical patients , and barely a whisper was heard.

The good thing is there are still many of us from before , who have said FUCK YOU , and continued making medicine and giving it away.
Any extra I produce goes to folks who need it the most free of charge.


pain… hmmm.
I’ve got bertolotti syndrome , hypermobile sacroilliac joints, messed up vertebrae , constant nerve pain and numbness. I had a 400 lbs tank land on me in 97 which really messed me up. Every day is a new adventure in pain management. That’s why I have chunky pigs gear, tony green gear, bodhi gear and karma genetics as the main genetics I hunt thru for pain meds. I’m on Gabapentin and cyclobenzaprene for the past 3 years now… plus the weed in copious amounts daily LOL I’m trying to get off the gabapentin though as I don’t enjoy the side effects.


Amen bro, I’ve been making rso and other stuff for a decade at least and have several people who have always counted on me/us, including a few children (not kids anymore) who helped to start the whole initiative Screw that noise ! Trying to hide the cure and shit…… :man_facepalming:t2: Damn government


Gabagarbage and many others , including hydromorphone , meloxicam , and other’s with terrible side effects , is what they tried to get me on. Luckily for me they didn’t work for my pain , nearly as good as this oil does.
My first Hydromorphone script had 6 refills lol I swear my Dr was trying to kill me.


Oh it’s nuts what they prescribe! My wife was prescribed 180 percs , cyclobenzaprine and morphine statex for her migraines per month……no joke


So people don’t hate me too much for my non Bodhi rant posts lol

A couple shots of a Wolfpack F2 finishing up


Fantasy Island, 5 for 5.


fantastic! If those are the f1 that’s a great result for old stock.

I haven’t grown the original fantasy island, but strayfox’s care package (krush narrowleaf afghani x omg) x (fantasy island) was really excellent.

I got tall narrow christmas tree and column shaped afghani plants with long spear shaped colas. mostly green with candy lemon smells from the krush and omg, and a few fruity smelling purple phenos from the urkle in the fantasy island.


I originally acquired 3 packs and this is what’s left of the 1st pack I opened. I keep everything in the fridge as soon as it arrives…


Anyone growing the latest sour diesel he just dropped? Looking for info on it whether it could be like the old sour diesel from NYC


Impossible to know. Its the jp cut, used also by piff coast - for what its worth.

Chaco, aj, rez, jp etc all or most claim to be it (the original sour d). But they cant all be.

Theres a good episode i believe on breeders syndicate where they go thru the sour history and mention these cuts quite a bit, you could get some useful info there maybe.


Btw anyone growing the momentary lapse? The more i think about it, the more i want to believe its the skittlz and/or orgasmatron x lav lem.

I keep going back to the bodhi outro, he was really excited about those two - the congo kashmir he referred to as “some good plants” :joy: which isnt as encouraging.

So if anyone is sitting on those momentary with no real intention of growing them i will sacrifice myself and grow them for ya hahaha. It will be interesting to compare them to the congok x lavlem i sowed.

Theyre no longer a glg freebie are they?


I’m 99% sure you are correct , not from what I’ve seen.


Ya no glg only has the big j and pine apple left.