Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

When I was on RIU there was alot of contradictory information floating around as to what to look for in the “butter cut” and its always irritated me lol. Strayfox even confused me because at one point he said that the “butter cut” smelled nothing of butter and that threw me for a total loop lol. I’ve grown out a couple of packs of SSDD and did find some blueberry muffins slathered in butter smelling phenos that carried an amazing warm blanket effect. Zero Chem notes. I’d be super happy to find something like that again. I tend to go with the conventional wisdom that the “butter cut” pheno does in-fact smell of melted butter over blueberry muffins.


So I’ve come to the conclusion we just need to find someone in a legal state that has a rec license and would let us rent out part of their grow operation so that we can pop several hundred seeds and do a proper pheno hunt of several lines lol.


That sounds like the plant I’ve been dreaming of :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I have some Baba Kush f2 and Blue Tara f2s to work through,
I’m hoping in time I can find something that leads me towards this elusive Buttered blueberry muffins :yum:



Or you could do like the crowd-source OG seed run that was done w your 8+ Goji OG packs.


Thanks man! I will keep you in mind.

If anyone else is interested in possibly doing a crowdsourced pheno hunt shoot me a DM and I will see if we can get enough interest together to do something fun and unique!


just a side note, ive got a buncha damaged/severed nerves from a spinal cord surgery/shunt insertion about 13 years back, and ive found the ultimate best nerve pain stuff to be the wookie crosses. the best 2 have been lemon wookie and neroli91. ive been running a pheno of the LW for over 3 years now, and its still the best med ive ever had for the neuro pain/paraylsis


@yardgrazer was there a mention of the Chem 91 x omg I grabbed a freebie of it but never really heard anything about it ?


Have seeds, will travel. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Just find the financial backer .


It wasn’t on the Summer 2020 list I’ve seen. I wonder if it used the Joe Brand cut?

ETA: Looks like it’s Skunk VA’s cut.


Yeah it’s labeled skunk Va cut, but really can’t find a whole lot out about it


That’s the girl I already have. Only I found it in the F2’s. I didn’t have much luck in the F1’s I looked through.


I did run testers of the mango biche x kashmir, and most had a mango flavor/smell… the keeper was definitely a kashmir leaner that was an 8 week straight mango flavor head high. Totally seemed like fast finishing sativa. Rest were 10-12 week hybrid heavy yielders


Also did find a butter pheno in the SSDD. Straight butter, no blueberry, good yields just didn’t care for the flavor


Yep that’s one of the phenos in the F1’s that I found too and posted in here yesterday. I also found a pure chocolate/coffee bubba pheno in there. But the majority are skunky berry, chemmy berry, raspberry gas, buttery skunk/funk. It’s hard to get everything in one plant.


Apparently 80% of the females have the bubbashine smell. Hasn’t been my experience and have only found the smell in the 10% bubbashine pheno from my first pack, but trust that B has run enough numbers to give those kinds of stats. I really liked the rubber / shoe factory / coffee smell I had in my first pack which didn’t resemble bubbashine.

KNOWN PHENOS: 70% hybrid pheno, bubbashine smell with bigger buds, nervous system harmonizer… 20% appalachia pheno, tangy chemy buds with dulingl warm blanket high… 10% bubba/blue moonshine pheno tighter kushy nuggy dreamy pheno

I’d also throw it out there that I just went through 4 f1 seeds and while it may have been grower error 3 out of 4 had some level of intersex issues. Worth being on your game and vigilant when growing them out like with the Goji.

Pictures of my bubbashine pheno SSDD

Seems like more people were involved in growing out those F1s than people actually growing out the F2s they received from that co-op run. Disappointing we haven’t seen more grows that came out of that project as I’m sure there’s fire to be found there, plus so many people have them… This idea sounds pretty interesting as anyone holding a clone is more likely to grow it out rather than collect it.


The F2’s from that coop run have a horrible germination rate and most that did try and run them didn’t get any plants. Maybe a couple. My first pack from the coop yielded me my keeper and that was about it. I’ve been through 3 other flips full and have a couple left to look at.


I was talking about the Goji F2 co-op run in response to the suggestion that a similar project get carried out haha, should have clarified.


I concur, this sounds like what I found in autos. Maybe a hint of the desirable parent, but mostly grassy smell, weird ruderalis hemp type leaves with no resin, and an ugly leafy structure like a plant stuck in reveg.

Autos had the lowest potency of anything I have grown, and it also seemed to negate the medicinal value for me.

this is why I never fuck with autoflowers or mutants like the ABC. It just dilutes the genetics with undesirable traits and waters down everything we like with shwag.

no offense to auto growers, if you need them for short northern seasons, or to grow in an unusual photoperiod or something I guess they make sense for that use.

And I could see using abc as a last resort for stealth growing, but I really don’t understand why people would actually want that in a hybrid.


Ah you’re right. my bad :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I’m guilty of having a pack of those gojis and not running them yet :sweat: I had a bad experience with some f3s so kinda been waiting to see what others find in those f2’s before running them…


if were talking about lazy’s goji seed project. ive run them once, going on the top of my head: i had 7 females. 2 purple phenos that were stable as fuck, sweet, frosty, and stoney, one had below average potency and the other had good potency. the other 5 females were light green, piney, earhty, gassy, (cured it had some sweetness to it) two were excellent and potent and the rest were ok. thing is, i believe they are N sensitive (and i feed what many consider high N for flower) and plus and more importantly, I had a light leak i had not considered during the entire flowering period which resulted in bananas and self pollination. i believe that became a bit a controversy in the forum. my position is, i still have more seeds, and i will run them again soon because the smoke on at least one of them was keeper good (from what ive read, and been able to understand, it was probably a pinseoul pheno).