Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 2)

I’m not 100% sure on availability for these

Good Medicine is supposed to have good amounts of CBD in it. Ranging from 1:1 THC:CDB to 1:3, if I remember right.

Ethiopian Banana is also a 1:1 strain.
It’s available in a cross, Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red, made by Strayfox. Freebie EBxCR with every pack of Stray @ GLG

There might be others but these are the two that I know about.


It’s also listed as the freebie for any purchase of Doc D/Magic Spirit on GLG. (Ethiopian Banana x Columbian Red)

@Franklin also it’s not bodhi but I would wholly recommend Seattle Chronics. His IG is SeattleChronicSeeds, Gmail he does a ton of work with mixed cannabinoid profile, cbd, cbg, thc-v etc… has both seeds and clones (Colognes) available right now. I bet he likely has something within the parameters your looking for.

I haven’t seen any bodhi stuff with CBD much available, maybe some f2s or maybe could try with some GLG freebies that have had cbd cultivars used like harlequin or atonic.


Im running a cross of strawberry starburst (irie) and circles f2 (seattle chronic)

Supposed to have cbg in it from the dad


Just started a BBHP and a Bubblegum Hashplant.
I see quite a bit on the BBHP, not so much on the Bubblegum Hashplant. Anyone every run the BGHP?


Totally agree, awesome to see the Zoot in early bloom. I’ve yet to pop any but I can attest to the Herer HP being absolutely brilliant, pungent funion dust with a pickled garlic aftertaste well worth a 12 week wait. Here’s Herer Hashplant:


There’s one pack left if you want to risk the customs but I know people have good results with their different shipping options. They’re the only place outside of US that is legit for Bodhi.

There is still purple empress at Headie though…


yes my auction offering was my cross of the purple empress x dread bread, but was labeled as bodhi on the auction. The parents are direct from glg real bodhi packs and a really dread bread nice male. I think everyone is aware I made this one, it pops, doesn’t herm (yet) tastes like purple empress in the phenos I got, not the dread bread yet. Still hunting. I love dread bread, we had some nice ones, but lost them. Incense and great great sativa high. truly amazing and medicinal and spiritual

The purple empress mom was standard for those seeds and a little small. It make me wonder if the purple unicorn mom bodhi used was used intentionally to make smaller indoor plants. It still branched nicely and had lots of budsites, but maybe needs a longer veg.

I think I will repro this one once I get space for OG. I have like 30 seeds left saved for this, but gave out the nicest looking ones. I would definitely say you’re getting bodhi to play with these seeds and nothing else. I also added 3 original purple empress beans to the mix, that were original in there and you can tell the difference of the beans. I’m curious to see who gets the best plant of these. Anyway back to Bodhi - I really want him to change the dads he’s using now, but to what?


where do i find some master of muppets seeds i need those!


Hi, I don’t have much experience with Bodhi’s strains. I had runs with Space Monkey , Pinball , Higher Primate , Soul Mate . Now running Dragonade and Garlic Mints x Lavender Lemonaid . I get information from seedfinder. There are 2 Garlic Mints there. From Cabin Fever Seed Breeders and Blastes Genetics. Do you think the information is correct and can you perhaps tell me which of the two Bodhi is using?


It is definitely from Cabin Fever as that is what Haze Valley nursery used and they gave that cut to Bodhi. It tests really high. Do you have any pictures of the GM x LL?


Havent heard from John Cabin Fever in years, hope hes still around and doing well. Yeah his Garlic Mints crushes it.


Thanks a lot . I took 4 or 5 pictures the other day. But at a different location where the other camera is. I’ll be there the next few days and then think about the pictures. 3 phenotypes. One smelled extremely and one almost not at all. But please don’t ask me what they smelled like :sweat_smile: I am very bad at this. Have a good day


It’ll be interesting to see how high that one goes… anything SSDD tends to fetch a pretty penny.


How long ago was that released? Have people had a good experience with that site? Makes me a little nervous not knowing how the seeds were stored.

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I’m running a pack I bought off their auctions now, 10/12 popped. Generally a good seed bank, though I can’t speak to where they acquire all of their beans for auction and how they were stored.

I could swear Strawberry Sunshine was available until fairly recently, but I don’t actually remember… it gets confusing with all of the Strawberry Milk crosses Bodhi’s made over the years.


Seconded, good seed bank good people, pretty good germination on my auction win (only 1 pack but it was a decade old, high marks from me).

Man I thought that was purple sunshine at first, I had a creamy sour strawberry girl from that one that I miss dearly. Still kinda wanna bid but I’m backed up enough to resist this one.


Looks like I was banned from breedbay and they took this down.


I had archived Bodhi’s stuff. I only did this cuz I had atleast 5 people tell me that they couldn’t access breedbay cuz it is such a shit show. Copyright claim… there isn’t even a copyright on the site.

I don’t think this is why I was banned though. I told the webmaster what I thought of him and he didn’t like that. Can’t just take money from the entire community for years and offer little to nothing but excuses of health problems and xenforo delays. Give me my money back for the support pack. Give the thousands back that others gave you with nothing in return.

The admin killed it. It is a great example of how to take a thriving great site and turn it into a steaming pile of shit. Fuckin ridiculous. Well the fourteen people there can enjoy all that private bodhi knowledge that isn’t indexed on google.


To be fair, xenforo sucks imo. All the really good xenforo devs left years ago and created, wait for it… Discourse. The forum software OG and numerous other modern forums use. And it’s free.


I’m wondering if y’all could help me with identifying two strains as I forgot to label them.

I think this is triple sunshine

And this is Gelato x ‘88g13hp

This was just a small run for some seeds for funsies.