Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 2)

Thats ironic. I have no issue seeing any of my posts or anyone elses on the 'Bay… yes there was a period when it was down for maintenance but I don’t see how that warrants copying large blocks of posts and posting on a completely separate forum.

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I was only collecting Bodhi information for posterity. It isn’t just that it was down. I had heard people couldn’t login with their credentials and others weren’t getting emails when they tried to sign up. It correlates to the fact that they have a nearly 0 member user base right now. I’m not for or against anything here. I’m just trying to maintain this information which will more than likely be lost. I try and get all of this information together. so it is easier for all the bodhi growers… that’s the point. not one site or the other trying to hold onto something. It is to be better bodhi growers.

People come on here all the time and ask questions because they dont know about the thousands of posts from stuff ten years+ ago and never will because it doesn’t index on google. This isn’t the only site where this has happened. Now we get the same questions over and over. At least these threads are starting to have the information if you search now. We will live as others have died so we must continue to keep the torch lit.


@CocoaCoir copying and and reposting other forum thread to make your library here is what got ya banned. It’s a forums thread to that community, from the way it’s read pretty sure that’s a violation of user terms and agreements. Also pretty sure joe took your links down, so that may not be the hill to try and hold.


I already talked to the mods about it and won’t be posting anything else from breedbay as mentioned.


I can’t speak to policy violations, but I dig the intent of what @CocoaCoir did by attempting to preserve information that he thought might be lost otherwise.

As someone who would “ask questions because they dont know about the thousands of posts from stuff ten years+ ago and never will because it doesn’t index on google”, I just wanted to say thanks for the attempt.

You should see what they did to this guy named Aaron Swartz for trying to make some information accessible to others. Turns out people turn into shit heads real quick when they perceive access to information to have a negative personal impact. But enough about the time I told the entire second grade class there wasn’t a Santa Claus :santa:

Keep the torch lit …never know when you’re going to need to burn something down :fire::metal::sunglasses:


Aruba x Everything in a 5 gallon. I hit her with a Blue Dream, so there’s that to look forward to running next season. This one is a late bloomer, tends to lean nitrogen hungry, and doesn’t seem to be susceptible to PM.


Hey. Here are 3, Thai D9 x Afghani… F2 .They are F2 of the seeds from the tshirt deal.

I didn’t plan on running anything. Then at the summer solstice, I just couldn’t stand not having something going. So I threw these seeds in old pots. I did not top these plants,and they are all around 6’ tall.
There are two that got dusted by a pair of males. The one in the middle flowered sooo late, that she remained seedless. Look at the trim nightmare of that first close up of the shortest plant. :no_mouth:
The last pic is a leaf from a hybrid plant I chucked (Black Raspberry x Golden Glue,) on one of the massive fan leaves. I matched them up where the stem meets the leaf. I dusted those as well.
These F2 plants have a sort of melon scent. Maybe a soft, “juicy fruit gum” scent, like jack fruit. The plants from the pack were all over the place with wild flower scents from forest,soap,flowers,and fruits,with a pork sausage scent while in veg state.
I hope everyone has a good harvest. LOVE


idk if anyone answered for you but to me, it looks like the first one will be the gelato plant. gelato should also get color on the plant. the stems and stalk


FWIW I exported 4 threads from Breedbay a couple years ago when there was talk of that forum potentially going away (a release thread, a strainguide, and two travelogues). They seem to be missing a lot of photos, but at least it preserved the info.


Perfect! No color yet but it’s been seasonably warm here. Thanks for the info.


i think i can recognize the gelato in that plant, the leaves are more shaped in ways that have the characteristics . the gelato plants are also very big, very good yielding plants, so i would also suspect it to be the bigger and better growing plant. u can also make your own judgemnt based on that, the red and purple stems should eventually show, and the herb can be green but likely will have color too . the traits in gelato are really dominant, everything gelato comes out like gelato pretty much

maybe i can see a little red hue in the stem. not sure tho. both do look very green right now


Copying from the plant guide:

Electric Cowboy summary:

I’ve been meaning to type up a little blurb on these after growing out 5 females last winter. They were a bit of a disappointment for a few reasons - 4 of the 5 had wk3/4 balls, one being much worse than the rest. They grew nice little bushes, some more OG vertical orientated, others more bushy. Yield was pretty low as expected with an OG cross. Buds were very nice looking, frosty kush nuggets. I wasn’t very impressed with the smells in jar - not particularly loud and tending towards g13hp foul earthy jalapeno kind of thing. I had one pheno that I liked alot as it was very OG in appearance and it ended up being not very smelly or tasty. The best tasting pheno had a hint of citrus with strong earthy foulness.

The high was pretty darn nice, though way too strong to be considered functional. Take your breath away come-up and then evens out, not particularly sleepy or heavy body, just too strong to do anything haha.

I know there are some really nice plants in this strain from advancedbuffalo’s reports on it, I just didn’t find anything stable and remarkable. The best pheno I found wasn’t stable. So probably needs a good hunt through to find a keeper.

Still haven’t found anything I really like in the g13hp male… I’d like to look into the DLA lines soon… maybe 4 or 12. 4 has a lot of keepers from what I’ve seen.


Can’t go wrong with DLA. I just smoked some DLA 16.


Right DLA 4 is my #1. Can t go wrong.


Yeah, I wanna get into my DLA10 packs soon as I’m thinking the same thing.


Thanks for the smoke report and transparency! I appreciate hearing the good and bad in a report.


For sure - it wasn’t bad weed by any means, but when given a choice between EC and the TK and Tahoe clones I’ve been toking, I dont reach for the EC ever. It was super frosty tho! And if anyone is wondering, the best plant of the mix looked like a stouter OG, a bit more vertical in growth vs round bush, and leaves faded red at the end. No others had the red fade.


Gonna start busting out some of the classics and rare packs in 2025 before I lose them. I don’t think anybody else has that Suge PK cross :smiling_imp:


onward brother, and yes bringing back some old school is something i have been thinking about a late too.

get after it brother …


=) Ass f2’s are still on the table too i did not forget hehe. i can try sending snips of the cut again soon just need to make sure shes clean. had her outside over the summer.