Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 2)

nov 2008 nepali collections project travelouge



perfecting the nude bomb

himalayan valleys of genetic treasure:
my travelogue of my month long cannabis collections project in nepal nov 2008










nepall has changed alot now that the war is over, tourism is back in full force, moderization and road building is changing the landscape, power is being supplied deep into remote areas, and cheap chinese goods are flooding the market. the people are as friendly as ever, but the charm of a forgotton mountain kingdom is rapidily fading. pollution is reaching critical levels. but if you put in the time and get way up into the mountains all this dissapears. it was a little late for a collections trip, as most plants are harvested around diwali/tihar in late october in nepal. it was a good time for mature seeds as the plants that were left were nice and seeded, ive tried to collect earlier in the season but the seeds were immature and collections from villagers of the seeds from the prior season were usually non viable. many of the trekking areas have been cleaned up for tourism, plants and handrub was much harder to come by this time, my last trip was 2 years ago during the war and was alot different. it seems that commercial sifting from plots outside the kathmandu valley has replaced mountain handrub, and pressed handrub blocks as the common street hashish. most of the best collections came from off the beaten path, in secluded valleys, although there were some stunning plants along some trekking routes. all collections were done with maximum respect for the communities and villagers, no money changed hands, cannabis seeds were traded for heirloom vegetable seeds (10,000 were distributed) and school pens, i know bringing non native veggie seeds into a new ecosystem is a no no but the himalayas are being flooded with cheap chinese hybrid vegetable seed. some collections were not done out of respect or if it was a strange situation. the collections were done in a months time from 4 seperate regions, much more time and energy could be spent in the far east and far north aswell as the everest regions. the amount of hiking really kicked my ass, especially over passes and up mountains, i felt like the indiana jones of seed hunting. this is by no means a deffinative report on nepali cannabis, as much more can be done and much more data collected, these are my own views and collected info, i have a degree in religious anthropology not botany so bear with me. my current map does not show all the names and elevations so this post will be edited as info becomes availible, and more will be added, please feel fee to ask questions. all in all, it was a huge success, and represents one of the most indepth collections to date. i encourage everybody that loves this plant to go on simmillar seed safaris accross the planet to save the landraces and better the future of cannabis preservation and to reinvigorate the genepool.

it seems there was 4 main types of cannabis that i encountered. the classic highland sativa christmass tree, a large tall himalayan hashplant, a hardy highland indica (did not see any, but did do a two day hike straight up a mountain to a place they were spotted), and a lowland jungle sativa. there were a few anomalies, that were maybe hybrids, heirlooms, or extreme phenotypes, and a vast spectrum of color, smell, structure, and effect.

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Reactions:HUSTLEAN, Thoth-Amen-Ra, Mr. Carlson and 7 others



perfecting the nude bomb

here they are:

location: shivapuri national forest
village: mulkharka
elevation: 1900m
classification: medium christmas tree shape dense floral clusters mountain sativa
aroma: spicy citrus menthol fading into jasmine/neroli
notes: my nepali friends favorite from the dry samples, smooth, tasty, hits hard and surrounds the head like an inflatetable joy helmet.



location: shivapuri national forest
village: mulkharka
elevation: 1900m
classification: big bushy foxtail hashplant
aroma: floral, soapy, green
notes: seeds came pre cured by the women of the land, seeds were also collected right off plant by me aswell to insure viability.






location: helambu
village: pati bhanjyang
elevation: 1770m
classification: tall tight christmas tree shape mountain sativa
aroma: green, floral, borneol, camphor, spicy.
notes: these came from my favorite shiva baba who lives two days walk into the mountains, we call him happy baba, he loves to garden and says his plants are superior to hashish. spicy mind inspiration, clear, motivational high.




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Reactions:cannaboidmj, Professor Iglofski, BodhiSativa and 2 others



perfecting the nude bomb

location: helambu
village: upper gyalthun
elevation: 2100m
classification: medium tall christmass tree sativa
aroma: overwhelmingly grapefruit
notes: beautiful golden bud and nice trich formation


location: annapurna national forest
village: ghandruk
elevation: 1940m
classification: giant bushy foxtail hashplant
aroma: sweet lavender, geranium, aftershave.
notes: found this one on the day of the chopdown, not many seeds, biggest hasplant ive ever seen.






location: annapurna national forest
village: lower chhomrong
elevation: 2170m
classification: bushy sprawly hashplant that even grew along the ground
aroma: green, fuely, oily.
notes: lost

no photo

location: annapurna national forest
village: lower chhomrong
elevation: 2100m
classification: stretchy sativa with small tight sparse buds
aroma: honeysuckle
notes: sublime aroma

no photo

location: annapurna national forest
village: middle chhomrong
elevation: 2170m
classification: long full red armed christmass tree sativa.
aroma: spicy, soapy
notes: unique branching


Last edited: Dec 11, 2008



perfecting the nude bomb

location: annapurna national forest
village: mileche
elevation: 2000m
classification: big bushy tall classic himalayan hashplant
aroma: watermelon, tea rose.
notes: totally classic himalayan watermelon hashplant





location: annapurna national forest
village: mileche
elevation: 2000m
classification: classic highland mountain sativa
aroma: himalayan mountain flowers
notes: classic, big, tight, full, christmass tree, nepali highland mountain sativa.



location: annapurna national forest
village: chuile
elevation: 2500m
classification: tall mountain sativa
aroma: floral green
notes: pheno 1 tight sparse floral clusters


location: annapurna national forest
village: chuile
elevation: 2500m
classification: tall mountain sativa
aroma: floral green
notes: pheno 2 tighter sparse floral clusters, the green one in the photo.


location: annapurna national forest
village: chuile
elevation: 2500m
classification: very tall purple mountain sativa
aroma: grape bubblgum
notes: big, purple, crystally, and super grape bubblegum smell




location: annapurna national forest
village: upper chuile
elevation: 2500m
classification: tall mountain sativa
aroma: pure spicy
notes: most of the plant was gone but managed to collect some seeds, this was my nepali friends fav plant structure wise from earlier in the season but it was chopped before we got back to it.


location: annapurna national forest
village: banthanti
elevation: 2500m?
classification: possible highland indica
aroma: n/a
notes: very large seeds simmilar to deep chunk seeds, these plants had been done long before we arrived, village woman had kept them safe.

no photo

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Reactions:sow the beans



perfecting the nude bomb

location: annapurna national forest
village: banthanti
elevation: 2500m?
classification: tall wispy mountain sativa
aroma: my guide says orange (i had the flu during this time so i could not smell)
notes: very wispy, nice crystals, low yeild.


location: annapurna national forest
village: chitre
elevation: 2200m?
classification: tall purple christmass tree mountain sativa
aroma: purple, grape, nag champa, burgandy, rich urkle like aroma.
notes: very simmilar to the chuile purple, except smaller seeds and stature, and a deeper more sublime aroma.




location: annapurna national forest
village: chitre
elevation: 2200m?
classification: medium tall fat leafy colas, classic breeders highland sativa
aroma: spicy, hazy, kitchen herbs, menthol, floral
notes: smells just like a bangi haze pheno i have, and looks like some phenos of satori.


location: annapurna national forest
village: upper ulleri
elevation: 2100
classification: small hashplant christmas tree sat hybrid
aroma: skunky, catpiss
notes: small with large pistils


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Reactions:trichome gland and Flynnie



perfecting the nude bomb

location: chitwan national park
village: sauraha
elevation: 150m
classification: full on lowland terrai jungle sativa
aroma: temple ball, soapy, green, spice
notes: this plant is extremely stable and almost indestructible, i have had 5 females in 12oz cups in my mom room for over a year, they dont seem to care if theres no water, light, root space, pm, etc… they are prone to spider mites though, but they dont impact the plant that much. i have also bushmastered (pgr) them into bonsai sativas. should be a unique breeding tool.




and look what i found in the elephant poop


fresh cubensis
(made a sore print)

my nepali friends collections:

location: annapurna national forest
village: birathani
classification: mountain sativa
notes: bagseed

location: annapurna national forest
village: chuile
elevation: 2500m
classification: mountain sativa
notes: bagseed

location: annapurna national forest
village: sikha
classification: selected highland nepali
notes: bagseed from the capt of cannabis in the annapurnas. he usually has the finest array of flower products.

location: langtang national forest near the tibet border
village: rimche
classification: tall wispy wild to semi wild
aroma: green to spice
notes: ive collected in langtang before, cannabis grows wild all over the valley, offering a truly unique handrub product, very clear, up, dreamy but focused. all my collections in langtang have been sterile so far, im crossing my fingers on these.

location: kathmandu valley
village: thangot
elevation: 1900m
classification: semi commercial kathmandu cultivar
notes: bagseed

25 totall collections…

disclaimer: i busted this out as fast as i could so misspellings, typos, etc… will be still present, i will edit the post as time goes on and add scanned maps, more photos etc…



perfecting the nude bomb

sorry for the delay, but things got really busy here after i got home, ill try and answer some questions and thanks for all the good words, good vibes, and inspiration. this seed collection is a gift for the cannabis community, i will be getting them out to various people that have the experience to create more and have those spread around for free, i may also make some of my favorites and offer them at the usual outlets as cheap bins to help offset some of the plane fare.

Reverend Budbreath: im not the biggest fan of nepali food, but some of my favorites are chisno: a nettle garlic stew that comes with pounded dough balls, sael: like a corndog without the dog and the stick, i love the crazy pickles they make, the tree tomatoe sauce is yummy, mountain spinach, goji berries, wild mushroom soup…
the culinary dept they really excel in is booze: my favorite is tongba, fermented millet that is scooped into a bamboo tube that is filled with boiling water and you drink it through a metal straw, tastes like hot barley wine, lots of enzymes. kodo is a rice wine that is served warm with a little toasted rice and yak butter mixed in if your lucky and theres rakshi, the tequilla of the himalayas, straight up fire water.

BodhiSativa: its getting harder to find canna friendly trekking guides, the best way is to go with a guide from durbar square not through an agency, or go on your own or with friends into the mountains, if a tea house has plants growing around them or you meet a friendly villager with plants you can usually negotiate something. there are wild stands of cannabis in certain locations, they tend to be very wispy, but the hash is often times the best, most of the cannabis on trekking routes is cultivated for handrubbing or for livestock medicine, sometimes they are grown for nutritional seed aswell. i have a good friend collect for me when im not there but i prefer to make the collections as often times his collections are sterile or get mixed up.

bigsur51: the nepalis are extremely adaptible to many climates and elevations, ive had my lowland chitwan sativa moms in beer cups for over a year and they just chill in the back of the mom room waiting for the right time to do their thing, they are super stable, and almost impossible to kill, incredibly pm resistant, but a little mite prone. if you want to try some out at your latitude im sure we can work something out. i will do some open pollinations, but i hope that other people can do them aswell, i can do a 50 plant open pollination in my shower, but it drives my wife crazy. dont like to have all that pollen near my flowering room. i will also try and clean up a few of the lines too, selecting for stability, and desirable traits.

harvestman: the plants that look like they are dying are just extremely over ripe, or the stalk has been split, or the branch has been broken to facillate ripening or curing right on the plant. a book would be really cool to write, especially if i could go all over the world collecting and documenting. it may be awhile i have a family and its hard to be gone too long.

oOBOULDEROo: stevie wonder is getting supernatural, and ready for his tour.

many blessings

And a couple Lemon Diesel notes from another Cabana thread:

Couple more slightly sad things:


There’s a ton of F2’s on OG. Peep the trade thread and you should be able to find a few.


Very true that’s how I got 2-3 pucks full of Goji F2’s, lots of generous folks on here will help you out I’m sure! @cilantro


JBC updated their “News” page today, saying they expect the new Bodhi gear to drop in the beginning to middle of April.


Nice springtime cola developing on Space Cake


Im curretly growing that one out. GC BX by H&L

Nice plants so far. Never had the clone so no way to compare. My wife loves GC from 10 years ago so I figured Id try it and H&L is where Bodhi got that Appi male, so what can I lose?


did some training last night in the tent day 19f quite large and in charge got pinesoul (archive) front left blue dream sc cut front right got csi fire purps back left and ssdd f1(hb cut) back right keeping a even canopy on 4 different strains is quite a challenge but did alright can’t wait to see these gals in a few weeks once they get some weight on giving them a good defol tonight also got the 3 field trips up potted to 1 gallons will give an update with them soon. as always much love and happy growing y’all

And for those who isn’t following my pagoda thread

pagoda lady x 6 pagoda males outdoor getting a few more weeks to make sure seeds are ripe then getting the chop

Pinesoul seeded with 6 pagoda males


Mom’s lemon cream pie is right at 9 weeks, smells like powdered lemonade- so good I bought another pack.


I posted this in my grow journal but I figured I’d share here too

Bodhi’s Dragon Blood Hashplant f2’s from @MomOnTheRun has these weird growth patterns


This is the plant from my last Bodhi Lemon Thai seeds, rather a beauty and, like all the other seeds, a girl.
Smells of lemon and a bit kind of hazy. I have another Bodhi female too and I have some male LT’s from a Derg Corra release (that @santero made) and plan to make some regular LT seeds ‘crossing’ the two populations.




Is the dla 5.3 already out somewhere in particular?

Dla5, 9, and lavender jack are some of the few packs I’d spring for right now.


Not yet, though Shoe has limited pre-orders.


I believe shoe might still have pre ordering available. We get first dibs on the freebies.


Do pre-orders happen through his discord?

Yes they have been from what I’ve seen.

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Yup there’s three left for pre order


Could I get an invite link?

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I unfortunately don’t have invite permissions but i’m sure someone on this thread does.