Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

I heard of those faster finishing ones. I only ran across 9-11 weekers in the F1 pack I popped. And I made an F2 that I hope to go through soon. Otherwise, what are you trying to find out about her?


hello @Vagabond_Windy just really if anyone had seen anything like this in the space monkey the mum i had was ready in 65 days lost her :face_vomiting: she was lovely popped last 4 seeds from my pack 3 fems and one boy lost him to damping off early on but the one im talking about is just racing ahead of her sis
:man_farmer: lime


have one left in veg im taking cuttings from with no boys and no seeds left im counting on her gonna try revegging the quick one as i couldnt get her to clone :nauseated_face:
:man_farmer: lime


2!people I know have found the faster phenos. Broader leaf than the ones I found but supposed to be really good smoke. They might have even both been purple toned phenos if I recall. I haven’t seen pics of yours but I would still say take her at 63 days unless you’re in a hurry. :sunglasses:


tried getting pics memory card says it needs formatting then wont format my shit is so old :rofl:
the mum i lost had purple/maroon hues and smelt like an old leather chair with a bag of funk stashed in it the ones in flower at the mo are s green as can be cheers for the help man ill keep watching her like hawk :sunglasses:
:man_farmer: lime


Looks like someone sold you my old coach brother been looking for that bag like forever!!


Yeah, I logged a Mountain Temple grow at the farm.


what did you think of the buzz from mountain temple? @minitiger …was one of the bohdi’s i bought to try his gear


I loved it. It was a very “life is good, everything is allllllllright” kinda high. I ordered two more packs of it from GLG on 4/20, if that’s any indication. If the seeds would’ve gotten here before yesterday, I would’ve planted a few of those, I think (I always start a grow on May 1). Still waiting on them, though. So I planted three of nube’s Pura Vida f2’s instead, along with some other stuff.


thanks! now i cant wait lol to run it


Do it. And if you log it here (you should log it here), tag me for sure. I wanna check it out. All three of the females I got yielded really, really well, too, if that’s important to you.


Got a freebie pack of c99 x sunshine 4 from glg on my first order from him. The bodhi coozie should be a conversation srarter to say the least but that freebie pack has my attention


lol i have to be careful with yield, to easy to go to prison here, but no worries. I have no bohdi xp not growing not toking.


One time, when I was 18 years old, a bunch of us were partying and I just randomly blurted out,”Oh yeah! We’re going to jail tonight!” All I really meant was, you know,”Let’s get fucked up!” I ended up going to jail that night haha.

My point is, don’t talk about that kind of stuff. I don’t mean to sound all hippy-dippy, but you can manifest shit just by talking about it.

I don’t know what this means.

Edit: never mind, I figured it out. “xp” is short for “experience.” Well, get yourself experienced…


That sounds nice I loved the sunshine #4. I’ve grown c99 but the female seeds version. It was the first grow I put on in this house, I was looking for something not too smelly and as I was still buying equipment for my rig didn’t want more work separating males that time. I very rarely use femanised unless I’m gorilla growing. Mr soul had reappeared by that time but I was unaware of this at time


FMS C99 was my first grow (didn’t know it was fake at the time) and C99 is my personal favorite. Got a bunch of FDM C99 for this year’s guerrilla along with ~30 Bodhi strains to choose from. Indoors I’ve done a lot of Goji and a few of the Snowlotus crosses, but haven’t tried any outdoor. Anyone with experience running B’s stuff guerrilla, I’d love to hear about it. Guessing the G13HP crosses with sativa-leaning moms will have the hardiness to make it…particularly excited to try the Skunk Hashplant, Super Silver Hashplant, and Herer Hashplant.


sorry yes xp = experience a gaming thing


I found essence in female seeds version very nice pineapple pheno smaller grapefruit pheno too. Most had more haze. It was a nice strain but felt somehow watered down. It had no ceiling but would take a few joints to get to that point. This did give it a sort of watered down but connoisseur vibe. In that if you could afford to smoke enough it becomes something special. But have have grown 25% hazes that did that with one joint rather than smoking 3


Yeah I enjoyed it and would grow it again to see how it stacks up now that I’ve grown a lot of other stuff. Would love to see Bodhi use C99 in some crosses but I think he either lost his cut, wasn’t that into it, or retired it when Soul came back with what he claimed were the original genetics.


Well that looks like a pack of c-99 times sunshine #4 to me scroll back don’t know if it’s just special edition or test press white label dub ting? But brothers grim did use bodhi plant other year and I’m 90% sure it had snow lotus in in, it would fit with the sativa in it. Sometimes I like to fire from the hip first to check my memory, I will investigate further before I shout mouth off🙄