Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Awesome! I’ve been wondering that for awhile, as I’ve seen your name often.

Yeah I agree! Cannibal queen was a track I heard and got me into them. But heir newer stuff… Meh.


Shhiiit…it did fir me I grabbed a PK. Lol


Report back!

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Anyone pop any Jager Hashplant yet? I’m on the fence on whether I will like the terps of Jager on what I smoke. If it smells to much like Jager, I might vomit. I had some ruff nights as a young aviator in the military. Too many Jager Bombs! I start dry heaving when I smell it. :thinking: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :skull_and_crossbones:


Same way here about Jager LOL bad memories
But, it’s supposed to be the “Blue Dream” of the PNW. Fast finishing, bag appeal, decent potency, good yield. Combine that with the G13Hp and I see some good possibilities.


I mentioned this a while ago, but a friend of mine gave me a bunch of a strain called Jager that he got from a buddy in Oregon about five years ago. It smelled EXACTLY like Jagermeister. I don’t know if that’s the same strain that Bodhi used, but it seems likely. Like vagabondwindy said, though, the combination of that and the 88G13HP dad might make it different. I know that every cross I’ve grown with that GHash dad, the dad pretty much overwhelmed the cross.

Still, if I had a problem with the smell of Jager, I’d probably skip those seeds haha.


Must be since legal weed in USA? I used frequent a coffee shop in lieden nl as it was close to where we lived back turn of millennium I think they actually labelled juicy fruit strain but I may be mistaken and it may have been labelled fruity juice as that was what sensi had to label the strain as after a legal wrangle with wrigleys.
Was a nice daytime smoke almost yellow hairs. And I would also pick up some of the northern lights special for later.
We would also go round the corner to a little coffee shop round the corner called Kama one of the few places we knew outside of Amsterdam that you could buy 100 guilder bags. Although the other coffee shop did sort of get round the law by doing loyalty cards like when you buy coffee from McDonald’s. You would get a card with little boxes on it. Then every 2 gram bag you bought would have a sticker on it. You would remove the sticker place it on your card.
When the card was full they would give you a free 2g bag.
The 100 guilder bags from Kama was k2, later on I met more underground sellers selling k2 at extremely low prices.
My memory is hazy but did the exchange rate maths once and I think it worked out about around £700-750 for half a kilogram.
The guider was fluctuating between 3.4-3.6 at the time which when you worked it out would put 100 guilders at around £28-30 and I think the bags weighed in at 10g.
For some reason I would always get in my head the song by Free alright now. As wriggles had an advert with the song on it. It wasn’t till quite a few years later that I found out that Paul kossoff the guitar player in Free and ranked by Rolling Stones magazine as 51 in greatest guitar player of all time was a very close friend of my mother


Brothers Grimm is almost the original but is not exactly same as there original.
He kept princess I think but had to add at least one component to recreate it.


Very nice! I have a pack of the black raspberry going at the moment as well. Excited to see what you pull out of the pack


Purple Unicorn f5 doing her thing


Here’s some picked a bit early Purple NL#2

This one is 100% pure incense terps… not sure which one, kinda like Nag Champa but that’s not it. Creative+Couchlock with no pain/muscle relief. Kind of a bummer really for how pretty she came out. Lung expanding incense smoke.


Oh, man, yours turned out way more crystal-y than mine did, if those pics are any indication. But mine still has that hard-core grape soda smell that I really dig. There’s definitely some other things going on, too, like kind of a “floral” smell? But not lavender. I can’t put my finger on it. Lilac? I dunno what that smells like haha, I’m just trying to think of any purple flowers. It also has a very stereotypical “purple weed” smell. It’s fucking loud, though. The whole house smells like Purple NL2 after I open a jar.

I’m gonna smoke some at some point here pretty soon. Maybe tonight. It’s just so hard to get off of the Uplift haha. Great weed for sure.


Yeah these particular ones came out pretty crystally, my tops though were definitely sparser :thinking:

This incense smell is kind of addicting but the high is not :joy: If I mix it with the lil bit of Purple MAC I have left it’s like the perfect nighttime herb :heart_eyes: but on its own… not so much. I’m really hoping the 50/50 grape soda/incense and/or the full grape soda plants are better than this one is, right at 12 days of drying for those so should be almost ready to jar…


Just stop it, dude! Haha! You’re really not getting me stoked to blaze it! I just realized that there might be a sort of “cough syrup” thing going on in the smell, too. Like, I kept thinking it’s “grape soda,” but maybe it’s Robitussin haha. That might be what’s turning me off from it.

Still, your opinion is really not compelling me to smoke this shit haha…


I mean I could totally be wrong bro! :rofl:
I haven’t tried the others yet, just this super incense one so could be something with that… My buddy loves it, just standard nightime herb to him but… I need the pain relief/muscle relaxation effect so not having it is really noticeable to me. Everything else about it is fine, just not something I wanna keep around.


Yeah, I agree. Just from the looks of it, the way it grew, the way it was just not frosty, even on the live plant, I was like,”I don’t really like this cross…” right from about three weeks into flower. I trust my intuition and I just got kind of “bad vibes” from mine right from the start. I liked the structure, though. Didn’t stretch too much, if at all, had big ol’ colas (kind of airy, though). I dunno. When I was trimming it, even though my scissors weren’t getting all sticky, I was like,”There’s something in these genetics, if only I can find it…” haha.

I’m gonna hang on to the packs I have for the time being, anyway. I think there might be something there.


Here’s the aforementioned Purple NL2 that I grew, for those of you who haven’t seen my log:

The flash from my camera kind of picked up the few trichomes that are there, but seriously, in person, it really doesn’t look very good at all. That close-up shot makes it look better than it appears in-person. Serious bummer, really. Still, it maybe might smoke great, you never know. I’ll smoke some later tonight and get back to y’all haha…


Mine may be a tad more sparkly, but your’s definitely looks better!

I picked too early, but… nanners :man_shrugging:


Yeah, you picked early. So I’m not surprised that yours turned out kind of hairy or whatever. Loose. Or something. When’d you chop again? Like day 60? Either way, I’ll take super-frosty buds that’re a little airy over the sorta dense buds that are bereft of trichomes haha.

I was actually pretty shocked when I weighed mine, just because those buds felt pretty dense. I thought for sure she’d end up weighing the most out of everything, but she only ended up weighing like 75 grams or so. I don’t really care about the weight, but just from how dense the buds feel, I thought it’d be more.

It actually kind of reminds me of the Pinball Wizard and the Cherry Trance, flower structure-wise, where the nugs kind of FEEL dense, but once I put them on the scale, it’s like,”Shit…”

Anyway, no big deal. The Uplifts turned out fucking fanTAStic, so I’m fine with everything haha. I did have high hopes for the PNL2, though.


Anyone got a lead on a PK of kush4×snow lotus…:grin::v:t5: