Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

yeah day 61 for these buds, and these are the lowers so look a bit more hairy than the tops do. The other two PNL2’s I chopped at day 67 so they look a little better. Need to jar those this weekend and test. So far, still not impressed. You get to try em?


Haha, um… No, I haven’t tried it yet. I can’t get off of the Uplift, to be honest. I really, really like the #2 and the #3, haven’t even tried the other two yet. Haven’t even tried anything, none of the Midas or the Stardawg f2 or anything. Just been digging those two Uplifts.

I’ll check it out at some point this weekend, probably. I was thinking I would smoke some last night, but I drank a ton of beer yesterday and ended up getting in bed at like 8. I wasn’t in any condition to be trying new weed. Visions of getting the spins big-time haha.


You might want to save some of that Uplift, and get started on that stockpile of other weed.
I’m just saying 🤷


There’s a lot of Uplift still. Four females harvested, think there’s over a half-pound of them, all together. But yeah, you’re right, I should hold on to that, just because I won’t be harvesting again until mid-September. I gave some nugs to my next-door neighbors yesterday and afterwards I was like,”Dude, hang on to this shit…” haha.

I usually love pretty much everything I grow, with a few exceptions, but it’s rare that I LOVE something as much as I dig the #2 and #3 Uplifts. The Headbanger from last round was like that, but other than those, it’s been a while since I’ve been this into specific plants. Very good weed, for sure.


sounds like you found a keeper or two… least you got some seeds to come back to and actually keep one next time… maybe :wink:


I’ve had bean packs before where I found a pheno that I liked very much. Didn’t clone them and sadly that pheno didn’t show back up in the pack. Nowadays I clone for at least one more round .


Yeah, except I’m kinda worried that since I got four females from the four Uplift seeds I planted, odds are good that there’s gonna be more than a few males in the seven or eight seeds I have left. GLG has Uplift available (yes, I’ve been looking around haha), probably gonna order an extra pack or two just to be safe. It’s really good weed. I can see why the Hell’s Angels were so fond of it haha! I just need to get up off my lazy ass and drop some money in the mail.

Yeah, I’m gonna start doing that, too. On the one hand, I kind of just want to keep popping seeds and take a look at everything and smoke it and move on to the next. I like just doing grow logs and getting that info out there for people who might be on the fence about buying a particular pack of seeds. There’s just such a lack of information about so many of these crosses.

On the other hand, I feel like if I keep a few mothers around, of stuff I really love, then I can get into whole seed pack runs, too. Like, run a few clones from the mothers and also plant an entire pack. I like variety, so I’ve really only been doing like four or five seeds at a time, of multiple strains. I’d like to get a look at an entire pack, all at once. I have room for about twelve flowering plants. I figure if I plant an entire pack of eleven or twelve seeds, count on 50/50 male-female from those seeds, five or six females from each pack and then flower a few clones, too… I dunno.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot haha. Obviously.


Starting up some Kodama here. Hoping to find a nice daytime variety for biking and such :wink:


I picked my keepers while they were in veg before ever even seeing the flower. I just knew… had a feeling just from looking at those veg leaves… those specific plants were gonna be gold… and so far, I was right.

Everything else I’ve grown, nothing even came close to interesting me until close to the end of flower where I thought, “maybe I should’ve cloned this…” on a couple of them. Only the FLC was worth doing so out of everything I’ve had I didn’t clone up front.

I’ve since started cloning everything before flip regardless… and so far it’s only led me to tossing a bunch of clones I don’t want…

Fun times :sweat_smile:


I think going forward (hopefully) in my grows I’m just going to do whole packs, keep the males and collect the pollen from all of them to pollinate select buds to make F2s. I’ll probably try and clone the females too, just in case something turns out really interesting, you won’t have to worry about re vegging, and plus keeping clones in a small space is pretty easy. Then, you can kinda build a little library of stuff you wanna pull out and grow when you want it.

There’s been too many times now, where I’ve grown a pack out, kicking myself later for not making F2s.

I feel you on the variety part though, because I definitely like having different types around. Just get another tent to run your keepers in for your different flavors/highs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Dude, this literally made me LOL.

Maybe my standards are low (I don’t think they are), but I’ve found at least a couple “keepers” every single round I’ve ever grown. It’s been pretty rare where I find something I dislike so much that I don’t ever wanna grow or smoke it again. The California Cannons were like that, but that was just two plants. There might be something good in those seeds yet. Trying to think of anything else that I really disliked, but I can’t think of anything…

You’re always breeding, though, so it makes sense that you’d toss a bunch of shit. If you’re looking for something specific, then you gotta find what you’re looking for. I’m just looking for weed that gets me baked and makes me feel good. Haven’t had any trouble finding that yet…


Yeah, I need to be f2’ing stuff. And keeping clones and mothers and shit. There’s a real, actual reason I haven’t started making seeds yet, but I won’t get into that here. Still, I’ll start making seeds at some point soon. We should definitely be keeping these genetics around in seed form.



Yeah… idk man… maybe i’m spoiled or something :joy: I’ve had everything in all 3 cannabibles plus some, so I know the type of effects I’m after for my specific use-cases, so it makes me toss a lot of good stuff. Just talking bud quality, the Russian Snow and the Purple MAC I grew would’ve both been keepers for others for damn sure, potent, easy-ish to grow, massive bag appeal and terps, but not for me to keep. The russian snow especially, I would grow that again for sure(fuck growing that purple mac again), still have a few fem seeds of it try someday too. It’s just not something worth me keeping around and growing a bunch of. Was damn good and really potent, just not my thing or what I’m after :man_shrugging:

That nl5hss #5 tho, that’s my keeper :heart_eyes: not quite as potent as the RS or the PMAC but she’s still got it, and the effects of her are just :ok_hand:… I knew in veg before ever seeing any bud at all from this cross, that she was gonna be a star, and she’s proved it every time I’ve grown her out. Everyone I’ve given her too has cloned her and kept running at least one of her every flower cycle, all by themselves.

The FLC I kept is really good stuff and has her place too, but she’s also less potent than the RS and the PMAC were… but her effects are very close to what I want in a good afternoon/weekend herb. This one I didn’t really keep for me though. I more kept her to work with and honor Franco Loja’s prized girls, make a IBL reg line in his honor since Greenhouse won’t do it… more than I wanted it just for me. I do love me some cheese and lemon herb tho. This is one of the very few packs I actually went back and got more seeds of… but that’s mainly for breeding with not finding keepers in :yum:

But those are the only two plants I’ve felt needed kept. Really, just the one, and I didn’t need to see bud to know it. She just… “spoke” to me one day…


Well, we’re all pretty fucking spoiled right now haha. There are more seeds and more information being shared freely right now than ever before. And more really good seeds. Just gotta know who to look to…

Yeah, maybe I should’ve mentioned that. I know what I’m looking for and since there are so many options to fill my needs, it’s pretty easy to find good stuff. I can look at the genetics of any cross and think,”Yeah, that one sounds like something I’m interested in…”

Thanks again for those beans haha. I’m looking forward to growing those out.

I really feel like, who fucking cares about “potency”? If I have to smoke a little more, I have to smoke a little more. I know some people need insanely potent stuff for their medical conditions, but I actually prefer shit that isn’t one-hitter quitter type stuff, just because it all tastes delicious and I wanna blaze a lot of it haha. The Fuzz was like that, just straight-up raw power, but it kind of bummed me out, just because I wanted to smoke more than one bong rip haha. And I tried to do that a couple times, but any more than one hit of The Fuzz was just crippling. Not pleasant at all haha.

Anyway, to each our own. We’re in the Golden Age of growing haha. Or maybe it’s the Bronze Age. Or the Iron Age. I dunno. Which Age was it that was the best? Haha! There’s a lot of people doing our thing freely, though, for sure.


Yeah I caught this after I posted :sweat_smile: Sounds like you may have a lot more options than I do for things to get the job done. Totally makes sense not feeling the need to keep something around long term when there’s all these strains and such that get the job done for you :wink:

Exactly! As long as the stuff is decent, I’m down. If I have to blaze a whole joint to catch a buzz… I’m not keeping that :rofl: Those two plants… basically need 2 hits instead of only needing 1 hit, to get the job done, and you’re not comatose afterwards either. Though the FLC BX1… that stuff if you smoke enough in one sitting, you aren’t doing anything for the first 30min or so :sweat_smile: once the high calms down a bit you can get up and do whatever you want. Potency is way above mids that’s for sure, and that super frosty Ice Cream Cake I had :thinking:… just not 1-hit-quit stuff, which yeah, I am totally fine with! :+1:

Definitely in the golden age of herb info/pics/seeds/strains! ^^


I love that kind of high, though. Where I’m just like,”Whoa, I gotta sit down for a minute,” thinking,”Maybe I smoked too much…” and then, after a half-hour, I’m like,”I’m stoned! Let’s get up and put on some music and make some drinks!” or whatever haha.

Good shit.


Like you said, variety! In every harvest, I need at least 7 different strains plus a couple of second rounders. Plus with all these beans I’ve been acquiring, I need to go thru em.
But to keep it thread related, Bodhi’s Unicorn Milk is what I’m stuck on atm.


High OGs,

new to bodhi gear.
I am from european area near Amsterdam.
Want to order his beans for the first time.

  1. Neroli 91
  2. Terpenado
  3. Deep Line Alchemy 4

good choice?

Looking for heavy hitting strains.



Welcome! Looks like a reasonable lineup for heavy hitters - havent grown those strains myself, but the DLA4 is supposed to be quite nice. 88G13 crosses are strong (and sleepy I find). Neroli should be strong with chem in the lineage, and Terpenado is supposed to be super strong smelling - maybe a bit low yield, but very unique from reports.


Thank you for being welcome!

Great community here. Nice!

And thank s for the confirmation.

I ll give DLA4 and Neroli91 a chance and hope to find a keeper of each pack after I F2 them.

Solid plan?