Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Sounds good to me, I won’t be starting the seeds for probably another two weeks since I’m coming off a pretty gnarly back surgery and want to restructure my room a bit.

Lol, that was a whole lot of bullshit to just say “okay”.

Awesome, this is good to know and really what more can you ask for?

Look at me learning how to quote too I’m in a roll today lol.


No doubt. Great male for sure.

Those are two pretty gawddamn good ones to have. I ran some Silver Mountains last year, they turned out good. Didn’t smoke like I thought they would, but good weed nonetheless.


i like your username @Santiago_and_Dunbar


The dispensaries over my way always have this too but the particular growers buds are sometimes suspect so I never jumped. Lol prices sound about the same as over here too.

Thanks man, lol it’s tough these days to find a username that isn’t taken so I’m lazy and use this one cross forums


I’ve had Sunshine 4 a few times and that shit is magical, I think those seeds are probably hard to find.


Rumor has it that a lot of the Sunshine 4 that’s been passed around is actually a cut of Sunshine 3 that was called Sunshine 4 to see how far it would be passed around.

I’m something of a seed whore myself with a few of Bodhi’s Appalachia crosses. I’m looking forward to popping Wish Mountain, Bingo Pajama, Mountain Temple, and of course SSDD.

Warning: still Appalachia, but slightly less Bodhi…
I also have a few packs of gear from a guy on IG that used a pretty sweet Appalachia F3 male to hit some girls like Dynasty’s Pineapple Fields and Maggie from Swamp Boys. I still need to dig into some of those…and dammit, I need a bigger space. :sob: :joy:


SSDD was the only pack i ordered seconds of, minus purple unicorn, but i haven’t heard great things about the purple unicorn. i’ve been told the sunshine daydream and purple unicorn could use some more potency. i guess time will tell.


Uhhhh, I didn’t say I was looking forward to popping Wish Mountain etc. That was @SmackyMcSmackers. I don’t even have those beans. Not too sure why that quote is being attributed to me…

Pop those, dude. One of my favorite strains, Bodhi or non-Bodhi, ever. I bought two more packs of those from GLG during their 4/20 sale, trying to decide when to grow some. But it’ll be soon…


I haven’t grown it yet, but I may have ordered thirds…:sweat_smile: Everything I read about the SSDD says potency really depends on the pheno.


There seems to be some goofy mis-attribution occurring in several threads today.


yeah, my mistake. i messed up the quote


The ssdd is great smoke! Tasty and the right pheno will numb out nerve pain.

I’m getting ready to chop a mothers milk to try and been impressed with her the whole way.

I’d love to get my hands on a pack of straight Appalachia… but no way that’s happening :joy: will have to settle for all these crosses… maybe cross some of em together :thinking:


some people say Grandaddy purple seed company’s “Bay 11” is actually appalachia, but i don’t know.


Yeah, I grew one female like five years ago, turned out very good, despite the fact that I had to chop her about a week early (really floppy stems, snapping etc, got sick of staking and tying). It was the skunkiest weed I’ve ever grown. For real, all those people on the hunt for that old-school Skunk would be well-advised to check out the SSDD. I’m sure I got an outlier, but still, the expression is there. Somewhere… haha.


This! Mine is a weak floppy b****. Have to yoyo every single branch and the main stem too. She already snapped her main stem in half at 30 days, I had to tape it back and she’s moving right along. Sour butter blueberry muffins is exactly the smell. Guessing Bubbashine leaner :thinking: I think she’s worth the work for a few runs at least.


@nube, thanks for posting. Took at look at the etsy store, and there was still a 2X LE sweatshirt available. Just gotta put it in the dryer on hot, and it should fit no problem.


Yeah, well, what can you do? If you love that plant, you gotta stake and tie, I guess. That one really works for your nerve pain/muscle aches, right? I think I remember you saying that, anyway. If it works, you gotta keep it around. Until you find something with a better structure, I guess.

I will say I wish I’d have cloned that one SSDD I had, just because of how skunky she turned out. Would’ve been nice to maybe incorporate that into some kind of breeding program (even though I don’t do anything like that) and try to further that expression. Give some clones to somebody who knows what they’re doing etc. Oh well… She’s gone now haha…


Recently came into a pack of “field trip” (ssd x gsc) that I’m excited to grow once I get through some other stuff on my list.


Yeah this particular SSDD works specifically for nerve pain. Numbs the nerve pain in my back. Doesn’t touch muscle aches though sadly. Gotta use something else for that :sweat_smile: My NL5HSS.5 does okay for muscle aches but not the best.

Definitely keeping it until I can find or breed one with a better structure, or find something else entirely. My plan was to look for some super sour bubble pheno’s in these Gorilla Bubble BX1 F1’s, but I’m not having much luck with germination right now :confused: Might have to find something else instead…

Edit: These arent the best pics, 31 days in and she’s not all the way hung here


She doesn’t look THAT bad haha. Just kidding, that’s pretty floppy for only 31 days in flower. Welllll, what can ya do…?