Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Uh, no. Like I said, mine turned out very onion/garlic/body odor. But you never know what can happen. Yours might turn out skunky.

Nube mentioned a while back that people had been finding extremely skunky plants from either the Hashplant 4 or the Hashplant D, can’t remember now which it was (I’ve got it written down in my seeds notes, but those are inside and I don’t feel like getting up outta the backyard haha). If you’re interested in skunky shit, maybe buy a pack or two of whichever one it was. You can also search this thread by going into the search bar and simply typing something like,”nube skunky” or something like that.


Or skunky nube :joy:
Edit: both searches turn up these last 2 posts :man_shrugging:t2:


“Stinky nube”? “Dirty nube”? “Rank-ass nube”??? I dunno. Search that. Haha!


Haha!! Welllll, shit… Looks like I just made it more difficult for everybody. As usual. Haha…

You really can just search “nube skunk” in this thread and it’ll turn up the post about people finding very RKS-type plants in either those Hashplant 4 or Hashplant D seeds (fine, I’ll get up and go grab my notebook). You might have to scroll down a little bit and look through some posts, but, uh, if people are that interested, that’s really all you have to do. I’ve done it. And I’m a fucking computer moron, so…

Not talking about “you” specifically, @Vagabond_Windy. I know you know how to use the search function haha! Me and you both know how to do that, so we’ve got that going for us, at least haha!


Here’s the post you’re looking for Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1) - #2297 by nube. It was the Hashplant D he mentioned.


Thanks, dude. I actually did get up and go look at my notes and was planning on typing,”It was the Hashplant D.” But then I was like,”Fuck that. Y’all can search it if you want to…” I like to help people out as much as I can, most of the time, but other times…? Not so much.


Since we are on the subject, did anyone else have poor germination rates with Hashplant 4? I started using RootRiot cubes and it’s been working well, but this time around I was -9 out of 2x seed packs which was 25 seeds. The only thing that I could think of was that I had them in a air conditioned room and temps might have been too low. Oh well, lesson learned…


If you do end up doing an f2’s run sometime please do sign me up for it


Anyone wanna trade for these?
Purple Triangle (Black Triangle x Purple Unicorn)
Snow Monkey (GG#4 x Snow Lotus) Outdoor

I’m looking for SSDD/Nepali OG/Chem/Romulan stuff…
Specifically SSDD F1/F2’s, Baba Kush, Elf Snack, kalifornia, nepali queen, strawberry milk, guava wookie, guava hp, elfinstone, hashplant 4, hashplant d, peach hashplant, straight romulan…

All I got off the top of my head. F2’s are probably fine if you got a journal, not really looking for outcrosses from these packs, though I would likely take other outcrosses of the mom’s I know I missed listing here…

Edit: all gone


Dude, I think I told you that you can have my SSDD f1’s. No trade necessary. I’ll send them to you. I gotta send all that GPS stuff out anyway at some point really soon. Still trying to get up off of my ass and deal with the aphid plants. I went and bought the stuff this morning and was laughing at all of the products at the register. “I’ll take 20 coat hangers, ten gallons of distilled water, three bottles of organic lemon juice, a twelve-pack, a box of baking soda and one Bob Ross magazine, please…” haha. They had some random “Tribute to Bob Ross” mag in one of the aisles, so I scooped it up haha.


Solid decision bro. Just catching up on your aphid debacle also. I feel for you! Had a mite infestation years ago that about drove me over the edge.


Yeah, I doubt I’ll ever actually read it, but the cover alone was worth however much it cost. The cashier didn’t even know who he was (and she was old)(although probably only ten years older than me) and I had to explain to her,”Yeah, you know, Bob Ross. The dude on PBS with the painting show? We watched it when we were kids. His voice is like a Valium.” And she started flipping through it and I was like,”No no no, don’t bother with that. His art sucks. But his voice makes me feel better than any drug ever could…”

Yep, that’s where I’m at right now. I think I’ve actually been driven over the edge. Been listening to “The Fragile” all morning, just getting ready to do this thing. Don’t be offended if I occasionally pop in and write really weird, possibly offensive comments here on OG. I’m fucking pissed. At myself, mostly.

I’ll keep the Bob Ross magazine close by. Just seeing his face makes me feel better.


Laughing so hard at this I’m crying. Could be the best way to describe his soothing cadence and demeanor. How anyone over the age of 25, maybe younger, could not know who the man is puzzles me. Has she been locked in a basement for the last 3-4 decades?

Solid LP. We’re In This Together Now could be the soundtrack for your situation. We’re all here empathizing with you. I know….you gotta do all the work. You know what I mean.

When the mites struck, I was about 2 weeks out from chopping. This was before you could literally find anything on the internet. Got some really shitty advice from some guys I thought knew best and fucked the plants up even worse trying to fix the problem. Ended up trashing the entire grow. Was absolutely fucking livid.


That would be awesome! I don’t think you mentioned those before or I was really baked :sweat_smile:
I wanna do a seed run with my chosen F2 girl, while keeping an eye out for any others, but I need a good male to do it with. Apparently the germ rate on the seed-run F2’s is really bad so hence my search :wink:


I could quote that whole paragraph. We have a lot in common.


Had to grab a couple more space monkey packs on the redrop. Oh yea, the cherry queen is awesome as well.


She very well could have been. She looked like it, anyway.

I’m actually feeling “Into the Void” most right now. “Try to save myself but my self keeps slipping away…” Kinda cheesy, but it’s resonating right now. Plus, the beat on that one is working for me today. The whole album is great, though. I was soooo into it way back, when I lived in Portland, like 20 years ago. It’s actually what made me a fan of Trent Reznor; couldn’t stand NIN before that album. Then I kinda forgot about it until a track from it randomly played on Sonos or pandora or something the other day. Then vernal mentioned NIN on my log and I was like,”Okay, this is weird… I guess I should listen to The Fragile…”

I do know what you mean. And thank you. I really wish someone was here, in person, to hold my hand through this process haha! But having somebody here in spirit is pretty good, too.


I mentioned it to you before, BUT

I get that, too haha. It’s cool. “Fuck that, holyangel! You don’t remember my offer?!? Fuck you!” haha…

Anyway, when I start sending shit out, I’ll get those SSDD’s in the mail to you.


Hashplant D :sunglasses:


GLG has Guava Wookie now.