Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Well said!


Well now you have me questioning buying 3 ghash crosses :joy:

If they’re all pretty similar with different flavors
 may just need to F2 them to find the gold :yum:
Bodhi always talks about ‘opening a genetic treasure chest
’ in a bunch of his lines.


Haha, nah, no way. I seem to be in the very small minority (as in: I’m the only person) who thinks that. Everybody else picks up on differences in the way they smoke. Having said that,

yeah, why not? Somebody’s got to do it. And you know it’s not gonna be me haha.

I will, though! One day! I swear!


My Etsy order arrived! I’m super stoked! :+1:


Does Bodhi ever restock the DLAs?

The collector part of me wants every one of them. The grower part of me can’t decide on which. And the ME me wants that #13 right now
. But my wallet is singing in a low baritone tone nooooooo :pensive: So I guess I’m stuck waiting until someone makes f2s.

If that person is reading this in the future, don’t forget about your ol’ pal Edd. I’m still interested

I meant #13 — I’m a fiend for anything “black” & “afghani”


I think this is the second time DLA 14 (Jalahabad star 5 x 88g13/hp) has been restocked? It came out a drop or two ago I thought :thinking:


Imho, the G13HP male can add a very nice peaceful, comfortable and relaxing effect to the females, in some phenos.
It’s not as neutral a male as Snow Lotus was.
Each Bodhi strain i tried was different in effects but some phenos had that clear but definite indica feel to them. Which i can never get enough of!


Great post, I appreciate your perspective here.


so whats the story on the ban. cmon pls be a good one


 Okay. When I was posting the Golden Triangle tester etc grow report, it was March ‘19, right when the COVID shit started happening. And I mentioned a few times, you know,”Hope everybody’s staying safe and nobody gets coronavirus.” It was a natural thing to talk about; you remember how weird shit was then.

Anyway, I obsessively read and re-read my grow reports. Self-editing, seeing how I can make my grow reports (or anything I write) better. It’s just something I do. I wanna be the best writer I can be, all the time, even when I’m just hanging out on or thcfarmer or the comments section of Matt Taibbi’s substack or wherever. So I was re-reading that grow report a couple weeks ago and I noticed that any mention of COVID/coronavirus had been changed to “flu.” Not even “the flu.” Just “flu.” So, like, when I wrote,”Hope nobody’s gotten coronavirus,” it instead read,”Hope nobody’s gotten flu.” Again, not,”The flu,” just,“Hope nobody’s gotten flu.”

First, that makes me look like a shitty writer. Every sentence I write is crafted exactly the way I want it (unless I’m so shitfaced that I don’t give a fuck). Those little three-sentence comments I post here (okay, fine, I never keep my posts to three sentences, but whatever)? I write those, then spend like five minutes poring over every word to make sure it reads exactly the way I want it to read. I wanna get my point across as clearly as possible. If you change my words and make it look like I said,”Hope nobody gets flu,” you’re making me look like an idiot who can’t write a coherent sentence.

Secondly, fuck you. You’re fucking with my words for political reasons. Any site that straight-up bans the mention of coronavirus can suck my dick. I don’t wanna talk about coronavirus; I wish we never had to mention it again. But particularly back then, in March ‘19, when we didn’t even know what the fuck was going on, it was, again, just a natural thing to talk about in my (admittedly) chatty grow logs.

Anyway, when I noticed it, I commented on it. And then I noticed that once I posted the comment, the word “COVID” just automatically got changed to “flu.” Like thcfarmer had installed some
 I dunno. I don’t know how this works haha, I’m a moron when it comes to “computer things,” but basically if you type the words “COVID” or “coronavirus” on thcfarmer, they just automatically change them to “flu.”

So I started typing “C O V I D” over and over again haha. “C O V I D,” which was “allowed.” And then I started a thread, I think the title was like “thcfarmer is changing my words” or something like that. Got banned in like three minutes. I knew I’d get banned. Who fucking cares? Fuck thcfarmer. And fuck logic. Dude is clearly a fucking piece of shit.

Freedom of speech, baby! Amiright?!?


lmao thats hilarious, much better than i anticipated. sure freedom of speech doesnt apply to private made forums but cmon changing peoples comments to flu instead of covid is so so weird and then to make a bot to auto change it shows he was even more weirdly fixated on it. i prob would have been banned for by passing it just for shits and giggles haha


The First Amendment only applies to the government, but the principle of free speech still exists.


in principle of course in actual the sites can do what they want


ICMag had a script change all “Gorilla Glue” to “Original Glue”.


I kind of get the icmag choice, as it’s likely gorilla glue is a trade Mark. Fighting off a team of soulless American corporate lawyers on a site already in a legal grey zone would not be fun. Completely absurd but survival is not an unreasonable choice.

The thc farmer choice is more a case of a single individual trying to force reality to be what he wants because it conflicts with his belief. That’s a whole new level of crazy.


That might’ve been at the request of GG, in the interest of not getting sued?


Agreed, the circumstances are different. I’m just pointing out it is possible to do in forum software. Free speech doesn’t exist in a privately owned website.


are you sure? Maybe it’s just about yelling it loudly and often enough that the magical power of the US constitution will make all you disagree with admit defeat.

I love the internet.


Haha, yeah, dude, pretty much any story I ever tell you is gonna be better than you anticipated. There’s always some weirdness involved, followed by me getting irritated and choosing to escalate the situation instead of diffusing it, which always leads to a few laughs
 Or hospital trips haha! Usually both.

It was a joke. Obviously, thcfarmer can do whatever they wanna do. Still
 Fuck thcfarmer. Amiright?!? Haha.

That I actually get. Cuz didn’t the manufacturers of Gorilla Glue try to sue Josey Wales or something? Haha. Really fucked up, but also kinda funny. I could see a website being like,”Shit, man, maybe we should just cover our asses.” Coulda been and probably WAS more of an effort to kind of direct people to the “Original Glue Seeds” website or whatever it’s called. But whatever the reason, I kinda get that.


Is it as skunky as I hope?(the clusterfunk)