Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

I’ve seen a list floating around on multiple forums with a note about Bodhi’s Wookie cuts, both male and female. But, the Wookie 30 cut used in the Wookie HP v2 from the most recent drop doesn’t seem to be included. Does anyone know what the Wookie 30 might be and how it fits into the list I’ve seen or if it’s just a misprint?

The only Wookie info I’ve seen details these cuts:

wookie 7 (grapefruit lavender) f
wookie 4 (berry lavender) f

wookie 15 (male version of 7)
wookie 11 (male version of 4)

wookie 25 (super potent)
wookie 41 (big fusion)
wookie 5 (in review)
wookie 8 (in review)


Thanks, dude! I’m super-stoked.

Haha, yeahhhhh, I’m fully planning on a long grow this time. Also planted six of Doc’s Bandaid Haze, so… If all goes according to plan, I’ll be flipping on or around December 1. I’m thinking I’ll be chopping the Soar, C. Gold cross and Bandaid right around early- or mid-March haha. Gotta loooooove those equatorial Sativas! Feels good to be growing again, though. Love it. And one of the Bandaids is above ground already, less than 72 hours after planting. Got a real good feeling about this grow…


I have archive’s version of these cuts, their pure blueberry and a hybrid of colorado flo x face off OG. I seeded them with bodhi’s china cangshan landrace sativa. Should make for some fun hybrids.


I was thinking of grabbing their Blueberry and OverFlo to make some hybrids with as well. Let us know how your crosses turn out. Cool to hear that they have DJ’s lines… I’ve never had a chance to try the pure blueberry.


For sure I will try to get some pictures of the seeded females as well. They are kind of stunted from being fully seeded early in flowering, but these lines look decent. The overflow is very frosty with long floppy colas spilling out all over the place. Many tops with no apical dominance. The blueberry has the classic leaves with deep veins that look almost crinkled. And it actually smells like mild floral blueberries.

archive is really weird about their genetics. Their cuts are actually all seed lines and they frequently make new selections, but keep the naming and numbering the same for everything they sell. They have the genetics for blueberry listed correctly as afghani x thai x oaxaca. But when I asked them if it was DJ short’s blueberry they said it isn’t, it’s their own blueberry seed line.

I’m guessing it is DJ short’s line, but they don’t want his name associated with it because of DJ’s claim of ownership over the blueberry line. He has said many times that he doesn’t want other people to work with the line.

It could also be their seed line of an older version of dj’s blueberry like the one circulated as a seed line in oregon, or the version which was sold through a dutch seed bank in the 90’s, before his name was associated with the line.

whatever it is, it sounds like they have worked it and owned it long enough that they feel it is distinct.


Thanks for the info, I had heard this elsewhere but didn’t know if it was truth. Kinda weird that they do this, but it probably keeps their clone selection vigorous and avoids the whole ownership issue. Just sucks that you don’t know exactly what you’re getting. Sure does sound like DJ’s genetics though, with the crinkle-y veins and floral blueberry smell…


I mean, on the one hand, I get where he’s coming from, just because he actually put in the work, worked those lines and really did kind of create new and unique hybrids. It’s not like he was just chucking. But yeah, I mean, you release some seeds, you have to expect people working your lines, making crosses etc etc. Can’t get mad about that.

I’ve never grown any of his gear, but I love DJ Short. I’ve read his article “Strains of Yesteryear” at least 500 times. And his profile on “Grantland” is pretty good, too. Are you getting ready to plant some of his seeds or something? Is that a pic you took? Of the Blueberry seeds?


It’s his older packaging from SB & I took the picture of the (empty) packs. I see he’s updated the current packaging quite a bit. I do also agree he put in a ton of work into the lines with great documentation which is awesome, and contributed a whole lot to the community as a whole. The big downside as we’re seeing is the waters get muddied when people who are using his genetics in their crosses have to obscure the source to avoid offending or upsetting him.

Anyways not trying to focus any negative energy towards him and my observation was meant to be about how much I appreciate Bodhi’s approach in contrast. I have no professional breeding aspirations but it was a breath of fresh air to hear Bodhi get excited on the PotCast episode about the idea of people playing around with the genetics they purchased, even more when he encouraged F2ing discontinued lines. A genuine dedication and care for the plant that is worth supporting in my book.


Haha, yeah, I got that. Bodhi’s attitude is pretty rare amongst so-called “breeders” these days. Love that dude, too haha. I really oughta start listening to these podcasts. I just hate them haha, I dunno why. I feel like, if I’m gonna listen to something, it’s gonna be music. Always. I feel like a dipshit just sitting there listening to people talk. I meant to listen to the Bodhi Potcasts on my way back from NY in August. Downloaded them on my phone and everything. Forgot my earbuds at home, bought a pack at the airport, went to plug them into my phone and the jack was, like, for old-school Walkmans or something haha. Wouldn’t plug into my phone. I dunno why the airport is selling Walkman headphones haha.


I just watch Bodhi interview on potcast, I never was looking in his direction when looking for seeds to I got on OG man this site is the insight.
Next time I spend its going to Bodhi I would love to be as grounded as him.




Definitely listen if you can find the time, so much good info in those episodes, plus bodhis vibe comes through overall, real inspiring shit. Took me a while to get into the podcast thing too but I just look at it as a sub for talk radio like Stern or whoever, just focusing on shit I actually care about


$750 cuts reeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I was excited about the drops till I saw what they were. I’m definitely passing on this one.


To give context to what @WeTokeChronic and @PlantShepherd just said, @Miss_Bodhi posted last night that there are going to be two LE drops coming up. And they’re both finally t-shirts!!!

Here’s the full context so nobody misses out:

:peace_symbol: :seedling:
:rainbow: :sun_with_face:


I don’t blame you. A Wedding Cake cross? Seriously? That Destroyer cross might turn out pretty good, though. And now that I think about it, that Wedding Cake cross might end up being super-tasty. Not my cup of tea, though.


Exactly! Glad I’m not the only one lol. Funk wedding cake, mimosa, cookies and all the hype crap! I would be down with destroyer, but I’m not really a fan of the wookie male. It’s ok, but lower on the list for me.


Dudes gotta pay the bills somehow that wedding cake cross will prolly sellout fast as anything. Betcha it is super tasty too, anyone know the pricing?


Yeah, I feel like I should revisit at least one of Bodhi’s Wookie crosses. I grew the Pinball Wizard and the Cherry Trance and really didn’t like the flavors on either of them. Flower structure was weird, too. But he keeps using those Wookie males, so there must be something there. Maybe those crosses make good extracts? I dunno.


Around 100$ shipped with a Tshirt this time around. Seems the “LE” drops are coming more often than usual. Probably to pay Ms. Bs bills while she’s recovering. I’d usually jump on this but I’m not sure I want any of those 2.

Anyone want to go half on the Wedding cake x Wookie cross? :sweat_smile:
You keep the shirt I take the seeds? :joy: