Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 3)

He really is as nice of a guy as they say isn’t He? That’s so rad you got all that from him. If you F2 that WHP I’ll for sure be in the line for some. I think they could be good outdoor performers here in my climate, plus I love the romantic notion of having these super tall plants in my back yard and just cruising out there to rub a fresh finger of charas off of them every day.

How’d you like that Uzbek when you ran it? I ran the PK x UHP outdoors and it performed well for me but the flower cured out with this really unappealing sour dirt smell that put me off. Been wondering if that came from the PK, the Uzbek, or just some random ass gene combination from the two of em


Yeah I think it’s this Viet7. Said it’s one of his fav sativas. Had to pick it up based on that alone.


How about trading that Cherry Lotus then?


Sounds like you can pick one more pack from JBC and you’ll be well on your way to getting what you want :smiley:


Baba Kush @ about 65 days. Gonna bring them down at 70 or so, though they’re looking pretty done.

BK1 - funky chocolate berries

BK2 - hot butter, less berry muffin

BK3 - butter berries mixed with a clean air smell

BK4 - blueberry muffins with warm butter, and chem - this one smells most like buttery blueberry muffins. Also gonna yield the most, main cola is about the size of a coke can.

BK5 - all gas, no brakes. fuel-y, funk, whatever berry was there got buried. Strongest smelling in the tent. Thinking of re-vegging this one.

BK6 - more buttery muffins, but also leans more to the chem side.

This tent out-funked everything in my other tent with hype clones (except maybe the Rainbow Belts). Bodhi ftw!

I’ll be back for the smoke test in a month or two.


I didn’t get to flower the Uzbek.
I had a dozen in veg, then hit the road to Cali in July after a buddy was KIA in Afghanistan
I left the plants with a buddy but he didnt do well.


Wow, thank you


You gotta increase the sterling!!!



Hasplant and haze. Mmm


Someone in the Doc D thread ran some of the NWHP hybrids in VT. I don’t remember how it turned out, but it might be worth checking as a guide.
I grew the PCB X NWHP next to a couple A5HT hybrids, including PCB X A5HT, and the NWHP plants absolutely dwarfed them. The NWHP plants reached sexual maturity in veg first, but would to go way longer. Didn’t get the chance though cause I grew them with a hammer…oops!


jesus fuck dude, nice, all of 'em but this one damm


@iamyou_youareme just wow, those all look insane, that baba Kush is one that I thought would be a real smoke show and damned if I wasn’t right on that hunch

@Wuachuma im sorry to hear about
Your friend, my sincerest condolences. Those Uzbeks remain a mystery I suppose. That was one I had another hunch about being an outdoor performer here in my zone based on the fact that the area shares latitude with mine. I was kinda right about them doing well just got caught by those weird/gross terps

@420PyRoS haze lines make me nervous TBH, anxiety city for me, but damned if I don’t love that spicy flavor

@potpotpot ill have to go scope that thread for sure, I’ve heard nothing but good things about the NWHP. What’s the “PCB” portion of that cross? I’m reading this at 6am here so my brain is not fully warmed up for the day. :joy::joy: given the cold and wet we experience here in VT I have a feeling anything from the mountainous regions of India or Nepal, or anything bred for outdoors in PNW would probably throw down here. So far my plan for next years outdoor is to run some of Copa’s project 25 and some local breeders stuff, but I’m always on the lookout for other contenders to unseat those two and switch up the game plan, major bonus points if I can find something of Bodhi’s that’ll work, cause big :heart::heart::heart: for Bodhi


good meds f2s at day 48. It is looking almkst done :eyes:, it just had a nanner breakout on the lowers so might be harvesting early. It has an albino spot on one bud ha. Rest are rockin looking like 9 weekers or so. Pretty stinky with lots of funky fruityness - melony?


It is Purple Corrinto Budder, which is what Kiona calls their cut of Coastals Hibiscus, which is a Colombian crossed with Hawaiian Puna Budder.


Top Dawg has the High Biscus and a couple others still up on their Discord. That’s where I snagged the Green Crack x BSHW beans



My new ph meter took all my money haha. But if I had a spare $50 I would jump on that.


That was me. I don’t know if I’d say I really did the plants justice in the end (I did Ethiopian Banana x NWHP and BLR x). Took 'em out till the beginning of November, I think, and then decided to call it a day. A high tunnel might have been nice. Truth be told some of them are still hanging, I got sidetracked, etc. I don’t recall what location in Nepal I used to look at their climate, but whatever I used I was surprised that it isn’t as much like Vermont as I thought, drier, a little more temperate. Still, they were definitely hardy plants…

Apparently I’m committed to trying them again because I still a few packs.


As it happens I also ran P25, which did pretty well for me. Good enough I bought another pack so I can give it another go this summer.

Were the Uzbeks you ran pure? I was thinking about trying some of CSI’s Uzbek.


Hey man! Great woodchucks think alike eh? I’m real hyped to try out those P25s, if they go as expected I’ll probably try to make some seeds etc. and keep working em over the years, I’m also gonna run some of anthos seeds Niben outside. Dude is out in Morrisville I think and they’re supposed to crush outdoors. The Uzbeks I ran were Bodhi’s Pure Kush x Uzbekistan hashplant, the plants performed admirably, got a couple spots of PM but I was able to clear it up with some dr. Zymes, it was the terps at the end and threw me, really nasty I’m not a good way.


Yes sir, those look like good medicine nugs, description of the terps sounds the same too, bummer to hear about the bananas though

Plant structure looks a little different from what I saw in my F2s, was that one wanting to maintain apical dominance? I had one pheno that just wanted to grow that one big top cola no matter how I tried training it, don’t think I tried topping it though