Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 3)

I topped all of mine twice, so they have nice short bushy structures. I definitely have one that I thought was less receptive to it, less lateral branching and not that bushy. Yep that one is super early and the only with bananas so far. Theyre probably a bit on the hot side, 315w cmh in a 3x3 is hot ha.
Will have to post pics of my favorite soon, its super chunky, and has great branching. Almost too many fans had to defoliate a lot.


Yea, when I grew mine I tried not to top any, but did a little bending and super croppingon the lateral branches to help them fill in, but I had one pheno, the #6, that no matter what I did just wanted to grow one totem pole. My keeper pheno was a nicer, bushier structure though. So cool to see/hear about what sounds like a similar distribution of phenotypes in your pack. Thanks for sharing that!


Yeah Im psyched on them. I flowered out one before and dig the high. Really mellow functional sativa. It was just a teeny runt, last minute transplant and didnt love it ha.


Dangit, I was hoping you were going to say Uzbek Headstash (x Petrolia Headstash). Maybe I wonā€™t put those at the top of the list thenā€¦


@Habitt BT #2 is low odor also to me. Itā€™s either that or I have a terrible noseā€¦I barely smell anything when I open the tent.

@HolyAngel thank you sir! Glad to hear that both plants have clear TK characteristics. Iā€™ve only smoked TK from the dispensary, which was like a much weaker version of BT #1. I blame that on the cultivator though :joy:

@Mestizo interesting, what does Turkish Delight taste like?


what type and brand of meter did you go with? just curious


I got a bluelab. Had an HM digital, and to be fair it was a few years old, so I got my $50 worth out of it.


@unomas Itā€™s like a rich spice that is powder sugared and has a gummy texture. Only the sugar spice relates to the BT, not the texture. But had more than one person say that to me. It was lip smacking tasty. Turkish Delight is not everyoneā€™s go to and you can easily overdo it and not have to have any for months. You can find it in specialist candy shops where they sell lots of old type boiled candy sweets. The kind of ones the grandparents used to like. Itā€™s definitely an old taste and a bit acquired. Not for everyone I would say. I happen to like it personally.


Woooaah love me some Dragons Blood Hashplant! Was super stoked to get some in the last coop box


Also, Middle Eastern and Armenian markets if you have either of those nearby @Mestizo ā€¦ personally I love pistachio turkish delight (and hate the rose water) but regardless, there are different flavors and I AFAIK those are two of the more common kinds. I have come across rose water terps (geraniol?) in cannabis, and the first one was a TK hybrid, soā€¦

ETA: Itā€™s turkish delight one of the characters (Edward?) is obsessed with in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, which is funny because they make it sound so appealing, but itā€™s a weird chewy lightly-sweet candy that most kids would probably find odd.


ā€œDepending on the origin and manufacturing method, rose water is obtained from the sepals and petals of Rosa Ɨ damascena through steam distillation. The following monoterpenoid and alkane components can be identified with gas chromatography: mostly citronellol, nonadecane, geraniol and phenyl ethyl alcohol, and also henicosane, 9-nonadecen, eicosane, linalool, citronellyl acetate, methyleugenol, heptadecane, pentadecane, docosane, nerol, disiloxane, octadecane, and pentacosane. Usually, phenylethyl alcohol is responsible for the typical odour of rose water but is not always present in rose water products.[19]ā€


Yes I never had it before and the only time I heard of it was Chronicles of Narnia, but I was gifted some for Christmas. I was disappointed especially because of the rose water one lol. They look so good, but when I ate it is was too lightly flavored. Never had the pistachio though, that might be more up my alley


Yes. I think the White Witch bribes Edward with Turkish Delight in to giving up his brother and sisters, the narc. Good memory. I smashed all those books when I was a kid. Preferred Tolkien though. His lore was deep. Never tried pistachio Turkish Delight but will keep an eye out now for that. Rose water, I donā€™t like the idea of. Never thought Iā€™d be discussing C.S.Lewis or Tolkien in a thread about weed either so there you goā€¦ Respectacles.


Quick photo of the four Kailash seedlings rocking along. Impressive vigor on these so far


What would you all think about reorganizing the bodhi guide to make seed buying conversations easier to follow, and grow reports and factual reference material better organized?

Instead of a general purpose bodhi plant and seed guide, we could use two topics:

a ā€œbodhi plant and grow guideā€ specifically for grow and smoke reports, so all documentation will be well organized, and easy to use for reference material

and a ā€œbodhi seed buying and discussion guideā€ for all posts about buying seeds, trades, showing collections, and mail days, seed bank swag items etc. to keep these conversations on track and uninterrupted by other topics

That way we can have factual grow information and documentation in a dedicated thread, and all the seed buying discussions in a dedicated thread.

I think branching this thread into two topics could make this better and smoother for everyone.

Does this sound like an appealing idea? Just testing the waters here.

Please cast a vote in this poll so we can gauge what the majority preference is:

  • I would prefer a ā€œbodhi plant and grow guideā€ and a ā€œbodhi seed buying and discussion guideā€ to keep reference information organized, and conversations easier to read
  • I would prefer to continue to use the general purpose ā€œbodhi plant and seed guideā€ for all topics of discussion

0 voters

Thanks everyone


When my brothers and I were younger, we read Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and our Mom got us some Turkish delight because that mother fucker sold out his family to get some from the White Witch! When we tried it we were like "Ewā€¦ why tf would you be a narc for this shit!":rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::bear:


Itā€™s hard to find good Turkish delight outside of Turkey, itā€™s like the hash, they save the best for themselves lol


I like this.
Its like how Cannivore did the bodhi strain guide on ICMag


Copied from my journal. Letā€™s get some more reviews coming!

Bodhi Seeds - Lemon Hashplant V2 (Lemon G x 88G13/HP)

I only had 5 beans to play with, and I got two girls out of it. Their structure and growth was very similar. They were vigorous growers throughout veg, loved to be topped, and easily became the biggest plants in the flower tent. The stretch was probably between 2 - 2.5X. I took the larger #2 to 62 days and the smaller #1 came down at 70 days. Both produced fairly leafy buds with good overall yields.

#2 at 62 days

#1 at 70 days

#2 smelled like a moldy wet towel as early as I could get whiffs from her. For a second around week 5 she had some lemon scent but it quickly passed. The trichs were dry and you really had to rub them to get a scent. The cured buds still hold that moldy towel scent. Itā€™s a bit disconcerting, like Iā€™m thinking bud rot or something, but no. But now thereā€™s an incense type smell creeping in too. The taste is surprisingly hashy, and pleasantly smooth. No trace of lemon anywhere on this one. The high is strong, well-balanced, and lasts a good while. Decent smoke all around, just no lemon to be found.

#1 is the winner in my book, though not good enough that Iā€™d bother keeping her around. She actually has the lemon smell coming through very nicely right now! I couldnā€™t smell any of it at harvest. I was mostly getting incense, floral, maybe some pine, but now in cure she has a bit of the lemon pledge thing going and it sort of comes through on the smoke as well. Not nearly to the extent of Lemon G in smell or taste, but a really nice balance of lemon and hashy goodness, like lemon-tinged bubble hash. The smoke is a bit more invigorating in comparison to #2, but still fairly potent. Itā€™s good smoke pretty much any time of day.

From my small viewpoint, the G-hash male definitely upped the potency of Lemon G in this cross while also kind of dominating the overall smell and taste. Structurally, thereā€™s lots of hashplant leaves on those two while still retaining some of the Lemon Gā€™s bigger structure. But Iā€™m sure you could find a Lemon G leaner in a pack or two, if thatā€™s your thing. If I had another pack I would probably hunt through it. This next round Iā€™m trying CSIā€™s Lemon G x Lemon Party, then eventually Iā€™ll get around to Bodhiā€™s Lemon G x Wookie 15 (Lemon Wookie V2). Maybe one day Iā€™ll get the cut to play with.

Side note: Lemon Hashplant V1 (and other Lemon V1 crosses) used his Lemon Diesel mom. He moved to using Lemon G for all the V2 crosses he made.


Those look nice :yum: I tested the Lemon Wookie V1 in 2016. B said the Lemon was Lemon Diesel. I thought thatā€™s what he used for the Lemon HP V1, too?