Bodhi Plant Guide

You on Instagram? Mind if I repost the plant shot to @bodhiguide?


I’d be honoured!
Yes I’m on instagram.


Midnight cowboy

Strawberry Fantasy

Forest queen



Strawberry Fantasy #2


Found a lil bit of resin on a few skunk hashplant males + the fasciated plant/branch

Can’t seem to find resin on the black one, but he is purrty IMO


TK x Iraq Ranya
Pheno 2
Ran 69 days

Cut two of her sister # 1 phenos as well. # 2 is gone from my garden but still around. Plenty of # 1 to run.


appreciate it! looks like it was well recieved lol. people want to see the new stuff on the Guide but it’s hard gathering pics these days. all the hashtags are blocked/banned!

maybe ill make a thread to see if people want to post their finished plant shots to upload there.


Blueberry Hashplant


Great idea! It’s such a great page!

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Nice studly bros you got there

Im not gonna lie, id totally dry and smoke test the resin-y skunk HP dude lol for science

I grabbed a freebie pack of them from shoe last month. Good to see they are :muscle:

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Triple Goddess veg day 35:

Veg day 52:

Veg day 60 (the day before I flipped):

Flower day nine:

Flower day 19:

Flower day 29:

Flower day 39:

Very, very little stretch on her, which I was neither expecting nor hoping for. I wanted her to get tall…

Anyway etc etc, here she is on flower day 73, which is today haha, just chopped her a little bit ago:

These pics aren’t loading sideways or anything, btw, the branches were just flopping big-time, probably shoulda done more to stake them, but whatever.

Smells are total “OG Perfume-y” with a little bit of berry-ness (gotta be from the Snow Lotus male. I think) mixed in. But mostly OG-ish. She smells good! Very, very dense flowers, too. Maybe the densest I’ve ever grown. I was thinking about chopping her a week ago, but she started flopping more and more so I figured, you know,“Well, if she keeps leaning like this, that must mean the flowers are getting fatter, right?” so I let her go until today. I think day 73 was the right time to chop her, though, pretty sure she’s fucking DONE.

One note for anybody who’s thinking about actually planting these seeds: I ended up with three “females” from five seeds planted and all three of them hermed. The one pictured above started throwing sacs around day 15 or so, plucked them and she ended up fine. The other two started throwing both nanners and sacs around day 21, if I remember correctly, so I trashed them. Honestly, I’m kind of regretting doing that now haha. I wonder if I’d have just dealt with them, maybe they would’ve turned out okay. I dunno…

I’ve still got a decent amount of these seeds left, though, definitely gonna plant some more at some point, herms be damned! Pretty stoked about that one I just chopped.

Can’t wait! Haha…


That plant looks amazing @minitiger. I was sad when you spoke of the earlier hermfest you experienced, TG was high on my list to pop as I’ve got a couple of packs myself.

I’m hoping the smoke and effects live up to the smell and structure.


Is it blueberry terp wise? Just curious!

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Yeah, I think those seeds are definitely worth planting, just be vigilant haha and keep an eye out for intersex stuff. I typically chalk sacs/nanners up to user error, but nothing else in the tent hermed, so… You know.

I don’t think I’d breed with plants from that line, though haha…


Yes I definitely got varying degrees of blueberry terps across three different phenotypes. Also a slight metallic musk. Mild yet has that ‘oh boy watch out’ chronic edge to it!


Day 37 for this Fat Strawberry. Smell has turned to fermenting strawberries. Bottom fan leaves seem to be turning black near the tips and feel/look leathery.


Secret Chief #2
Day 50

Getting frosty and starting to fade. Still smelling berry-like/citrusy to me.


Wow! Beautiful!!


Eternal Sunshine(S1) A huge bean that popped quickly and grew

nicely. She graciously tolerated my abuse and harvested at around 14 weeks flower. The smell from the plant was hibiscus, geranium Hawaiian breeze, with a hint of sweat, very feminine intoxicating smell. Large sandy type trichomes


Awesome looking plant there. It’s a bush! First thought is that it would probably do great outdoor.