Bodhi Plant Guide

Space Monkey


These pictures are insane. I gotta get some of these. Only got 1 bohdi pack and its a long flowering haze I’m not ready for that yet…hmu for tradesyss lol autocorrect wins again.


What “long-flowering Haze” from Bodhi did you get? My only “complaint” (if you wanna call it that) is that he doesn’t really work with too many longer-flowering varieties. So, yeah, just curious.


The longest flowering from Bodhi in recent years, my only time paying attention, is Dread Bread. It can go ten weeks maybe a little longer depending on what you get from the genetic gamble.


Afgooey x dragonblood f3 went anywhere from 9-13 weeks for me… starflight v1 went 11-12 weeks… probably recessive sativa phenos I dealt with…


Someone I knew grew dread bread and it went 14 weeks for them.

I just went 17 weeks on my DLA16 with 12/12 and someone else ran it at 11/13 and got 11 weeks. Light schedules and phenotypic variation will give differing results.That Viet #7 can go 18 weeks. He has many but they’re not the elite cut x worked bodhi male stuff. Those have all been worked down to shorter flowering periods already.


Just took my 2 Laughing Lemons and 2 Joysticks at 10.5 weeks.

Beautiful plants, will post a more thorough recap of each here when I’ve got something to say about the taste and effects.

Joystick 2:


Oh, he’s released plenty of stuff that’ll take eleven or twelve weeks easy. My Dreadbreads both got chopped on day 77, IIRC, and coulda gone longer. The Mountain Temples I’m growing now are probably gonna take that long, pretty sure I chopped them around eleven weeks the last time I grew them. I didn’t chop my Purple NL2 until day 82 etc etc etc. Ten or eleven weeks is nothing.

I was just wondering what Haze hybrid that Sintax person got, since the only Haze thing of Bodhi’s that I can think of off the top of my head is that Metal Haze repro he released a couple years ago.


How long does Mountain Temple go for typically?

Are you joking? I just said it in the post above yours.


Nope I totally missed it, my bad. Let me scroll up.

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OK cool, so should run around as long as the AJ’s.

2 Prayer Tower Sativa phenos seeded up with F2’s. Should be pulling them next week


Here’s a few pics of the two Mountain Temples I have growing now, flower day 42, which was nine days ago. Plant #1:

And plant #5:

I actually think that that #1 plant is gonna finish in under ten weeks. She looks a lot further along now than she did when I took those pics nine days ago. The #5 plant seems to be taking after the SSH in the cross, with much more “wild”-looking flowers, pretty sure she’s gonna take twelve weeks minimum. Just keep in mind that I flipped those on day 32 of veg, which isn’t something I normally do, usually veg for at least eight weeks. If you give them a proper veg they’ll get tall, if height is a concern. It’s not a concern of mine, but I know that some people worry about it.

And here’s a completed grow log from the first time I grew the Mountain Temples (three plants) like eight years ago, if you, you know, feel like reading and stuff:


I’ll grab some pics of mine tonight it’s day 51


How people miss a post that answers their question just above the one they ask the question in.


Really? So you flipped yours on the exact same day as I flipped mine? April 12? That’s pretty cool. Very coincidental! Haha…


Yep, an impromptu flower run to reset or clear out some moms between my seed run and the coco run I’m doing. I am running Stardawg Corey, Hella Jelly, Blackout Bobby, Indiana Bubblegum, AJ’s Sour D, and mountain temple in 7 gal pots


Eternal Sunshine is up to 16 weeks or so says the description. :man_shrugging:t2: I’ve yet to flower one out though. Just to add it to the list. (They are, what, 4 years old though?)


Here she is. It’s a shit picture because I got down there later than I wanted too and she’s in the back.