Bodhi Plant Guide

Phone Home Pheno#5


Chopped the other Pura Vida f2 yesterday, flower day 79. Here she is on veg day 31:

And veg day 48:

She was flipped a few days after that.

Flower day 17:

Flower day 30:

See how bushy she was down there at the bottom? I shoulda defoliated her a little bit, she ended up developing a tiny bit of PM on some of those lower leaves (and I was being sloppy about watering, too, getting water all over the bottom leaves, which I’m sure didn’t help). I finally did defoliate sometime shortly after those pics were taken and that was it. Problem solved. PM didn’t spread or anything.

Anyway, flower day 47:

Flower day 64:

And flower day 79 (Chop Day):
Aaaaarrrrggghhhh!!! I just realized I labeled all of the Pura Vida #2 Chop Day pics (the one that I chopped yesterday and that I’m talking about right now) “Pura Vida #5,” which is the one I chopped last week. Pssshhh… Gawddamnit… haha. How irritating…

Anyway, here she is, Pura Vida f2 #2 (NUMBER TWO), flower day 79 haha:

She smells super-strong of Lysol. And that’s okay with me haha. I also got very noticeable whiffs of coffee from her when I was moving her around yesterday, which is the first time I’ve noticed that. Pretty surprising and interesting, really, but I’ll take it haha. We’ll see if that lasts through the dry and cure. Notes of fresh cut grass and a sorta “fresh” sensation in my nose, too, like peppermint or spearmint or something. Again, we’ll see if that lasts.

Mostly, though, the consistent smell has been Lysol/floor cleaner, which makes me think that she’s leaning towards the Appy/Chem side of the cross, and that’s fine by me. Really looking forward to blazing her in a month or so.


Nice! Looking tasty. How far along is she? Almost done? She looks almost done… haha.


Great work as always dude!


Thanks, yes she was ready 64 days after flip.


Bodhi’s Blue Tara (Bubbashine x Snow Lotus), F3’d by @Oldjoints and supplied by @JohnnyPotseed on Day 39 of 12/12 she’s smelling like blueberry hash and cream


Wow, I love the look of this plant. Great job!


Thank you for posting your Blue Tara f3! Please do a smoke report of your branchy beauty when it’s all done and ready. Thanks!


Looks like you have done a good job with her!

You will enjoy the smoke also……. Mine tasted of blueberries!


Nice man! My blue taras are at a similar flower time and some have started really putting off blueberry muffin aromas. Others are more skunky or kushy.


That definitely looks like an Appy leaning bud… looks great!


What’s up og’s, I guess I’ll show the 2 females of chem d ×pu×wookie one just flipped not to long ago and one waiting in veg.,you can see the two different expressions clearly…

… I got a feeling the one in flower is gonna be a stretcher like the ones I ran before…God I hope not…I don’t have the room in that 2×2…:laughing:


To accelerate the flowering of the plant, you can increase the length of night by 1 or more (11/13 or even more) a week and return to the classic 12/12 after the start of a confident flowering.

Although the situation is quite strange, since the plant that has more signs of Sativa is already blooming and the plant Indica is not yet. Everything should be the other way around …


The more indica showing plant is not in the flower tent its in the veg area. It’s up next after a few c99 gets done. And clones get took


I love those big leaves in the first picture. Very nice looking plants. What kind of smells are there in the air and from stem rubs?


Nothing really yet, that I can tell that is…it just smell like weed right now…but from previous runs of sisters…that’s probably a pu leaner or a combo of pu wookie…that smelled like purple berry garbage juice. Lol. I’m sure hoping the other leans towards the D


Good strain name.


Heres my one blue tara f2 being grown for bud. Its mostly unseeded… a bit of pollen got in from the BT open pollenation. Its super frosty - kushy fruity smelling. Day 45ish flower and looking close to being done, planning for day 60ish.


Dang! She’s a beaut!


Yeah they’re really pretty plants. I’m looking forward to flowering the clones from the F1s that are in the open pollenation… even fully pollenated they are pretty and very stinky frosty. I’ve got my eye on one which has a strong blueberry muffin aroma :yum:, others have more skunky kushy smells. I recognize some similar smells to Goji which I’m assuming are snow lotus smells - funky floral berry.