Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

UPDATE: Whelp, the deed is done. 10:15 this morning all four plants came down and got hung up to dry. Now begins the cleanup process. I’ll shop vac the tent l, then spray with bleach and allow to dry completely, followed by a spray of H2O2 and let that dry completely, may do that more than once to be sure there’s no errant pollen or anything kicking around. Once clean the tentative plan will be to move mothers and vegging plants into the 2x4 and then use my 3x3 with the HLG225 as the flower tent. Tomorrow or Monday when the tent is dried out, the clones will get up potted into 5 gallon bags; gonna try out some honor bags that I bought a while back, and given maybe a week to recover before hitting the flip on the sensi run. Very excited about that. Here’s some shots from the chop:

In other news I got the chance to try out a bit of new tech I came up with. Last night was what I dubbed “IPM Friday” (It’s just the night that I spray the plants but it sounds catchy.) I had been pretty bummed about spraying things inside the tent with the heater and fans and other stuff around, it just made me a little nervous thinking that the overspray could cause a problem with equipment that might not be rated to handle it, so I got the idea to buy a pop up spray tent to use for hosing the plants down. Here’s a link to what I bought:

Portable Paint Tent for Spray Painting: Small Spray Shelter Paint Booth for DIY Projects, Hobby Paint Booth Tool Painting Station, Small to Medium Furniture

It’s basically a folding paint booth, it folds out and up quickly, and folds down to a really small size, so it’s easy to store. My thought was that I could pop it up real quick, pull each plant out and stick it in the booth, spray it down then stick it back in the tent. Minimizing cleanup in my veg tent and allowing me not to potentially overspray my equipment. Last night was the first test run and it worked like a charm! Only downside is that the tent material is not 100% water proof so the bit of spray that pooled on the floor of the tent did end up seeping through the bottom, but I’m in a concrete floored basement so it wasn’t really a concern. I left it open to dry overnight and folded it up this morning. No muss, no fuss. I realize this isn’t really feasible for someone to itch a big garden and big plants, or for a trellised flower tent, but for my little setup it’s pretty perfect. I was pretty proud of myself and just figured I’d share here in case anyone else was wringing their hands like I was about spraying inside their tents.

That’s it for now, I’m gonna go play janitor for a while, I’ll have another update once things are cleaned out and there’s something to share. Much love to you all :v:t2::v:t2: