Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

Been a while since I’ve updated here, Memorial Day holiday had me out of service and offline for a while. Plants got dried and two of em, the number 5 and the number 1 got trimmed and jarred up. In total it was a 10 day dry, shorter than I’d have liked but the temp and humidity in the final jars is holding right at the numbers that I want, and the flavor and smells on the smoke is right on with what I’d expect so all’s we’ll that ends well. Yields were predictably bad given the looks of the plants when they came down, but I’ve been puffing away on the number 5 and it’s super tasty and super pleasant. Same effects as the seeded shuck, maybe just a little bit more flavorful and pronounced on the high. I find that I can titration really nicely with this variety, one bowl or one bong hit gets me in that nice happy place but I can roll a full joint or smoke multiple bowls/bongs and really get going. I’ve been doing some freelance work on the side at nights and been smoking this stuff and I find that I’m really functional, really happy and really relaxed while working, very very happy to have this in my jars. Here’s a shot of one of the dried nugs from the number 5:

I’ll eventually pull out my tabletop lightbox and take some proper photos to show these off, but again, for how they looked when they came down the nugs are gorgeous, covered in this sticky super glue type resin that reeks of Hawaiian Punch. I went into the veg tent the other day after getting back from vacation and needed to do some defoliating on the GM moms so I took it as an opportunity to take a bunch of cuttings to try out the sandwich bag method of cloning:

I’ll report back in the effectiveness, but right off it’s a space saver!

Beyond that I’m still trying to sex the NL5xPPP and the PKxUHP to go outside for the season. The cuttings I took have been in cups of water under 12/12 lighting for like 11 or so days now and are mostly showing me nothing, only a few of the NLs are starting to show sex, so I’m hoping those will start giving it up soon cause the veg tent is severely overrun right now. I think that brings us mostly up to date so far. Nothing major that’ll pull me away from the garden until the week of the 4th of July, so I’ll be around more consistently till the . Love you all! :v:t2::v:t2::heart: