Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

nice and thnx for the info, local is always better then anything.
i ended up getting 6-row and a 2-row to compare any difference. i was able to find them for $14.50 for 5lbs.


Yeah, I started reading more of that thread and noticed you (I think it was you) mentioning that you had read that the 6-row contained more protein and enzymes and less carbs. I remember reading a big-ass debate about 2-row vs 6-row somewhere years ago, I think it was grasscity, but I can’t remember what the conclusion was haha. I’ve only used 2-row. I actually bought some of that Gnarly Barley from BAS last time I placed an order with them, used it for my last grow. Who knows if it was any better? I do like that it has a variety of different malted grains in it, though.


it wasnt me, i think it was @Tinytuttle that dropped in with that knowledge. i hadn’t messed with it before and found the thread pretty interesting with some good info. i’ll be doing more research before i start the next run. and i still have to upgrade the coffee grinder :smiley:

i think someone else on that thread mentioned that too or something close and said pretty good stuff about it.

I’m going to start messing with it on my next run, im looking forward to seeing what happens with it.


UPDATE: happy Sunday OG fam. Nothing earth shattering here today, went down and watered the seedlings this morning and figured I’d just share some shots of the garden. Still nothing but plain water today, some are drinking faster than others, #4 is for sure in the lead there. It looked the saddest this morning with its leaves starting to turn down, indicating that it was thirsty, and it’s cup was for sure the lightest when lifted, so it seems like #4 is the leader in vigor for the time being. I pulled the old sticky trap and replaced with a freshie to get a better idea of what the gnat population is doing since mulching all the cups, hoping to continue to see a decrease in population and activity. I’m think by the end of this week the plants will be hearty enough for a light spray with Dr. Bronners peppermint soap dilluted in water. Might even entertain a light top dress at the same time. Here are some shots (hopefully in proper order)

Separate from the update I’ve been doing a lot of research on seed making and breeding trying to prepare for what I’m going to do here, and I had a couple questions that I wanted to pose to the group here, so in no particular order I’ll just jump in.

I’ve been watching old weednerd episodes and listening to podcasts and have come across the concept of culling males who show sex early as they are likely progenitors of hemp or fiber characteristics rather than drug trait characteristics. I suspect that this is more necessary information for directional line breeding more than open pollination, am I correct there? Would one still want to cull earlier flowering males from an open pollination population? I know that culling runts or just shitty growing plants makes sense to ensure quality of genetics being passed on but just wanted some clarity there.

Moving in to strategic stuff for the future, I’m still unsure of the mechanics by which I want to go about making seed, I.e. do I just want to leave everyone together and blast the whole room with pollen or will I isolate the males and selectively pollinate branches? I’m curious can you still open pollinate if you choose to go the selective pollination route (point of clarification, when I say “selective pollination” I’m just talking about pollinating with a brush on selected branches as opposed to the whole plant)? I would assume the strategy there would be to collect all males pollen, mix it all together, and then hit a branch on every female, and technically you’ve “open pollinated” I.e. every male hit every female. Does this track? Or would one still want to isolate individual males’ pollen, pollinate selectively and then label each branch with the male pollen used? I’m still deciding whether or not I want to try to get some smoke out of this run by only pollinating a few branches or if I’m just going to clone everything, run the seed, and then run the clones as sensi on a second run, I figure an added benefit of that would be that you get to see the males flowered all the way out to better help pick a stud for maybe some more line bred work in the future. I dunno, hit me with your opinions, I’d love to talk about it. Anyway, that’s it I think for today, this one went long on me. Hope everyone gets to rest up for the week to come. All the best. :v:t2::v:t2:


If you are doing a true open pollination then I think you’d want to keep all the males, even the early flowering ones. I’ve heard the same thing repeatedly said, that the early males are not the good ones, and to wait for the later showing males, as they display more ‘drug’ traits. I’ve not personally run through enough males to tell you if thats true or not. If you’re just trying to preserve the line, then use all the healthy males available to you, but if you’re going after specific traits, then I’d say you’d want to narrow your selections.

There’s definitely a few ways to go about it. I always like the method of keeping the males all together and collecting their pollen once they drop, and mixing it all together and selectively pollinating branches/flowers with a paintbrush. I feel this method gives you a chance to sample some of the un-seeded buds (usually I don’t pollinate the main cola, just the lowers) and gives you a fair amount of seeds. If you’re really trying to go balls out with making seeds, then just flower the girls out for awhile and then introduce all the males with a fan going… it’ll be tough to find any bud left un-seeded!


The process varies with the goal.
If it is a preservation run, you want input from all of available participants
(OK, maybe remove the serious mutants).

I like to collect the male pollen separately and apply to each female and track each cross. Also, I keep a branch (or two) unpollinated for smoke testing.

If I’m doing a regular seed run, I’ll pitch any plant not up to potential until I get down to 3 females and a couple males (more or less).
Knowing which crosses are from which parents is very useful once you have characterized the parents.



@iamyou_youareme @Gpaw thanks for jumping in with your thoughts! @Gpaw so if I’m reading you right your saying you advocate for keeping all the males pollen separate and pollinating one branch from every female with each male separately to achieve a proper open pollination but to still be able to categorize what seeds came from which male/female combinations? Or did I read that wrong?


You got it.
I ordered in a mess of colored tie wraps from Amazon and use them to tag the branches etc. (Reasonably stoner proof :laughing:)

I’m about to do it all again on a seed run, I’ll cover all of the details in there, but if you got questions now, - happy to answer. :+1:



I think I got it, I had actually considered this similar approach as it sounds like the best way to properly categorize the seed in the event that you end up finding a banger female and want to look through only the plants from that combo. You mind dropping a link to your thread where you’re going through your pollination methods?? I’d love to check out how you do it


i feel like culling males might come down to how many i have in total once everything sexes maybe? like if i only end up with two ill probably use em all for the varied genetic potential, if i end up with 4 or more and have one thats showing early i could see eliminating him from the mix. all that is to say, i guess ill shoot from the hip when the time comes haha! thanks for sharing your thoughts though. i always love having opinions flying around to help me make up my mind when possible.


Gonna post an update end of this week, but I noticed this the other day and wanted to share here and get peoples read. It looks like #3 has no meristem? Where there would typically be new leaf sets growing out of the tip there’s nothing, just two single leaflets. Wondering if anyone has seen this before and if this little one is doomed to just stop growing? There’s what looks like could be budding growth at the node right below the top two leaflets, I’m not sure if it’ll just grow that direction or not, very interesting stuff. I’d love to drop another seed if this one is doomed to stall out so if anyone knows please share. :v:t2::v:t2:


That’s so weird, I’d never seen anything like that before, like, six months ago, when I grew some Pura Vida f2’s and one of them did the same thing. Then about a month ago, on that “Roadkill Skunk” seed run log that I’m following, one of the plants did the same thing. And now I’m seeing it here on your thread, too. Like I said, weird.

With the Pura Vida, that one plant kept growing underneath where the leaves had sorta “fused” together like yours has. But that node had a set of real leaves. I bet if I’d have just topped it, it woulda kept growing. It woulda been a plant that was topped at the first node haha. As it is, I just let it grow for a while and the leaves that had fused together eventually started turning yellow and looking gnarly, so I ended up tossing it.

Yours only has one set of leaves, though, so I’m not sure if it’ll make it or not. You should let it grow for a while, though, and see what happens.


Realized that my
Photos suck. Sorry these should hopefully show a little better:


thanks man! knew i could count on you. thats sorta what im figuring. i might drop another seed just in case.


It looks like more leaves are growing from that first node. Like I said, let it grow for a while and see what happens. There won’t be any new growth above that, though. At least, I don’t think there will be.


thats kinda what i figured, if the growth continues from that first node than it essentially topped itself. im gonna let it run to see what it does, but super strange, glad im not the only one who thought so. now, to crack a seed, or not. that is the question. :thinking: probably just see how she does in the next week. i just dont want things to be too far behind one another for the flip.


Yeah, it drives me nuts when everything’s not on the same schedule, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I’ve got one Lemon Thai that’s ten days behind everything else; that really fucks with my OCD-ness haha. Still, planting one more seed is probably your best course of action.


yea, probably gonna run upstairs and drop it now actually!


I had a plant grow similar to this myself just recently, it was a Stankonia (Soul Mate x Chem Toffees).
Mine had less of a gap between the node and the leaf, It ended up with a really thick stem that eventually split and produced new growth.
I kept it and flowered it.
It actually flowered really quick compared to the other Stankonia plant.
And it had ridiculous frost very early on in flower.
This is at 2 weeks of flowering. It had a bit of a weird growth pattern though and would only put out fan leaves with 3 blades, 4 at most.


Wow that’s crazy, so far it’s looking like this weirdo in my garden is gonna keep going too, hopefully it turns out looking something like you’re in the final analysis!