UPDATE: been a little while since I’ve checked in here. Since I last updated the babies got a light top dress feed of roots organic’s “grow”formula, they also got a light dose of kelp sludge and this morning got watered in with recharge to feed and boost the microbial population of the soil. After noticing the weird growth on #3 I dropped two more seeds in case that one decided to stall out on me. Both seeds (#7 and #8) have popped and are doing well in their early days of life. Of course after doing that I’ve noticed significant growth on #3 below the two leaflet main stem, so it’s looking like that one might continue to grow, just out of its lower node with no apical meristem. Go figure. I’m going to keep everything going until it’s time to flip and will cull down to the requisite six plants. Still seeing some fungus gnats here and there but significantly less than before, I just picked up some gnatrol so when the newest seedlings are big enough I’ll hit all the plants with that to hopefully wipe out the population. Here’s some shots of the garden as it looked this morning before their recharge watering, in numerical order:
I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the means by which I’d like to pollinate these. I’m sure you’ve also seen me around bugging folks like @nube @DougDawson and @NorthNorthNugs asking thier opinions on techniques etc. thank you to all of them as well as any other folks whose brains I’ve picked on this or any other subject. I think at this point I’m leaning towards a full open pollination as opposed to trying to selectively pollinate individual branches. Going this route the plan would be to clone everything, and then do the pollination. This would give me the opportunity to really see each phenotype flowered all the way out, males included. I figure if my plans are really to become familiar with this cultivar and possibly line breed it further in the future than the slow and steady route of cloning and flowering everything out to the end is probably the best way to understand the genetics I’m working with. I figure I shouldn’t take any shortcuts, or at least I should take as few as possible that’s how I’m feeling this week at least, always subject to a change of heart in the future but for now that’s the direction we’re gonna roll. Thank you to all who are stopping by to check me out, hope everyone has a killer week