Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

I don’t know @stanknugzz77. Please read the instructions at the top and then get started on the process. I guess if you can get the process completed and your address on file by the time the free seeds go out from the distributors, you should be fine. You likely have about 2wks, so best of luck. :slight_smile:


Man I just saw that on the news this morning and was wondering about you and a few others here. Crazy weather this year. Seems like climate change is ramping up :sweat:

Looks like you got some nice pics of it tho! And a definitely happy, pretty girl there ^^
Hopefully you don’t have to evacuate and the fire goes out :pray: Sending positive vibes your way too, hope you and the family can continue to stay safe and healthy through all this :crossed_fingers:


@nube, stay safe. The fires this year have been crazy!!


Stay safe brother!


Thanks for the kind words and well wishing, folks. I hope we’ll be fine - while it is the worst fire ever in Boulder County, I’d be shocked if they allow the city of Boulder to burn, with the flagship university and all the money here. Either way, even if we have to evacuate I’m taking the seeds with me, so no worries.


Shit… Are fires something that happen regularly in CO, the way they do here in CA? Or is that a new thing? You think it might have something to do with our fires here? Like they’re moving east or something? Either way, it’s no good. That smoky, ashy air is just gawd-awful. And of course, people losing their homes is fucking heartbreaking.

My girlfriend and I were actually considering moving north of LA at some point in the next few years, maybe just to the Santa Barbara area or maybe Central Coast. Maybe even Sonoma/Napa. But after the fires this year, I think those plans are out the window. It was bad enough down here in LA and we only had a couple major fires in the area this summer. I don’t even wanna think what it was like up north. I saw the pictures. Have a friend in Santa Rosa and she was saying it was unbearable.

Stay safe, dude. Climate change is real and it’s happening right now. Something has to be done ASAP.


Stay safe dude. If your collection is lost Just let me know what you may want from mine and it will be in the mail.
Just put 10 of your DS f2 in towels :slight_smile:


Haha! That’s what I always say to my girl when fires get close and she wonders if we’ll have to evacuate. “I’m taking my seeds and my lights, I don’t care about the rest.” And we have our “go bags” or whatever you wanna call them for if a huge earthquake (or fires now, too, I guess) happens. Couple changes of clothes, water and protein shakes for us and dog food for the pups. Three trips to the car and then we’re out.


Stay safe, here’s to hoping for the fires to extinguish quickly, sparing as much natural beauty as possible.


I think it’s normal here in CO but larger than typical for a fire season. All the fires here started here, and apparently for a variety of reasons from negligence to cigs flicked out car windows to lightnight strikes. That’s what happens when you have wet springs and dry summers - all the underbrush grows huge, then dries out and acts as kindling. Apparently there’s no way to stop it via forest management. We’ve had one of the driest summers in recent history. Went from record snowfall last winter, to floods in spring, to summer drought pretty quickly this year. :frowning:

I believe in climate change and the need to reduce emissions as part of a greater push to sustainable shepherding of this great green garden planet, but if you look at ice core data going back 50-100,000 years, the temp fluctuations in the last 5000 years have been some of the smallest in history, with even smaller fluctuations in the last 1000 years, including our anthropogenic fluctuations in the last 150 years.

For me personally, the biggest benefit from the climate change discussion and outcomes are lowering pollution and figuring out more sustainable ways of living on this planet, not necessarily involving carbon emissions specifically. I think a lot of the carbon caps, carbon credits, and other carbon schemes are ways of corporations and countries passing the buck from the white western world to the brown 3rd world. It’s the industrial revolution all over again, just in another part of the world where we don’t see as much reporting about rivers on fire, air so bad it’s reducing lifespans by 20 years in India, China, and elsewhere, and old growth rainforests being clearcut for cheap vegetable oil, of all fucking things… That’s the real shit we gotta worry about and figure out short term, not temps imho.


Capitalism has brought us to where we are , politics have kept us here , NEITHER are going to get us out of this mess.


Well, yeah, but it’s the seasonal differences that you mentioned that’s the biggest cause of the fires. It’s that the wet season now is SO fucking wet. And the dry season now is SO fucking dry. There’s no in-between, no real mild seasons anymore. And it just goes from super-wet to insanely dry. Really cold to unbearably hot.

All of this is just a “chicken or the egg” argument. Clear-cutting old-growth rain forests depletes the earth’s ability to maintain proper CO2 levels, while we’re also producing more CO2 than ever before. Which one is the real issue? Neither. Both. Everything’s related. I do think that if the world instituted no-til farming on a massive, global scale, with an emphasis on biochar, we’d see progress. Maybe that’s too simple of a solution, but the data bears it out.

I dunno. What I do know is the fires are getting bigger and more devastating every year now, it seems. So bad the last couple years that me and my girl have scrapped our plans on moving to a place up north where we can have a couple acres. Honestly, I don’t know what I’m talking about. All’s I know is something needs to be done right away. “Radical change” is not a bad thing when it comes to planet earth. And I’m about as far away from some hippy-dippy dude as you can get haha!


Facts man. You just moved up a few notches in my book with that well thought out response. That’s the bigger picture my friend!


I love no till farming. Just remember that large scale no till uses huge amounts of herbicides as well. We need improved practices as well as more natural based solutions for weed and insect control.


It’s quite interesting to think about climate events on long timescales. Many of those little ticks would be massive anthropological events with our current population and the strain we put onto our global resources. A little tick at one of the steeper edges on that plot and most of humanity dies, or the world economy crumbles. We think of our resilience inside a lifetime or a few lifetimes, but less in terms of 100 or 1000 lifetimes.


Unbelivable brother!!! Those shots are awesome,

and I love the way set up everything professional :heart:

Love to read all your posts, very interesting and enlightening!

Blessings and much Love from germany dear ones! :dizzy: :heart_eyes: :call_me_hand:


Well, in theory, though (and in practice, too, from what I’ve read) a healthy no-til farm that utilizes cover crops, with an emphasis on soil health, shouldn’t require herbicides/pesticides. Or at least nothing stronger than neem-based IPM practices.

Like I said, I don’t really know what I’m talking about. Definitely don’t have any first-hand experience with no til farming (although I’d like to; that’s the main reason why my girl and I have been talking about moving somewhere where we can have a little land…). But I’ve read a lot about it and it makes sense to me.

Also, I decided to drink a six pack for breakfast today. I’m just on here talking shit right now haha. You can ignore everything I post today if you want.


Absolutely dig that seed storage compartment, all scientific looking.


I can guarantee you that large scale farmers are not using neem. That’s a small scale cannabis thing.


You have my compassion and you are in my prayers nube! Is Colorado Red or Blue btw?