Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Yeah, I’m not delusional. My point was that healthy plants grown in healthy soil shouldn’t need some insane petrochemical anti-pest regimen. Kinda like what we were talking about on that other thread.


I’ve actually watched and been around large, no till, wheat farming operations. They spray to kill all the large weeds accumulated, then plant weeks later. Yield is increased and more moisture is maintained in the soil.

Small, backyard no till is generally accepted to be organic, as they are practiced hand in hand, with perfect harmony.

In large operations it is impossible to weed by hand.

I hope you enjoyed your breakfast. That won’t cause me to ignore what you say. :wink:

Edit : I can talk shit with the best of them.


I second this opinion! :seedling::seedling:


I’m glad I can come on OG and make good friends like you buddy. No matter your opinion on some stuff, you’re a cool guy and crack me up :joy:

Edit: it seems like you’re always around when I need you.


Where do we send postage assistance? I send extra $ for those that need it.



@minitiger I mostly agree with everything you said, and we have also rethought our long-term plans of staying out west here as a result of these crazy seasons. We’re now thinking upper midwest in areas with good politics and MJ laws.

Perhaps things are more extreme and perhaps they aren’t - tornadoes and hurricanes have shown a decrease in the last few years, so sometimes they get it right and sometimes they get it wrong. I’m not a denier, I merely think timescales of hundreds of years are woefully insufficient datasets within which to evaluate something as complex as climate…as the ice core data shows pretty conclusively that climate has been WAAAAY more extreme at literally every time in human history prior to the last 150 years, current CO2 emissions or not.

I’m not an empty headed hippy, but I was born on a commune, I did follow the dead for the last two years of Jerry’s life, I’ve done a bunch of psychedelics and meditative practices, and I do believe that rationalism and materialist science knows only a very tiny amount of the mechanistic truth of the physical world, and nothing about the spiritual worlds at all. And yet, I’m pretty straight-laced - I grew up on a farm in the rural midwest, got a couple degrees, have worked in the corporate world for years, don’t vote along party lines or single issues, I believe in science (within reason) etc.

All that said, I think that our understanding of the complexities of this world and our existence within it are so limited and deficient that it seems as equally likely that anthropogenic climate change is real and all the wildfires and the pandemic and such are a result of man’s actions and hubris, as it’s likely that Gaia theory is correct and it’s the planet putting us in our place. Or something else completely unrelated, like the God of the Old Testament about to wipe the earth clean with calamities out of spite for all our iniquities. Fuck, for all we know it could be as the Assyrians and Babylonians said - the evil Archon alien spirits enslaving us through propagation of misery via the spread of greed and selfishness and evil. lol :wink:

And I’m not even stoned right now! lol My point is that I certainly don’t know and I’m not sure any of us know with any certainty. The truths of today are the myths, legends and falsehoods of tomorrow; such is the relentless push of progress. All we can do is the best we can as stewards of this planet; it’s a shame that money has gotten in the way of all that. Organic agriculture still works in India with no or very few herbi/pesticides and they have far less arable land and many more people to feed than we do.

@ReikoX large-scale they don’t have to use almost anything when it’s done right and organically. and @minitiger Organic agriculture needs to be distanced from no-till in our discussions, as they’re not related. My family still farms big plots of land, corn, beans, wheat and alfalfa, and not organically, sadly. No-till in big ag is just leaving the stalks and roots in the ground and planting around them, using all the same cancer-causing pesticides and herbicides. No-till only implies not tilling the soil.

Please watch Symphony of the Soil and then read about how organic agriculture’s done in India and most of the non-Western world. Really sustainable practices, the same as they’ve been doing for literally thousands of years, don’t need to spray a bunch of shit but not necessarily or technically “organic” in all cases.

@AUM Thanks my friend. Colorado is mostly blue politically, with some reds mixed in for good measure. Unfortunately, the reds own everything and control all of the corporations, wealth and the entire university system. That’s slowly changing, as the pandemic is seriously exposing their self-interested mismanagement and predatory resource extraction/misuse.

@oleskool830 Thanks for the kindness, my friend! Paying it forward warms my heart! Unfortunately, I have no idea about that stuff cuz I don’t have anything to do with the logistics, just the seed creation. :slight_smile: I’m guessing ask in the coop thread?


I’m a 24/7 kind of smartass.


Right on, the midwest is certainly becoming more cannabis friendly. Illinois and Michigan have legal med/rec. South Dakota has a ballot initiative that has a shot at passing. Minnesota and Ohio are states that are likely to become more cannabis friendly in the next couple years. Unfortunately the climate is tough for sun grown bud, but where there’s a will there’s a way!


I’ve met a couple of Cali people on Strainly who’ve loaded up the truck and moved their operations away from Beverly, (Hills that is), to beautiful Oklahoma. Land is cheap, and we have the widest open laws of any state. No bonds are required, the license costs are reasonable, there are no license limits, no plant count limits, and land is still pretty cheap, especially if you’re in a rural area.

Now, this is Oklahoma, one of the reddest states in the country, so some ridiculous laws are in place, but because of the growth of the industry, they don’t have the resources to inspect every operation. If you file your reports on time, and play by the rules, they aren’t gonna hassle you.

We don’t have fires here very often, but in the Spring, severe thunderstorms can drop baseball sized hail, and tornados are a problem. Summer is hot and humid, and Fall can be as wet as Spring, but we may not see a frost until Nov. Today is October 19th, and, so far, we’ve only had a couple of nights in the 40s. In the Winter we sometimes have ice storms, and those can be challenging. We’ve had 2 big ones since we’ve lived here, one in 2000, and one in 2007. In both cases we were without power for days.

Oklahoma needs more cool people living in it. Maybe you’re one of them. :slight_smile:


Much better than the alternative I always say :wink:


We’ve got a high of 37 today and a couple inches of snow headed our way between now and tomorrow.


Making our way to Michigan next Spring. Way more relaxed than where i am now, closer to home and cheaper real estate


I am very envious of you guys with your legal grows… I spend a lot of time browsing for homes in legal places, but uprooting my life just to grow still seems a little out there.

Stay safe over there with the fires!


Until this year lol. Never seen us get past the named storms as long as I can remember. Born and lived in Florida for most of 33 years. We now have soon to be Hurricane Epsilon out in the Atlantic… thankfully most have not been landed storms. Shit, one of em even did a loopdeloop out in the Atlantic then charged for England.


We do the same thing. Looked at Colorado but Real Estate is still too high. Oklahoma looks really good.
But I always come back to the same reality. I’m 68, my house is paid for, my daughter and my grandkids are here…sigh



Damn thats alot of seeds homie…well done sir, well done


If it’s not California (and it’s looking like it probably isn’t gonna be), then we’re moving out of the country. We love California and it sucks that wildfires are making us reconsider. But I can’t think of another state where I would wanna live (no offense, @Guitarzan but, uh, no way are we moving to fucking Oklahoma). Been researching places with the most liberal cannabis laws that are also warm haha. The Netherlands would be ideal if it got warmer than 68. And if it got more than six hours of daylight during the winters. Sadly, it doesn’t on either count.

As far as weather and all that is concerned, there’s no denying that chopping down rain forests and seven billion people on the planet and cars sitting on freeways going nowhere and whatever all else is not good. There’s too many people.

I don’t think the world is that complex. “Don’t be a dick.” It’s that simple. To me, anyway. Do I live up to that simple standard? No. I’m a dick! But I try…



You can enjoy a nice life on the plains! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:



None taken brother. I feel you. :grinning:

Damn the internet service here sucks @ f5 tornadowinds, spent time writing, quoting, fighting MUTHA F#*KN GOOGLE AUTOSPELL,  and Google auto WiFi ,cut u off data games we play with these oversized from overworked fat fingers on a microscopic China phone(somewhere in China is a group of little fingered{in my heart I mean his u know} engineer's laughing they're asses off).Aaaarrrrgh!!!

Any way hey @nube ,if I can remember where my thought train was headed, cause 20 mins of texting then I get logged off by ??. Draft not saved, and I was on a roll.
Prayers go out to you and yours and surrounding communities, be safe and treat your place like a seed, start soaking now. I noticed the same on temp fluctuations in the ice, the wave pattern is getting steadily shorter and closer together which only is going to lead to a flat line. We all know what happens when sumpen flatlines. And to add to that thought to sum up my next thought,industrial revolution. Man killing earth and man on a grand scale for sumpen they can’t take with them. My opinion( already, like an ass, some wanna eat it up, others think it stinks) is this. As an individual,r a group— ain’t a FUCKING thing I can do about it.cant fight either one, so imma gonna do me. Don’t worry be Happy, fuck greed,plant a seed, free the weed. 24/7. I believe(still imho,not preaching) 100% in the Good Lord above. I used to not, but HE made a believer outta me. He’s got this. The book predicts it, gotta happen, it’s going just like what’s written long ago. Enough said. Ain’t gonna happen for a long time, most won’t even be memories of memories. we will be long gone…
But while I’m here, I had a scary thought of the future 20 yrs ago. Which has given birth by inductive reasoning. Bet it will live. Cannabis Seeds,will be no more. Yeah plenty now, all ways has been . I’m old enough to of watch the evolution of the weed we have today. From $10. for 4 fingers a bag to a jar of measured to the gram for ?? ($100 ?- $400?) An oz. Witnessed sensimilla show her pretty ass up, now she’s Feminized, and Automatic. See where I’m going. Next, I believe when enough of laws world or local, I don’t think the way they do, thank God, or at big cooperation,big business’s liking. They WILL STOP CITIZENS from having seeds. For example, tobacco, yes you can get seeds( I’m growing some now)

But the mainstream population don’t grow they’re own tobacco. Just this year is the 1st time I’ve even seen a tobacco seed. I’ve even tried in the past to locate and buy some with no success . soon I believe it will be an underground thang to grow your own cannabis. Legal, yes, but Affordable no. Big brothers taxes and licences will put the Bogland and Bodhi mom and pop seeds out of business. Just like wally world did to every town square ma and pa businesses nation wide. That’s what I’m preparing for. Seed collecting and chucking pollon to get something not as pure as big ag. can do, but gonna be better than what they will be forcing down our predetermined social status asses can afford.
Just Saying.
Fuck the Greed
Plant a seed