Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Yeah man, free the weed! :slight_smile: Spread the seed far and wide. You’re right, society has it backwards.

bodhi sends out tobacco seeds that he preserved from seeds he collected down at Maria Sabina’s in Mexico, where the western world was first introduced to psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms when she allowed Gordon Wasson to join and document her healing ceremonies in the 1950s.

Point is, like you said there are tobacco seeds, but you’re right most people don’t know about it or grow their own anything. We’ve divorced ourselves from the natural world for the promise of something that, like you said, we can’t take with us. Instead of developing ourselves and our spirits, we are pushed into boxes where we toil in trudgery and drudgery all our lives in pursuit of “something more…” that never materializes.

But you know what? Maybe things are slowly starting to change. We just gotta get over the hump on getting back to nature and spirituality and stewarding this planet and our species. I think we’re almost there - just gotta keep from killing ourselves or the planet before we figure it out…

Fires didn’t spread as much yesterday, and are under control a little bit after a calm day. Hopefully they don’t grow any bigger. We just need cold temps, calm winds, and precip. Looks like we’re gonna get some of that soon.



I got a grip of Fronto seeds in an exchange from a friend that I regularly gift/trade cannabis seeds with. I don’t use tobacco, but I love growing any and everything. I am excited to try my hand at growing them next spring! Positive vibes…



Start a thread. I wanna see some tobacco being grown. Shit, man, you’re living in the tobacco-growing capital of the world, seems only natural for you to start a few tobacco plants. Whatever that entails…


Here’s a site that shows the Boulder fires and the evacuation areas. They’ve made it to the city limits, but Boulder sent 24 loads of fire retardant into the fire Sunday in hopes to stem the growth this direction. That cost $1,000,000 literally, and there’s a lot more where that came from. They’re not gonna let the city burn.

Air quality today is terrible though. You can’t see more than about a half mile at most, it’s dark and smoky out on the street. It’s raining big pieces of ash and the particulates in the air are measuring between 250-490 depending where you are in the city. Basically, that means you will have serious health consequences if you’re outside in it for more than a couple minutes. Heart and lung issues first, then other cognitive issues and long-term health effects. It’s rough but thankfully it’s cool out so we can have the windows closed.


That’s quite the fire we usually get a lot of fires this last summer wasn’t too bad.

Closest was 50 miles away at the diamond mine burnt for a couple weeks saved the mine a small city to the south was on evacuation notice but same deal bombed the crap out of it.
Should be a pile of wildlife in the city by now that happens here when fires are close. Stay safe and update if something changes .


LMFAO. I can’t rap, im white.
@nube glad to hear fires calming for you and all up there.
This is my news channel, I turned my t.v. off 5 yrs ago . have bought 2 since then and still haven’t turned them on. Don’t make sense, I use for security cams only. It’s better than any fn thing on free or sattilite. The last year of t.v. for me was news at first, faded to only weather report, then said f. It. I got to work in it rain or shine anyway, turned tv off, packed two seasonal change of clothes in truck, ain’t missed a beat. Then I learned something that saved my life. Would and could save the WORLD. IF ONLY WE DIDNT SLEEP. This was a message I sent to someone else, but this could be a good place for it. Sorry for clogging your thread brother.

I am living proof my words are Gold, Pure truth back crossed and cubed. I quit my job 4 years ago. I do work for the needy, widows, etc. for free, or a beer if they can afford it, only when they insist on paying, turning down payment is an insult, so I say " a cold beer, thank you". I need nothing, except getting my rooms dialed in so I quit killing the killa. Don’t have everything I want, but my wants have changed. I don’t want or care about money any more. I never go hungry. Drink beer everyday, lights and water stay on. I never ask for a handout, except a seed here or there, most seeds I’ve paid for or traded for. It’s a trip. Some times outta the blue, some one here on og. Just ask for my add and sends free seeds with out me ever communicating with them .ever. My hearts desire is the world will join me in this way of life. Thank you JESUS!


I just saw a post of your commenting on the boulder fire! Didn’t realize you were in Colorado that’s cool stay safe buddy! Our Cameron peak fire is still out of control and getting close to Estes! I hope they can stop it before it gets to much further into RMNP


Those high population areas were theirs some nice homes lots of money at stake damage is bad up here in the Cameroon peak fire only 56% containment today


I’m so bummed about it. Now it’s like a new fire every day. So far RMNP has evaded like a ninja, but I’m not sure how much longer it’s got. Hopefully some luck turns our way with the weather.


Damn @nube l didn’t know you were in boulder.
Get a gas mask man, that smoke plume is thick thick thick. I was on a project in Arvada today that had a straight line shot at boulder and I was saddened by the amount of smoke. It looked like a bomb went off and just stayed.

Rain or snow coming this weekend though!! Hang tight!


Beautiful healthy plants.Gotta love growing just for the pleasure of how each strain and plant grows.



Yeah, we have a house right here in town. Nice place to live when the smoke and students are gone. :wink: It’s been pretty tough to justify the incredibly high prices of the Front Range this year since we’ve been stuck inside most of it due to pandemic and smoke. And since losing my job. Woof. Hope for the 10" they say we might get, but goddamn those cold temps already? Gonna be a high of 21F and low of 8F. Brrr! Glad to have the woodpile stocked and ready!

I’d love to meet up some day, gift you guys some smoke and clones and seeds if any of you local yocals are up for it. Properly social distanced, of course. :wink:

@SmknCanuck You got it right! Growing for the sake of growing, not to impress anyone or monetize or anything, every once in awhile making seeds, and then giving them away! :rainbow:


Yep i agree @nube i love getting new strains and start growing them just to discover how they grow and smell through their growth.give lots away to med patients to help them keep some money in their pockets and not pay dispenceries rediculous prices here…Stay safe and grow on.


Ya I’d like to hook up with all the CO PEEPS off the top of my head there’s a good 6 or more of us in CO Here


@nube Earlier this year my wife and I were trying to figure out how we could make living in the mountains work out.

Now just a few months later that seems like an insane idea. After this year, there will be hardly anything in northern CO left unburned. And if it is, who knows what next year will bring.


It will be mudslides and floods more than likely no vegetation left to hold the soil back unfortunately the Thompson flood was a catastrophe!:cry:


Fuck ya Bro! :+1::wink:


I saw Grand Lake was evacuated with no warning yesterday after the fire over there exploded due to wind, going from sorta contained to eating 6,000 acres an hour. Apocalyptic scenes like you saw from last year’s Malibu fires in CA where people are driving thru a gauntlet of fire on either sides of the road. Ugh. Looks like they closed Rocky Mountain National Park too.

Here’s what it looked like yesterday on a ride to the vet 30min away. This is looking at north Boulder.

And here’s the view from our home last night at dusk. The smoke makes for some nice sunsets, I guess. Silver linings, right?

Muddy pup after romping at the park. Apparently she picked up giardia from doing this every day the last week. Whoops! lol here come the antibiotics.


My heart skipped a beat when I saw ‘Grand Lake’ … different Grand Lake…
Pup looks concerned/unhappy, maybe she knows needles are coming…

Stay safe


Supposedly it’s crossing the divide and heading toward Estes. I suspect we might lose Rocky Mountain national park any day now. :cry: