Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Wow that’s devouring a lot beautiful country side gonna take years to recover.


Damn, looks horrific! Stay safe friend.

Pura Vida’s looking good, had to bend two of 'em over as they just wanna keep stretching. Will get some photos up soon.


Me too! Apparently grand lake is a popular name!


God I hope not! That has to be my favorite place on this planet! I’m gonna be sad if it burns before I get down there again. :cry:

@nube can I ask where the photo is from? The Diagonal? Hwy 7?

Hope they get the fires under control soon. Maybe it will snow a lot Sunday. :crossed_fingers:


Getting those brutal fires right before winter hits will really suck.The spring melt and rains will make for brutal mudslides and sadly alot of the topsoil will be washed away making regrowth take forever to return.To all the CO members wishin you the best and stay safe.


Thanks OG Bro! Ya send prayers for all the displaced people and their homes , pets, livestock, wildlife and mostly the fire fighters who are fighting the fight! This one will probably be the biggest fire in CO history ! :cry::cry: so sad that’s there’s over like 330 square miles gone!


I think it was the hose concerning her. :wink: If you look at her puppy pics above, that’s her normal expression. She has a wrinkly face.

lol yeah man, some phenos will for sure be stretchier. I hope you and they’re both doing well!

Yessir, Diagonal on the way to our vet in Longmont.

They’re calling for 8-14" here in Boulder tmw and lows down to 5F, so hopefully the fires get blanketed in a lot more.

Sadly, I think the Cameron Peak fire already is the biggest in state history. I read this morning that Cameron Peak and the East Troublesome fire on either side of Rocky Mountain National Park are awful close to merging into one giant fire that will destroy the park, like @lefthandseeds mentioned.


Ya I heard Estes was evacuated a couple days ago now so sad I can’t imagine if the town goes up in smoke … and the Stanley? I guess it is housing the firefighters currently .


On the subject of dirty pups, here is Kora pretending she hasn’t been chasing fish in the stream.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Just talked to my friend in Longmont. He said the house in Lyons where I used to live in has been evacuated. Praying you guys get some snow to help with the fires. :pray:


Neither, we are green ! Lol


Dude, they gotta protect the Stanley. I go there every year for the murder by death shows. Place is so cool


Its dumping up here right now, hopefully it is down that way too.


We got about a foot here in the middle of Boulder and it stopped sometime around 9pm last night. Temps were down to 5F shattering the previous record low of 17F. Tonight we’re going to break the record low of 13F set in 1997. The Lefthand fire up Sunshine Canyon just outside east Boulder is now fully contained, and the much bigger Calwood fire just north of Boulder is 24% contained.

As for the big fires, it looked like they got dumped on all day and night, but the latest news says the snow only barely helped, and that the fires rage on. :confused: Hundreds of houses burned over the weekend from those big fires, with no end in sight until we get sustained weeks of precip and low temps/winds.


things sound really hectic over there!! between the fires and cold, i hope you all hold up ok.


Really sad man. I feel for those people. It was a scary summer up here, the fires just kept popping up. Everytime Id go into work Id just pray that when I got done there wasnt some crazy new fire at my doorstep when I got home.

Im not certain how much snow we got since I havent been out yet today. It snowed most of the night here. There is about 8 inches on my covered porch so Id imagine there is at least a foot or more on the hill and the pass. Dont know how cold it got, but its freezing in my place right now. Wife has rules, heat isnt allowed to be on til thanksgiving. Lights on temp in my tent is like 60 right now !


I’ve lived in different places but never somewhere wildfires were a legitimate threat. As such it’s really hard for me to imagine the terror, for lack of a better word, of having your life destroyed instantly by an out of control fire.

I feel for everyone who’s lived through this in 2020; more so in light of everything else this year. Stay safe.


I think I’d be camped out in the tent sneak a portable heater in there and stay warm .


Just want to give a shout out to @nube for sending out Sakura to me . Oh she’s a stinky girl already and her structure is perfect .Looking forward to getting her into flower . Thanks bud .


Looking great and glad to help out @ShiskaberrySavior! I love the branchy structure. The cherry ones are super stinky and the buds are a real crowd pleaser. They grow sloooooooooow tho and don’t stretch at all in flower, so keep that in mind and maybe give her some extra veg time if you can. :wink:

Our little pupperoni has been romping her booty off in the snow we got. :wink: Here a couple pics from when it was coming down over the weekend.

On another note, I apologize for the delay, but these Pura Vida F2 and the Wolfpack F2 from @anon60559124 have been shipped to Sebring. :slight_smile: Here’s what my seed sorting looks like:

Each pack sent to Sebring has a full vial of the seeds on the left. I don’t count, so you’re gonna get 20+ per vial, amount varying by size of seeds. Size doesn’t really matter, so don’t throw out any small seeds you might see; I pulled most of the small and gray, but a few might have gotten past my old eyes. Only the deformed ones are suspect, and even some of those germinate and produce normal plants, and that’s why the ones on the right are what I keep for myself.

Hope they bring much happiness to all! :seedling: Don’t forget to Pay It Forward!
