Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Wow, I am astounded by the number of beans pictured here! Thanks for doing this preservation run, and definitely can only appreciate the huge amount of time it must have taken getting those sorted out. Big thumbs up


Ohhh gawwsh not more puppy pics please haha. a puppy and his first year of snow, what an exciting time :slight_smile:

Thanks for the preservation run Nube!

Working on my preservation run with Silver Mountain F2s. It looks like they have taken, the male has been culled and I think we are a month or so from some good finished seeds! I don’t think there is going to be a massive amount quite like what you have there, although it does look pretty well seeded and this is my first go around.


That picture of all those seeds is obscene enough it qualifies as seed porn. I love it.


wow that is a beautiful sight, thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to the seed run for everyone here.


Love the pup pic so cute and they sure love the snow…What an awesome bag of seeds to see.Huge props and admiration for you time and dedication to get so many seeds to so many of us.You are an inspiration.


I don’t remember the wolf pack grow was there a sign up page for those?


Is it rude to say if there are extra packs can I sign up?? @sebring @nube? I don’t want to break any rules .


Impossible choice. Who’s cuter? A puppy in snow or a baaaaaagggg of seeds?

Good work on both? :call_me_hand:t4::seedling::+1:t5:


Thanks @nube. Those huge bags of seeds make it look super impressive in the end for sure! I appreciate the opportunity to try strains like this thanks to these great people putting the extra work in for the community.


I don’t think it’ll be a problem. Just PM me so I don’t lose track of adding your name. (I use PMs as backups for the list itself.)


Always pay it forward good karma,
And thank you for taking the time to do this preservation :green_heart::green_heart: that’s a good looking pup by the way happy growing !!


No sign up for the Wolfpack F2 as I didn’t make a thread for it and such. I believe they will be sent along with the Pura Vida . So whoever has signed up for Pura Vida will also get Wolfpack F2.
@nube can correct me if that is wrong .


That is a very cute pup, and an obscene amount of seeds.

That is just from 4 plants? Timing the pollination to hit 4 weeks after flip… If you do a seed a run for yourself like that, you’d be set for life.


Thanks I’d thought I was stoned and missed the sign up .


gorgeous pub , looks so cute , bro those plants really produced seeds lmao that was a lot of em DAMN


God damn turned out awesome got a ton of seeds i’m sure we’re gonna find some absolutely incredible phenos in these F2’s thank you for the work and effort you put in man. Can’t wait to try them down here I definitely wanna pay it forward if you guys are sending wolfpack and pura vida I wouldn’t have enough space hahaha gonna have to give some to a tico grower I know it’ll rock his socks off :rofl:


That’s just what I sorted first to get these packs out. There’s probably 4x that many left shucked but unsorted. :green_heart: Let sharing be the antidote to the greed that’s poisoning the world.

Thanks for the outpouring of support, but I don’t want any credit. I was only their caretaker for awhile. Thanks to @anon60559124 and @The_Lazy_Hippie 100% for donating and @bodhi for the creation. Thanks also to all the Co-Op folks here who make this happen and @LemonadeJoe and the rest of the team for providing a place where the good vibes of the old Overgrow can blossom again. :sunflower:

@twistedinfinity very cool about the Silver Mountain! Those are on my list to open pollinate down the road as well. How many males and females did you run for the F2? :slight_smile: I’d love to take a look if you have a thread for them.

Yeah, all from four plants. There’s gotta be 20k viable seeds, maybe more total. It’s all about not pollinating too early and making sure the males are all dumping at the same time, or collecting the pollen of multiple males separately from your grow and hand-pollinating with all of it combined so the earliest male doesn’t dominate the gene pool. We’re trying to maximize genetic potential with these open pollinations.

@Islayhearts Thanks for helping out @Sebring. Or see below. :slight_smile:

Yessir, you got it right. I also sent a bunch of packs of both to Big Shoe at to auction off for charity to help with medical bills for @Strayfox’s daughter. So if you didn’t get to sign up here, please head over there and donate for a good cause. PW = muffcabbage


THANK YOU OVERGROW :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:.
@Sunvalley brought me here to OG from the farm and I love the energy the folks on OG have and share. Thank you to all.


The pup is adorable man ! Thanks again for your contributions here. You set the bar that we should all attain to.


That’s impressive. Fantastic work @nube. Beautiful dogs too.