Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

I think the trick to non ethanol gas is when to use it. My 18 foot boat with the inboard tank always get’s it since it’s difficult to remove gas from that tank. My Jet Skis and ATV’s get regular all season but the last week long trip get the tanks used up and filled with Non Ethanol so when I do get around to putting them away that’s what’s in the tanks. Same with my Skis, regular all season and Non Ethanol the last week. Anything that is getting stored ends up with it. In the end the time it saves on maintenance far outweighs the extra cost IMO. I used to have to clean at least a couple carbs every year with over 8 machines going, since the switch not one has had to be done.


Pura Vida #4

Bag appeal: More frost, fuller nugs and less hairy than PV1, though not the Brazilian waxed look of cookies crosses. I don’t really care since I don’t grow for looks, but I think these nugs have very good bag appeal. To me this one’s reminiscent of the classic kushes of yesteryear. Not the OG Kush crosses, but the pure kushes. In person, these HPK-leaners are super photogenic and extra frosty, but it’s hard to capture in pics. I’ll try to take some other final bud shots before closing the thread.

Smell and taste: It’s such a sweet, sugary and caramely smell when you first open the jars. Then it dries down to a classic kush. The initial smell is similar to homemade marshmallows at a real, boutique candy shop. Not like the bags of marshmallows at the store, tho. In the grinder, it’s still sweet but with a rubbery version of kush, now with some vague tropical fruit, maybe lime. The vape inhale is pure sugary sweetness, mostly earthy tones on the exhale. Not mouth coating at all.

Potency and effects: This one improves your mood no matter where you’re at, who you’re with, what you’re doing or how you’re feeling. It’s an antidepressant for sure, and it seems to impart kindness and compassion…something we could all use a little more of. It’s not a powerful stoned feeling where your body turns to jello, but it’s so enjoyable that I don’t really care. It tunes out the ego and tunes you into happiness for an hour to an hour and a half, but it is a distracted daydreamy kind of buzz. Potency feels like a 6/10 but effects are 8/10, maybe higher.

Overall: This one strikes me as a Hollywood Pure Kush leaner. Because I have plenty of weed that relaxes me or makes me feel medicated, it’s nice to have weed that just makes me feel happy without crashing. I don’t think this is the keeper, but it’s the right direction. And great yields of very solid nugs!



Never got to try mine. 🥲

Next time!



WOW ! Another amazing smoke report, thank you @nube. Outstanding as usual


@nube s smoke reports are the gold standard…

I cribbed his format (Bag Appeal, Smell & Taste, Potency & effects, Overall) to follow in the future. :sunglasses: :+1:



While I too enjoy nube’s smoke reports, I don’t think he gets to take credit for creating the “looks, smells, taste, effect” smoke report format @Gpaw haha! That’s kind of been the standard format for as long as I can remember haha. I guess I could be wrong. @nube Did you create the Modern Smoke Report Format? Haha!! You should trademark it, if you did.


I like the nube version has way more appeal than the standard boring one.


@nube’s smoke reports are gold because they come from @nube! Immaculate.



I may or may not be guilty of trying to emulate @nube ‘s format for smoke reports.
Hell, for anything grow related really :sweat_smile:


I don’t care about all the awful things I have always seen people say about them , I think you produce incredible smoke reports dude … :stuck_out_tongue:


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin::joy::rofl: the grass is greener on the other side


That stinks! I’m sorry. But hey man, shit happens right? Nature is unpredictable. If you ever need any more seeds, let me know!

Yeah man, American’s don’t realize that gas would be triple the price it is here if it wasn’t heavily subsidized because of the oil lobby. The same goes for electricity produced by coal - it would be at least double the price if it wasn’t subsidized, and it would cost 10x as much if its pollution cleanup was factored into the equation. I get why both have been used for so long, but we’re smart enough to not need them anymore. Dang self-inflicted wounds…

Y’all are silly mofos. I don’t suggest trying to copy me. You’ll get nubed!™ What I do is nothing more than bipolar LITFA and severe procrastination. Typical lazy stoner with knee-jerk reactions, I ignore stuff until the last minute and then half-ass it.


I seem to have forgotten how to take pics this round, but after a few failed photo shoots, I’m not going to delay any more. So, without further ado:

Pura Vida #2

Bag appeal: This is the frostiest of the bunch, the nugs are full and dense. More wizard hats than the #4 pheno, but pretty similar. This one is slightly less dense than that other HPK-leaner, but it makes up for it with a thicker coat of trichs that reminds me of the Lucky Charms F2 I ran last year. In person these are by far the nicest nugs out of the bunch, the best bag appeal due to being totally white with frost, despite my pics.

Smell and taste: The smell is kush and coconut rum pina colada. It’s not overly loud in the jars, but when you grind it, #2 here gets pretty stinky in a good way. The taste is the first place where pheno #2 stands out from the rest. This is the HPK flavor you want to look for. It really is a marshmallow, boozy or slightly fermented sugar cane juice, sweet powdered milk flavor with just a hint of lime that’s so incredibly good. It coats the mouth and sticks in the back of your throat for 30min or longer. I usually don’t smoke joints, but I rolled up a couple doobs and the flavor sticks around to the end of every single one. It’s such a unique, delicious, can’t miss flavor that this might be the keeper on that one attribute alone.

Potency and effects: This is the other place where this pheno shines. You feel it right away behind the eyes and relaxation in the face and jaw. The tension melts away and you find yourself smiling, thinking good thoughts. This really is pura vida bud - it always makes me feel so happy and calm and positive about the world. It’s not a hammer or a KO punch, more like a 7/10 for potency, but two or three hits is plenty to get full effects, and they’re so good that they get a 10/10 from me, plus they last for awhile - 2 or 3 hours easy.

A really unique aspect of this pheno is that it really seems to open the heart and spirit in a different way than most weed. And boy howdy is that important after the tragedy that happened this week here in Boulder. I’ve been smoking this one every night since that happened. I smoke or vape this and feel love and connection to my dog, my girlfriend, and the world around me that I don’t feel with really any other weed. It may sound woo woo, but I kid you not, every time I smoke this, I end up laying on the ground or the bed, holding my dog or my girl or both, feeling oneness rather than separation. More than a few times, I’ve used my pup as a pillow and had our heartbeats and breathing synchronize as we have a mind-meld, where I can almost sense the world through her senses. It sounds weird but it’s the weed creating this bridge. It’s so cool and unique. It’s cool to hear that @iamyou_youareme found something very similar in his F2 keeper.

Overall: This is the keeper. No doubt about it, at least for me. One of the folks I shared with agreed and said it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay different and better than the Pura Vida clone that goes around here at the dispos. However, another friend who took some home says he likes the flavor of this one but prefers the effects of pheno #7, which I’ll review next. No big deal. Different strokes for different folks. For me, this is one of the best effects and most uniquely delicious flavors I’ve ever come across. It’s very much what I think of when people describe the flavor of Mother’s Milk, except this one has a slightly more boozy, more sugary flavor. I guess we’ll see when I preserve the MM! :stuck_out_tongue: It also doesn’t hurt that this one is the most vigorous pheno out of the four, and the biggest yielder. She branches great, clones great, grows fast and big, and is just overall a great plant. What more could you ask for? :slight_smile:



Hahahahaha! I resemble that remark! Hahahahaha!



Yeah, I was thinking about you when I saw the news the other day. Horrible… Glad you’re okay. I wasn’t sure if I should check in or not, just because I know sometimes I don’t feel like talking about awful shit when awful shit happens. Didn’t know if you’d wanna talk about it or not.

Before I got to the “Overall” section of your report, I was like,”Well, if it’s the best-tasting of the PV’s and the high is the best, that sounds like the keeper to me…” haha! Sounds like really good weed, for sure. Pretty stoked I got those f2’s from you, probably gonna pop some in the next round or two. Thanks again for those.


Hey brother, sorry to hear about your town. I live in Trinidad, way south on I-25 and we have a Safeway grocery downtown, and is the only one in town. There is a WM a few miles south.

But, I swear, that could be our Safeway. The ages and descriptions of the people could easily be here. It was scary how much the people resembled our own town. We have lots of 20’s age and then 60’s age population. All the young peeps are so cool here, too. Everybody uses the grocery for seeing other people in town. Payers and vibes sent. So sad. peace


Dude I love Trinidad ! Used to road trip down there a few times every spring to hit up that skatepark. I remember when they first built it we would make the 5 hour drive from the Vail valley like every week. I am pretty sure I even filmed a few clips at the local Safeway. I usually stay at the sketch motel right next to the sonic drive through. Seen some crazy shit in Trinidad. I like camping down there in the shoulder seasons.


That’s awesome bro. That park is supposed to be one of the better ones. I forget how they describe it. Seems like it may have even been designed by Tony Hawk? not sure on that one. I wish I hadn’t ruined about every joint in my body so I could try it. I skated before much was out to buy. We built them from wood and put special trucks and hard composite wheels, lol. We put indoor/outdoor carpet on the tops… I was never great at tricks. My buddy could blow me away. I never got to try a park. It looks cool and I should go take some pics now that the weather is geting right.

Give a shout if you ever get down this way. I’m about 5 miles out of town. You still in Vail? I’m slowly trying to work my way up to points north. I’ve only been back for 5 years. Trinidad is a pot machine now. Dispos, grow ops, edible companies, extraction businesses… very pot friendly. peace


I grew out one Pura Vida F2 from @nube and wanted to do a write up on it. Really appreciate being able to try these genetics!

Here we are at chop day, where she went 70 days flowering. She turned out to be a smaller pheno with thick and really dense nugs.

With Flash Cured 45 days

No Flash Cured 45 days

Bag appeal: She isn’t a frost monster, but she is very dense which I really like. Think the light greenish buds with all the orange hairs are quite becoming

Smell and taste: She smells very floral with a hint of lemon. My girlfriend described it like a floral potpourri. I’ll take her word for it, as I’m not too familiar with potpourri smell. Her taste though is where she really shines with a piney full bodied earthy flavor that really fills the mouth. I primarily vape her and she is very bold, compared to a lot of the sweeter, candy like strains I smoke these days.

Potency and effects: She is very strong, and has an immediate punch to the face like effect when smoked, where it feels like your head is floating up towards the ceiling, while your body slows down. I really like the feeling of almost having a forehead massage during the come up. As it fully kicks in it becomes very spacey and trancelike to where you can just really zone out with it, leading to a strong body stone and ultimately sleepiness. Definitely a night time strain with long lasting potency. I’ve smoked it a bit in the afternoon and just ended up in my yard staring off into the skyline forgetting all about my day.

Overall: I really enjoy this bud! I find heavy handed indicas, generally kush strains to be the most therapeutic for me. When I smoke with more sativa, I often find myself fixating on things in life, whereas with weed like this, I am in my own world after smoking it. I imagine this pheno would be really good for pain and insomnia. I do appreciate that while it is a heavy indica, it doesn’t bring on the munch too much for me. I had a light leak in my tent, so she gave me some F2 S1’s to play around with, and I’m definitely planning on growing out a few as I really liked this pheno. Will have to grow some more of the f2’s themselves so I can experience the larger varities. Thanks again @nube!


Great report and excellent looking bud .