Bodhi Spirit Train- Trainwreck Pheno Hunt

I’m 2-3 weeks away from knocking down mine lol


Share some bud shots if you don’t mind! I am curious about the diversity across the F2.

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Scroll up about 20 comments lol

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Spirit train f2 about a month in veg.


7 weeks in flower, all white hairs still, >10 hour days naturally.


Figured I’d share my drying technique, in case anyone else is in a similarly cramped situation as I am. If I had the space to build out and climate control down to 60F I’d totally do it. Alas.

These are those big yard trimming paper bags that stand up on their own. I think I paid $2.50 for a 5 pack. Next time I’m going to mount the hygrometer further down so it’s closer to where the buds are densest. The lids are made from the bottoms of the bags. Two slits are cut a short ways down one of the top sides to make a flap for the lids to sit into. A hole is punched through the lid and the trees are hung on coat hangers that hang inside the bags. I use a fan outside during the night especially to keep the humidity hovering around 60%. Not sure on the science of it, but I might be able to drop the humidity further since at 76F there’s more moisture in the air than at 60F, given the same RH. Maybe an experiment for the future.

Next up I’m making some auto-burping jars as I’ll be out of town for the most critical days right after jarring… gotta love when life (or what a more honest person would call “poor planning”) throws you a curve ball. These bags do what I need them to: protect from light and dust and slow the drying process down. In the past, this method would take about 10 days, depending on the season, which I was satisfied with. In the future, hopefully I can convince my more rational half that we need a dedicated drying chamber - something like a converted fridge or a dry ager for meats. She loves IPAs so maybe I can get her into beer brewing and that could double as a fermentation chamber. Anything to keep those monoterps around amirite?

The first few times I did this I was nervous about the possibility of mold. However, I think because multiple foliar applications of beneficial microbes during veg as well as early flower are applied, along with the way humid air rises, and with the fan blowing outside the bag, it sums up to low mold pressure on the buds. I would not feel confident doing this on plants grown in more sterile environments, or that had received foliar applications of anti-microbials as they’d be essentially naked in the eyes of opportunistic spores.


Sat down last night and did the work. Tunes, basketball, & trim. Before getting started I tested a tiny little nug to see how she smokes. Was blazed for the entire trim job. Was a bit harsh as its uncured, but had decent flavor and aroma considering how young. Getting very excited to try the finished product :slight_smile:

Shoutout to Nagel420 (Nagel420's Auto-Burp System) for the description of his auto-burping jars. Similar to DG’s bucket system ( This is exactly what I needed as I’m going out of town briefly for the holidays. Didn’t do any weighing but I may just to figure out some rough guesses on amendments this cycle.


Looks really dank!


Figured a smoke report is due.

The humidity has been pretty stable around 62% in the jars and the smells coming out have been tantalizing so I cracked a jar open and filled the grinder. This was definitely the Now & Later/Skittles/Pickle-y aroma I was smelling from the plant in the back left corner. Very appealing sweet aromas, with a floral element as well. Almost rosy. But at the same time the astringency of vinegar/fuel.

The grind was sticky but nothing crazy. Filled a RAW cone and lit it up. In the first hits I immediately noticed the Skittles & candy flavor coming through in the throat. The fuel was also there, but less pronounced, more just an overall sensation than a specific taste. The Skittles flavor remained throughout the joint. The burn was even and the ash white. As the joint burned down, I got that real sharp feeling behind my nose, sort of in the sinuses. It’s that ‘oh boy here we go’ kind of feeling that happens with certain weed, usually right before I get blasted off.

The stone is pretty upfront - before the joint was even halfway burned I was gone. Ended up smoking about 3/4ths before putting it out as I was plenty stoned. It’s a nice mix between a heady and body stone, but I’d say it leans towards heady. I played some piano for an hour and a half or so before taking a break to walk the dog and was still quite blazed. Good stuff overall - I’d say ideal for making music, painting, or other creative endeavors. Leans towards being more active so physical activities like a workout, taking a walk, or even cleaning the house could also be a good match as I feel like it helped to focus on the one thing I was doing at any moment. Anything with words was completely frustrating. Whatever part of my brain is supposed to handle all that was just confused by conversation and reading :laughing:

Next up I’ll try some of the pickle hash plant looking pheno and report back!


Nice! Sounds real good! So the “pickle” didn’t carry over into the flavor at all? That’s good, I think. I like eating pickles, but I don’t wanna smoke them haha.

That’s funny. Actually made me audibly chuckle. Looking forward to the next smoke report. You’re making me think I shoulda grabbed some of these seeds from @newb2.0 when I had the chance…


Great smoke report @grow!! Can’t thank you enough for your addition to this thread! Interesting what you say about the pickle smell, I never put 2 & 2 together, but after a cure there is a “sour” note that faintly comes through in what I grew so I could see the pickle comparison. The lemon lime and kinda candy for sure, along w a “fuel” that isn’t gas or diesel- more like airplane glue. Definitely a smoke for getting shit done- when I’m tired, want to smoke, but got a bunch of shit to do in the grow, I always reach for some of this.

Hoping others grow and post about it, there was one of the 7 phenos I grew that was noticeably different smelling- more like spicy or spices than the lemon lime.

@minitiger - Sebring may still have some of these, idk if he put all of them up or not, I sent an absolute fuckton to him. I do know when he had these on his site, he released a ton of other things, so could definitely see him still holding onto a few for future strain releases.


The one that smelled like straight pickles I haven’t smoked yet… I really don’t know what to expect from that one. It was a total pain in the ass to trim because of how leafy it was but was also by far the stickiest of the bunch. Every nug had to be shaken from my finger tips to get it to go in the jar lol


Me and a friend harvested mine, here’s how she turned out,organic soil grown without training, stretch was double almost triple it’s veg size, very sweet smelling terps, long finisher picked on 13th week I think


@Swe-can why the fuck don’t you grow the seeds out that you’re GIVEN on OG and from Sebring rather than putting them up for sale on strainly? Bunch of fake ass mother fuckers on here always talking about the “OG Spirit” of giving seeds away with their hands out just so they can turn around and try to make money on them.


To be honest @newb2.0 I don’t know if you’ve been following along lately. But I won’t be able to grow anything for a long time, maybe never. And haven’t grown anything the last couple of months either. And all because of some financial issues last year. Also did a 3rd move In 2 years because of that. So I’ve been selling some and giving away some as I don’t want to sit on them. I’m keeping some seeds for the future, but same goes there… don’t know if I’ll ever get the chance to grow them.

But I do understand you :100: :v:


I understand the financial hardship side and not being able to grow these seeds out and I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all that, but I made and gave those f2s out bc it was explicitly stated by bodhi that he was cool w seeds being passed around. Selling the f2s and undercutting his business is another story. Even tho I’m not the one putting those up for sale, I’m accountable for making and distributing them, so in a way I’m also responsible for undercutting a very well respected breeders ability to continue making a living making and selling seeds. That definitely does not sit well w me


I see what you mean, and deleted it.

No hard feelings hopefully :v:

I’m gonna split them up and give them away on the next co-op box


I love you either way, @Swe-can. Your SSSDH seed run was one of the first logs I followed after I joined OG (even though I didn’t sign up for those). Shit gets weird sometimes. We do what we have to do. There’s been many times where I’ve wondered,”What would I do with all of my seeds if I couldn’t grow anymore…?” I’d for sure sell all of the packs that I bought, not a doubt in my mind. I’d probably give away the few packs of seeds I’ve gotten from seed runs here on OG, but I can’t say for certain that I’d do that. I’ve been broke as fuck before (most of the time) and it sucks. If someone offered me thirty bucks or however much for a free pack I got from a seed run, hell yes I’d sell it. It beats donating plasma.

It’s super-unfortunate that you might not be able to grow again, but I’d really miss your presence here on OG, even if it’s just a,”Oooh! Swe-can liked my last post!” (yes, I check to see who “likes” what I post; y’all can pretend you don’t if you want haha). I hope this doesn’t keep you from maintaining a presence here, even if it’s just to “like” my latest rants haha.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, anyway. Things’ll pick up. And then they’ll ebb. And then they’ll flow again. Just seems like that’s how shit always goes.


No doubt, thanks for understanding and I hope things turn around for you


Your a :gem: @minitiger don’t you ever forget that :pray::fire:!!
And I really hope you never have to sell or loose anything from your beloved collection!! Or even have to think about it. It’s a shitty feeling and every time I see all the grows and plants I do feel jealous of you guys.
But at the same time I’m glad I can follow along.
Without you guys I would just been working all day and then staying home and do nothing all day… at least I can watch all the crazy grows here on OG and enjoy your work!!

Me leaving this place will never happen :pray::sweat_smile: is the madness of OG that makes people feel sane :joy::v::fire: and that is something I can’t be without
( believe it sounds better in Swedish :sweat_smile:)

Your most appreciated @minitiger.

You’re also most appreciated @newb2.0 and thank you :pray: