Bodhi Spirit Train- Trainwreck Pheno Hunt

Everything was pretty consistent around 10 weeks but wouldn’t be surprised w F2s if you had more variation


For posterity, a day 47 update :smiley: I busted out the hand scope and some hair ties so bear with me. Also the obligatory “yes, I love smoking dog hair” :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a decent amount of clouding in the trichs, as well as some ambering but that’s primarily on the leaves rather than pistils/calyxes. The aroma has remained very pickle-y with the candy smells also strengthening as they mature. One of the plants also gave me a very particular lemon pound cake aroma. Like a sweet bread, the way a pastry shop might smell in the morning, without the coffee. I’m going with the assumption that these need at least 2 more weeks, if for nothing else but the memes, but I’m keeping an eye on the trichomes daily. I really don’t like super sedative smoke and those ambers can turn quick.


Here’s an update of mine 5 weeks into flower
Sweet citrus terps


Tomorrow is the start of Week 9. The phenos are pretty apparent at this point… The ones in the back that budded fastest developed the least in terms of stacking. Lots of dense, smaller buds. The plant on the left was somewhat in between and is very leafy and frosty, with the most intense pickle aroma that has been around since early in the flowering stage. The plant closest to the flap was the most sluggish in terms of throwing flowers but the stacking has been the best on her with multiple colas developing. I’ve been in and out of town with trips and holidays so I’m really thankful these are some auto-pilot plants - kudos to Bodhi and newb2.0. Humidity has remained in the 50-65% range all grow and so far it’s not a big deal. Temps in the mid 70s to low 80s. I credit good genetics and some preventative foliar sprays for preventing any sort of mold pressure. Knock on wood I guess! Now I get to worry about harvest windows and being out of town right when these things should be going in the jar, assuming they decide to go the full nine or ten weeks on me. I might be travelling with jars for christmas this year :smiley: Enjoy the pics!


Looking good, nice work! Pickle pheno is interesting, I got nothing like that.


How many you growing out? Those look like my #11 & #12 phenos. They had the chunkiest buds.


This is 4 different plants - popped 5 but got 4 females. Definitely foolhardy in a 2x2, especially knowing they’re F2s and going to express pretty differently. I had almost given up hope for that one that’s now putting up big chonker buds too.


In terms of aroma and grease factor, this one is by far the winner. I keep looking for excuses to go smell it - it’s exactly like a pickle. Got someone with a better nose than me to smell and she said ‘that’s straight pickle.’ It’s greasy too - fingers sticking together after touching one bud. Right now I’m thinking I’ll re-veg this one and the one that flowered quickest as it also had an aroma similar to this, at least earlier on in flower. I’m thinking I’ll try to get some clones rather than do any breeding directly with these plants after re-veg as they’ll have been through a lot by that point. Open to suggestions but I think getting both a self-cross of the pickle plant plus a cross to one of its F2 siblings with similar aroma should give a good chance at seeing this express again in the offspring.

Sorry for the out of focus picture - I’ll try to get a better shot in the upcoming days. These will probably come down over the weekend if I had to guess but I’m just following the scope looking for ripening.


Looks real good, blurry pic or not. I’m super-curious to hear how that pickle smell translates to flavor…


Didnt Bodhi mention The “pickle” on Potcast?

They look excellent by the way!!!


I’m curious as well. I’m hoping it is more Vlassic and less throw-up :smiley:

I found him reference what he called ‘the three ps’ or something like that which was pine, pink bubblegum & pickle if I remember right Someone dug up a quote of his from instagram or somewhere, I forget. I’ll have to check out that potcast episode to see if he mentions it. Can’t wait to try this one!


Haha, yeah, throw-up isn’t really one of my favorite flavors… I suspect that it won’t taste anything like it smells, though. I’ve grown my fair share of onion/garlic/BO-smelling plants, along with ones that smelled just plain weird, but those smells never carried over to the flavor. They always end up tasting reeealllyyyy good.


This plant is pretty much all cola for the yield untrained, and a fat ass one at that.

All my plants don’t fit in one pic but u get the idea :wink:

Def biggest bud in my garden


Grabbed a few shots today. Week nine will be done on Tuesday. I thought this first picture really illustrated the varied expression in the F2s. These are all in the same soil, fading as they please. The pickle pheno has barely started fading while the sweeter one that reminds me of Now and Laters has taken on a much lighter color, with purpling coming through on the leaves as well. I dimmed the lights slightly and cut the hours to 11.5 on per day. I noticed the buds slick up pretty quickly this week after doing that and I’m hoping that trend continues, with a strong push towards resin vs bud material.

EDIT: in the closeups I’m really starting to see things get close with abscission and clouding of the trichome heads. Still a decent number of clear/half-clear heads though and I’m still having to hunt for amber trichs but overall these are very close.


Fantastic work on these plants @grow nice bud shots too


Much appreciated! It’s been pretty hands off once I got 'em sailing. Good genes + good soil = low effort.

I finally remembered to upload a picture of the marigolds that are still growing in there. I cut them when they bloom and then when they wilt I cut them up and put them back as mulch. Keeps my partner happy with some decor on her work from home desk :slight_smile: Word to the wise: marigolds smell FUNKY. I’ve read they’re a natural pest deterrent and I believe it if those insects can smell. But they’re pretty so… net positive?


Great work @grow! I’m excited for you to try out the results!!


Marigolds are for bigger rodents like rabbits, mice/rats, gophers etc. They can’t stand the smell of em, don’t think this would work for insects, citronella plant is another story though


After some soul searching about the monster-cropping and seeding idea, I realized my heart wasn’t in it for the long haul. Instead, everybody got the chop!

What a pleasure to grow though - and lots of excitement moving out of the tent into the drying phase. I probably should have staggered this harvest, but heading into the Christmas travels I wanted to get everything into jars at least a few days before I have to leave for a few days. It’s still really unfortunate timing but I’m just trying to control what I can. Here’s a few beauty shots pre harvest and a post-carnage picture. I put down a wide variety of seeds about 7-10 days ago so those are starting to come up which should help keep the soil biology buffet busy. That tree trunk in the back is the marigold which gets to live until it stops producing flowers :slight_smile:


Amazing, well done! I think you’re the first I’ve seen finish those spirit train F2s.