Bodhi Testers: Black Triangle and Dragonsoul X Strawberry Milk

Nicely done my friend very healthy looking


Thank you!
I’m very picky. Not liking the super red petioles and early yellowing on the large lower fans. I don’t do any defoliating and I find my plants always shed themselves over half way through flower. I’ve just learned to relax and let them do their thing. They can look kind of dreadful towards the end but the flowers always remain nice and healthy. For giving nothing but water the whole time, it’s something I’m willing to live with.


I always do a massive defoliate at the end of stretch. Seems to help promote more leaves and trigger those bud sites to produce. obviously this is imo. They look great, will follow this thread, keep posting!

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Just came across this thread, I’m new here. I also got gifted a pack from the strawberry milk Male. I’ve got pirate sweat, mine are just starting flowering. I know nothing about the dad, you have any insight @schmarmpit??

Everything looks killer in there, even the over watered. Shit happens with full tents!


Yep, I’m following your grow too! I’ve got nothing on the strawberry milk dad. I’ve not even seen SM females. Would love some more info on them.


10 days later and the bud growth has just gone wild in this tent. The tops are getting chunky, sticky, and smelling amazing. The Dragonsoul have lots of pine, then ripe fruits and lemon. The Black Triangle are more kush, earth, fruity. It’s intoxicating to smell them all together.

Some plants are clearly yellowing way fast but at this point around 5 weeks in. I will just let the leaves get eaten away as there are plenty for the draining and the lowers need more light. I’ll likely top dress some, but with just some new soil as they are far enough along I’d rather not risk burning them.

Dragonsoul x SM

Black Triangle x SM


I have a pack of Black Triangle i’ll be starting soon. If they look like yours, I will be happy.

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Thanks! I ran a pack of black triangle last grow and they all turned out great. They were even bigger and denser than these strawberry milk testers so far. You will surely enjoy them and their knockout stone.


Tomorrow will be the start of week 6 for these plants. I expect them to go to 9 but am in no rush.

The biggest producer by far is this Dragonsoul X SM who is just going to be a beast. I figured these would be long flowering plants with the Dragonsblood in them, but this bud is looking plump already and they are dense down the whole plant. All the Dragonsouls have a strong pine scent in the foreground.


The colors on this Black Triangle x SM are just so appealing to me with the reds and oranges. purple stems, and lime green buds.

For comparison, here is Black Triangle from a previous grow exact same soil, conditions and general age. I wonder if the Strawberry Milk dad is adding these colors, or making it a much heavier eater than the straight Black Triangle.


They look amazing, very far already for 6 weeks. And I think the SM father has some influence as you stated.

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Week 7 now and I’m already thinking I’ll be cutting some tops down by week 8. These buds are seriously large, resinous, and stanky as all hell. These Black Triangle X SM crosses will likely go the full 9 weeks. They have a much milder smell with hints of pine, menthol, earth, and dark berries. A nice subtle kush smell.

The Dragonsouls are much more fragrant, and all have recently added a bit of burnt rubber stink to their pine heavy aroma. Mixed in with the citrus hints, it’s an odd combo that I’m eager to try. The front and middle plants are showing beastly yields (close-up below). The back one has smallish nugs but are dense as rocks and already looking close to finished.

Now for the part that can make some growers cringe. My ‘keep it green’ mantra applies only to the buds in late flower. The fan leaves of my plants yellow hard and can look pretty unsightly in the later stages. I am used to it as I grow water only in recycled organic soil and should be using larger pots. When I switched from CMH to LED a couple years back I noticed the fan leaf death happened way quicker, but I was also getting much fatter buds than with CMH. You’ll notice the smallest Black Triangle plant in front has very green and healthy fans. If the others were in 5 gallon pots I’d imagine they’d be looking similar, but running this flower tent with 27 gallons of soil vs 45 gallons is worth it to me right now. I think after a few more rounds I’ll have enough recycled soil cached to start running proper sized containers.


This dragonsoul plant#2 is not even 8 weeks, but I just had to snip this one branch top for a tester. Mostly milky trichs and plump as can be. These plants are gonna yield real nice. I can’t believe how quick it is flowering.

If you look real close you’ll see it bleeding where I cut the fan leaves. All 3 of the dragonsoul plants are bleeders since the beginning.


I’ve def noticed the same with the fans under led. Used to rock the hps but all led now. They go quick, but buds are def before than before and trich coverage much more prominent for me at least under led.

They look great and tester cut looks so creamy!!!


I agree 100%. Ever since moving to LED I’ve never had bigger and more trich covered buds. I’ve also had to add lots more food and dolomite lime (cal/mag) to my recycled soil mix. I keep bumping it up every new round.

I’m really excited to try the Dragonsoul x SM tester. The pine-heavy smell I have not had in along while and I hope it carries through to the smoke. What kind of smells are you getting off yours?

One nice thing about all the fans getting drained is I always have very smooth smoke without any cure. Soon as it’s dry I light it up and am rarely disappointed. When my plants are all real green at harvest I feel I have to wait a while on the cure until it’s smooth. It’s probably just me but it’s very apparent.


The Strawberry Milk testers have started week 8 flowering. I plan to take most of them to week 9 before the chop. The Black Traingles are taking longer than the Dragonsouls to my surprise. Some choice top buds will get whittled away in the meantime. I’ve removed most of the fan leaves in hopes of showing off the full plant structure. The two sickly Black Triangle girls have been taken down and added to the hash-making pile, but I was really surprised how well they budded up in spite of their circumstances.

4 Black Triangle x Strawberry Milk

3 Dragonsoul x Strawberry Milk


Those look lovely great fade on the leaves


Nice job. Would enjoy sum bud porn if u got ne closeups in focus.


Oh for sure I’ll be taking some closeups when they get chopped next week or so!


It got really dry and cold and my Dragonsoul tester nug I took about 5 days ago was already dry today. I toked some and it’s so smooth. I LOVE the smoke! I was excited for pine because it smells so pine heavy, but the smoke tastes like a really light fruit, much to my surprise. No pine hardly at all in the taste. I almost don’t want to say strawberry because I’m just being influenced by the dad’s name, but damn if that’s what I was thinking. Wife says orange Skittles.

The stone is very relaxing and uplifting. I’ve been having tolerance issues recently and all the strains I currently have available cause me panic if I’m not careful. This is the first strain I’ve smoked since that did not have any of that feeling along with it.

Even though I have not spotted much amber anywhere, I’m confident in chopping the rest of that plant down at this point. I got about 8g from that tester, and now I want the rest to smoke like that too!