Bodhi Testers: Black Triangle and Dragonsoul X Strawberry Milk

Chopped some more of those Dragonsoul X SM #2 top branches tonight. Will leave the lowers for another week.


They sure put on a great show, thanks to you!

Sounds like a nice sublime high without paranoia / panic from the sample. I like thatā€¦ Looking forward to hearing about the Black Triangle :+1:

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Thanks! Iā€™m wondering about the Black Triangle cross myself. Might snip a branch this week. I grew straight up Black Triangle last round and itā€™s so strong that it gets me panicky after more than two hits. Hoping it doesnā€™t show up in this Strawberry Milk cross.

Also, Iā€™ve never had a plant that bled like all these Dragonsouls. Itā€™s like I feel guilty because every cut draws a little blood and Iā€™m also slightly excited by it. Haha damn you cannabis making me feel things! Feeling really good on this new smoke.


Hahah yes I can imagine with the blood trait!! Funny to feel that way.

I feel you on the Black Triangleā€¦ I started feeling bouts of paranoia for some reason before deciding to take off for a bit. The BT really is a potent crossā€¦ i had to let my keeper go, but have since ordered another pack :man_shrugging:


Really nice grow, job well done, the dragonsoul sounds like a nice smoke. Iā€™m all for relaxed but uplifting highs

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Hereā€™s the first Black Triangle x Strawberry Milk to come down! 3 more to go over the next week.

With each plant that comes down it gets replaced by a Blue Tara seed run plant.


Dragonsoul #1. Small but dense nugs. Very strong smell, pine and rubber.


Black Triangle x sm #2


Black Triangle x strawberry milk #3. Strongest smell so far but not really my style. Kind of like garlic and pine and some rotten fruit. Loving the ease of trimming these plants though. 10 minutes and done.


Killer picture !! They look like an easy trim job, too bad you do not care for the smell!!!

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Thanks Jet! This is the only one of four so far that I havenā€™t liked. Hopefully dry and cure will enhance it. Iā€™ll figure a way to burn through it somehow. :triumph:


Maybe the plant you donā€™t like the smell of will taste completely different??

They look amazing and canā€™t beat that trim job.
My strawberry milk testers are looking around 9 weeks as well. Happy chopping and tasting.


I have to agree with jet that #3 looks like a keeper

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I would agree. Sometimes the stinky shit tastes amazing. I had a buddy with a Colombian plant that smelled like catshit that was amazing.


Dragonsoul x SM #2 got chopped tonight. Unfortunately I spotted about 6 male flowers during the trim, all down low on the plant. Itā€™s been the only plant so far to show any herm issues. They were fully formed and releasing pollen when shook so hopefully they didnā€™t muck anything up, but Iā€™m not too worried either way.

The smell on this plant is just flat out bizarre. Kind of like a stinky onion hoagie, rose flowers, and the slightest hint of pine. I never even noticed it much among all the others but it was so strong while cutting that my eyes were getting teary. Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m going to have a hard time reviewing this mixed bag of plants come time to smoke.


The 4th and final Black Triangle x SM tester is taking itā€™s damn time. Iā€™ll check again in another week which will put it over 10 weeks total. It also has the best looks and smells of all four so far. I donā€™t take clones, and if I would ever consider reveg it would be this one. Itā€™s the shortest and densest structure of them all. And ainā€™t she purdy?


I think sheā€™s finally where I want it. I plan on chopping soon.

Overall im enjoying the smoke from the dragonsouls much more than the black triangles so far, and they are good in their own right. But the dragonsouls have a more pleasant high, and more robust complex smells of pine, rose, citrus candies. The rubber smell during growth is barely present but maybe slightly on one. And they are yielding great whereas black triangle are on the medium low side.

Edit after chop:


That fade looks beautiful. Those would be some cool leaves to press in a book. Any Chemy/Strawberry smells on them? Great job!


Thanks! No, I canā€™t say I really get much chem or strawberry smells from either cross. The Black Triangle crosses definitely have a bit of chem smell but itā€™s very muted compared to what I experienced with the real deal Black Triangle. The smells off these BT x SM are hard to nail down, and subtle. You really have to rub the trichs to get smells and itā€™s more earthy, sweet, and a little pine. I did have 1 of 4 that had a really strong garlic smell mixed in, very funky. But it doesnā€™t come through on the smoke which is sweet and earthy. Of the 3 Iā€™ve smoked so far Iā€™m liking the garlic one the best!

The Dragonsoul crosses are much more terpy. The only strawberry hint I got was on the actual smoke from one of the Dragonsoul crosses, but my wife thought it was more of a orange Skittle type taste. But this cross just has these intoxicating smells of pine, rose, sweet fruits. Ahhhhh just delicious. And the smoke is better for me personally, a calming and euphoric type high. The BT x SM is strong but confusing and just makes me hungry for weird things lol.


Beautiful work my friend amazing color :+1:

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