Bodhi's Zap!

Theyre just sprouts now, prolly gonna take pics this weekend


Interesting you didn’t find the Oaxacan leaners too great. Always heard oaxacans were special. What were the indicators you found for IDing if the plants leaned oaxacan, thai, or Vietnamese? Any specific leaf patterns or just by smell / effect like the vietnamese being sweeter.


Haha, good point. I was just basing that on the way the genetics are written on the packs. I feel like if it was a T.V. cross (I’m assuming “T.V.” is short for Thai x Vietnamese?), they’d be written/printed/whatever Oaxacan x (Thai x Vietnamese) or Oaxacan x T.V. But it isn’t written that way, so…

The way it’s written, Oaxacan x Vietnamese x Thai, is definitely confusing haha, but, like I said, it doesn’t really matter to me all that much. I just wanna grow the motherfuckers out haha.


i dont know for certain but i thought the zap was: oaxacan x (t.v.) as well, though the way it’s written out certainly had me wondering

ive seen bodhi use a oaxacan female cut (#9 recently with the angel wing afghan male) for a few crosses which ive been fancy to investigate further

and i’ve seen the T.V. available as a new medicine mountain release

it all sounds awesome to me, im just glad B is out there gettin funky


Interesting and thanks for sharing your experiences! That’s very helpful as I’m trying to stay away from overly Vietnamese expressions and would likely end up selecting for the boring pheno ha ha. Definitely not interested in that so appreciate it. :pray::call_me_hand:


I mean, Bodhi’s made crosses with Destroyer and labeled them as such. The fact that he didn’t in Zap’s case makes me think it’s different. But I really have no idea.


T.V. is listed as Viet x Thai. Thai male. Its just the catchy name TV he gave it that makes it confusing.


When I ordered my pack of T.V. it was listed like this……

T.V. (vietnamese 7 x thai (cbg destroyer pearl pheno ix2)

I don’t think ZAP was listed like that. Which makes me think they are different Thai daddies.


Im liking that list! Congrats on getting married too btw!

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No doubt , oaxacans are loved and sought after. I myself am waiting for cryptic to release more of the oaxacan golds made famous here by our very own upstate. There are many oaxacan lines worked by many. I believe thee oaxacan in Zap is a quicker finishing selection. I have experience with vietblack (toking vietblack 164 s1 by docdseeds as i type this ) crosses and many thai including destroyer. So when i saw the zap growing its obvious from plant , flower structure and terp profiles which parent line is leaving a stronger influence on the offspring.
I almost wish i had not said anything about different phenos and my preferences for the thai leaners. Just because my friends grow did not find any desirable oaxacan leaning individuals does not mean when i start my two packs i wont find a oaxacan leaner that i find to be magical. My main intention is to give a heads up that that zap can be finicky if not treated properly, less room for error.
I would encourage everyone with these in the fridge to give em a shot. Maybe dont grow them massive and commit all your resources on em. My friend chopped a thai leaner at week 7 of flower due to nanners. And did not keep clone. Big mistake. That flower chopped at 7 weeks was MAGICAL, better then some of my jars of 16 week flowered hybrids. It would have finished under 80days and produced plenty of flower by 7 weeks. Really sped up by fast finishing oaxacan? . His grow had bunch of issues like plants packed in too tightly and over fertigated. I would have loved to rerun that plant in ideal environment and frankly would have kept it regardless of the nanners due the quality of effect. Actually fit the zap strain description. A very buzzing , energetic, feel good effect , emanating from chest outward compelling you to get up and turn the music up and get to work.
Happy hunting.