BOG Grape Punch redemption run

Thanks for the @ Doug!
Re-enrolled just in time before blasting up the the mountains and no service!

#60 FTW?



Lets see if #67 is the winning number @DougDawson!

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Hi @DougDawson , great thread! I noticed that you seem to leave seeds in paper towels until they become seedlings and shed the shell.

Looks like you just sort of plant their lower half into your coco after that?

Any tips for this method? Looks like it works really well and the seeds basically are ready to go right away… I imagine you could accidentally leave them in the towel too long or something like that, but checking every 8-12 hours should be good?


Hey @MumenRyder , so when I germinated these I did so vertically by putting the paper towel flat into a ziplock and hanging it from the pole in the top of one of my tents. This promoted straighter tap roots as they automatically want to grow down. As for leaving them too long I would say you could check them once a day. The seedling has enough energy stored to keep growing well past shucking it’s shell so it will be hard to leave them too long really if checking daily. After that I just make a hole in the coco with a pen and put the seedling in, then squeeze the seedling bag to push the coco in and it closes the hole around it.


Thanks for going over that man, I did not realize that you had them hanging vertical… Very cool!


It was something new to me and I will be doing it from now on. I am tired of how some seedlings start off like a cork screw or turn and grow the wrong way. I am guessing it’s because they are on a plate and can’t go down as they would. Hanging the towel vertically seems to create nice straight roots downward making them easier to plant. If I am not mistaken it was @Purple-N-Hairy who I saw do this first so I can’t take credit for the method. I can say it worked great though :slight_smile:


I’m down for any ya can send me as I’m trying to over grow my side of the tow, city and state I live in. And I say fuck cancer and wish to help others out and help spread my share of beans in the future.

Which beans are you going to plant for your second grow? The ones from Yetigrows or the ones from NugLifeFarms420?


Here ya go @BigMike55:


Not as expensive as I would have thought.
Yaz was my sports hero when I was a kid growing up in Boston. What a slugger he was.
He opened a restaurant in Boston after he retired and I got to eat there once.


Here are the expensive ones:


LOL, $6,606,000 for a card with a pic on it. That is a whole new level of stupid IMO. Most folks won’t earn that much in their whole life.


Yeah @DougDawson , a person could buy a real nice government position with that much cash. :thinking:

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Maybe one day my cards will fetch such an apsurd amount :thinking:


Yea that’s an insane amount of money… for a card with a picture. Now don’t get me wrong, I give full respect to the men and women who worked hard to get to that status. But not even our soldiers, LEOS, medics, or fire fighters make a fraction of that, even counselors, and people that work with disabled or handicapped adults or children don’t make anything close to that. I always thought Sports were entertainment based so it kind of blows my mind how they all make so much more than the people that sacrifice everything just so the rest of the population doesnt have to. But who am I to say lol. I’m just a mango trying not to go moldy.
Referring to the sports cards, not the cannabis cards


I wouldn’t pay much of anything for art but people pay buku for it.

There’s very few humans that can reach that status as far as sports. Talking about 1% in the military of the US population that are fit and maybe .0001% that can play at the upper level of sports? Regardless though, they make less than the billionaire owners. They are slaves in a way, and the average career is less than 3 years…college athletes have it even worse

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They all make over a million dollars. Thats a lot of dough to play ball. I’ve been a steelworker for 32 years and I probably haven’t reached that kind of money added up.


I doubt you could be a pro athlete. Not trying to be rude, but yeah, the numbers don’t lie. Less than 2k out of a population of 300 million for the NFL lol

Also, they don’t all make over 1 mil. Depends on what sport, and women rarely get paid that. Guys back in the 70s and so on didn’t make Squat. The only reason they make so much is from the teams getting $$$ from TV deals and they get it trickled down. College athletes do it for free until they changed up the rules recently.

Anyway, I’m not here to argue, just saying, it’s silly trying to compare yourself, I don’t think millions of people would pay to watch you work :wink:

I don’t want to watch me work either. All you youngsters keep paying into social security so I can retire :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Unless you are the famous quarterback football players don’t make crap for money and end up with lifetime injuries without lifetime health benefits and pay. Now basketball is a whole different story, but there’s a whole lot less of them. I know 3 ex pro football players personally who have regular jobs now and all 3 permanent injuries. Def not rich guys.