Bog Seeds Availability Info

Awesome thank you!


Awesome to see! I’m definitely going to follow along with this grow


Yes, received, thanks @DougDawson


Yesss! After this everything skunk run, I will be revisiting lifesaver… I need the blueberry lifesavers, might as well make more seeds :yum::joy:


New beans going in water for the next round. If anyone has had the luxury of seeing these Bubble Milks grow, would love to know about it! Got that pack from a friend recently.


@VAkish is growing one now:


Awesome! Looks beautiful, thanks for sending this my way :+1:

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So are you going to be growing the out for the community? :smiley:

…right monkeyman :+1:



First round will be a pheno hunt, but yes depending on what I find I definitely plan on producing more seeds of them or crossing it to something else! Would love to see any seeds I make out in the community :smiley:.


Please count me in if any still available will PM my address

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Thanks ! PM’ed you

they sound do sound friggen great --interesting terpene’s

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I’ve been wanting to try any of Bog’s work for many years. I’m always late to the party lol. Thanks for all the preservation! I’m hoping to get signed up on the Veterans give away and possibly get some. BTW What an honor to to those of us whom have served to be recognized. Thanks again to @DougDawson any many others who donated in advance!


Saw this post earlier today from James Bean. So far with my BOG seeds ordered from Seedsherenow, they have been consistent with classic BOG genetics. I’ve listened to some of the later BOG interviews and he speaks highly of James, and talks about how they worked together.

After seeing this post, why would I believe James is a scammer selling bunk seeds? Am I wrong? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I hate how he calls it “legit BOG gear”. BOG died. Anything that comes out now is just a reproduction/preservation, regardless if Jr or Pat or whoever made them… But it can’t be legit BOG gear because he’s dead (RIP)


According to him these seeds are from when BOG produced them. That stock is bound to run out at some point. My recent germination rates would certainly reflect these seeds being on the older side, I can say that much.


Surely there would be some correspondence from whoever he’s buying them from though? To go along with the payment info? You’d think he’d be talking with someone when he’s getting his order. He uses phrases like “it would make sense to me” etc… which implies that he’s not even certain himself and came to that conclusion on his own. Why would have to make any kind of assumption like that on his own if he is in direct contact with whoever he is buying the seeds from? He should know straight up. This is what he said in the comments.

Jim and pat lived with jr at jr’s house. Jim’s final days were there. If BOG lived at jrs house it would make since to me, that jr would have then had access to EVERYTHING.


I have no reason to believe James is lieing. I’ve grown some of the gear, it checks out to what I found in the past when BOG was alive. I don’t see why James Bean would be anymore obligated to show ‘proof’ that this is legit more than what he just provided.

Guess everyone can come to there own conclusion, but at the same time…if no one has called out James and SHN for growing out the product and saying ‘this isn’t BOG gear’ (including myself), why would I doubt it’s authenticity? A lot of people out there just want to doubt him because they think he’s shady, I personally haven’t seen that side. :man_shrugging:


I have no dog in the fight. But showing correspondence is worth a lot more than showing some payments. So why would he choose to show payment instead of correspondence, since he felt obligated to show something anyway? If he wanted to clear the air, he could. But he chose to go the other way which doesn’t really clear things up. It’s also possible he just doesn’t even know.

Iirc @Tonygreen said JB blocked him, but JB said Tony blocked him because JB called him out or whatever. Different stories, only one is true. If JB blocked Tony then that makes JB a liar. I don’t see why Tony would block him anyway. He has nothing to lose in this situation


James Bean says he’s going to get Jr. and/or Pat on a show with him soon. That should put all of this to rest and finally we can all hear what’s going on behind the scenes.

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