Bog Seeds Availability Info

Thank you man, its been long over due. There used to be medical dispensary down in SoCal that only carried BOG clones and seeds back in 2010. I remember getting a few things from them but they didn’t have LifeSaver. I unfortunately lost everything I had back then, tried to setup a new grow in 2016 but was screwed over by my partner (didn’t have my own place to grow). Now fastward to the present, I finally have my own place and finally got my hands on some LifeSaver, Sour Grape, and Sour Blutooth. The planets are aligning!!!


Interesting that these seem to be from two diff runs. Numbered one is accurate. Unnumbered one has 15.


The ones one the left look a bit heftier too. 🤷

Do a comparison grow out?


Grabbed one sour lifesaver and one sour blutooth a few weeks back!


Is this you @FiveGar looks like your pic from above!!!



Be careful posting up pictures of your bog packs on here. I’ve had my pictures stolen by that POS a few times. That’s the guy who’s been scamming on BOG beans for months now.


Hey bud, so is it just the wording that tells you they are fakes? I have a pack I bought from a user here but they are older and have the label on the right thankfully. Just curious if there are other tell tale signs?

Glad you mentioned that, I was about to post a pic of Grape Punch and Sour Bubble that are about to go for an overnight soak. I will refrain from posting them now.

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That’s messed up fake seeds and probably big bucks for crap.

I put a huge watermark on any pictures of my packs of seeds that I post :+1::+1:


Those packs aren’t fake. That scammer steals people’s pictures from here and talks shit about shn to get people to buy off his scam site


Looks like took my pic without permission. Thats a dick move. Also both came from seedsherenow bought at same time. So issue would be with them.

Guessing thats a fake insta since the real one doesnt have the underscore?


@SOLGarion You’re good, you got real shit. He’s done the same shit with my pictures. That dude is a drug addict and making a yearly salary off this scam because people are clueless on IG. I took a screen shot of a picture someone posted of him and his girl earlier this year :eyes:


I like how the post says if you got the “fake” ones hed make it right but didnt say shit to they guy he stole the pic from. If he wanted to make fake packs right he prolly shoulda sent me a PM. Youd think . . .

Hmmm, not letting me report it for IP infringement. Will as soon as it lets me.


I didn’t mean to delete my comment no coffee. I’ll f back to repost what I just said after I finish feeding

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Neither one are fake. dude (scammer) is just tring to convince people that shn isnt legit. Likeall the times people here have said shn isnt legit.

Shn is going to be the only place id buy bog gear


Here we go again, and I’m guessing we’ll go through this in another 3 months. Only buy from shn guys, this is a pretty simple solution to this problem.

Edit: And my Sour Grape, Sour Lifesaver, and Blue Kush packs all arrived from SHN safe and sound today. 13 seeds in the pack that was labeled 13, 15 in the second, and 17 in the third :sunglasses: and no, I will not be posting pictures of those packs, or any packs of seeds, here on OG ever again lol…it was fun while lasted.

Follow up post by James Bean


Knew it was coming.


Why’s really sad is all this could be avoided. I’m pretty bummed about the whole deal. So I guess I’m taking the route of non participation. I’m keeping Sour Grape and a couple tubes of f2s and s1s. Giving the rest of my bog collection away.