Bog Seeds Availability Info

if you want to sell any, shoot me a pm.


I already have a foster for them.

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Can’t let one bad apple ruin the bunch. BOG put in too much work to have people give up on his gear because of some drug addict scam artist imo. To each their own tho 🤷


Not just the scammer. Jr inaction, greed on strainly, jamez bean buying all bogs show gear. Makes me depressed and honestly the best way for me to deal with it is separation. Im treating it like a breakup. Ill still get to see the kids. Id rather remember it the way it was not the way it is.


I can understand that.


Lol I feel you. A strongly worded post by BOG Jr. about the future of BOG beans would have helped for sure.


Wait a min… “buyer beware. Ps funny they don’t sell to me anymore”

Does that mean shn bought fake gear at one point?? :thinking:

Edit: not saying he sold any but, he got f’ed by that guy in the past


He’s speaking sarcastically with poorly written text.

I’ll translate for you…“funny (this scammer says) they (bog Jr and Pat) don’t sell to me anymore, meanwhile BOG Jr. just cashed his check for the most recent drop and offered to give me BOG’s old trade show setup”.

He never got or sold fake BOG gear from that guy…your reading into it too much. Why would he ever buy from a random guy when he had a direct line to BOG the entire time he was alive??

SHN is the only place for legit BOG gear, it’s pretty clear and simple. And I feel like they should be giving me a service desk hourly rate for these posts lol. I’m gonna have to check out of this thread at this point…god speed everyone.


YES, it would be nice to hear from JR…at least if it’s just to clear the air about the future of the business. But maybe that’s not his thing. Certainly would make me more comfortable dropping $100 on a pack.

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Thanks for clarification. Somehow I read it from a different angle, ahah.

The scammer was trying to discredit shn, saying no proximity/contact etc. James was mocking that.

Makes sense :wink:

Edit: funny thing is I already knew all that, I even posted screenshots showing the timeline for SHN BOG drops, saying I trusted the drop 100% when there was doubt days ago- total brain fart, my bad.


I need help deciding between strains

Sweet Cindy or Lifesaver. My choice would be both but my wallet says no, well, more like hell no, so I need to cut one but cannot do it

Anyone making F2’s or either strain? That would help a lot if I knew there would be F2 seeds of either strain around soon


Bad grammar was the culprit there you got nothing to worry about lol :+1::+1:

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If I remember correctly, @FiveGar wants to do a sweet Cindy seedrun after his sour Bluetooth.

And lifesavers, well… how many f2s would make you happy?


How do you say infinity without sounding greedy :thinking:



How many do you want?

  • yes.

Wonder how bog would of liked some of his strains ran in the tin box?
Grow a few trees in his honour one of these days .


Thanks bud but I am good. Got many BOG strains now and will make more. I would love to just grab more seeds but I will just put in the work.


I’ll f2 Sweet Cindy if @FiveGar doesn’t or cant


Could you/would you be willing to part with 5-10 lifesaver f2’s? That would be plenty to find the makings of more


Did you make a decision? What did you go with?

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