Bog Seeds Availability Info

So this looks like a standard he-said she-said situation… on one hand we’ve got a seed vendor with unknown breeding experience and massive amounts of money at stake, and on the other we’ve got a breeder with lots of experience and nothing at stake financially. Seems simple enough to trust the one who’s got lots of money riding on people believing his side, right? :wink:


The whole situation is starting to seem f*%+*d honestly. May just be something that will stay a he said/he said situation. No one knows jr’s intent with his dad’s legacy. Doubt many people have really gotten to know jr like many got to know bog.


I’m amazed so many people are negative on this. James is just responding to the constant recent attacks from Tony, whether he’s in the right or in the wrong.

We finally are told that attempts will be made to get Jr. on a show and hear straight from him, and yet every post here has been more skepticism and negativity. Might be my time to drop this thread for good.

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I don’t see any negativity. Just good discussions going back and forth. This needs to be talked about. It’s a pretty big thing. James told me months ago he was trying to get Jr to talk. It’d be nice if it happens, but until then the skepticism will always be there until we get firm confirmation from jr himself


I’m amazed at just how easy you find it to blindly believe. With or without Tony calling it into question, the situation there has been suspicious for quite some time… it’s taken this long for it to reach critical mass. You can see people starting to have questions as far back as mid-2021 if you read through the thread, and I doubt OG is the only place people were asking questions. There’s been a complete information vacuum since BOG died, since nobody trustworthy has been interested in talking. Nearly two years of people asking when BOG Jr. would step forward and confirm that these seeds are legit, and complete silence. Why do you think blind trust is a good quality in this situation?


Blind trust? First of all, I’ve been one of the skeptics. That being said, as I’ve mentioned multiple times, I’ve grown the ‘new’ gear from SHN. Whether its F2 or the real thing, I don’t know, but it had poor germination rates, and has matched the plants that I grew in the past when Bog was alive. So right there, I’m already 50% in with believing these are legit and what James claims them to be.

The story of having a large amount of extra seeds to financially support Bogs family when he passes, and knowing that he could at anytime, also makes sense to me. Finally James Bean decides to speak up about things and wants to provide proof that he’s not scamming the community, and we just get more negative nancy’s like you blowing the whistle. And I really don’t see how the blame goes on James Bean for Jr. not stepping up and speaking out to the people on what’s going on. That’s on him.

Null point anyways, hopefully we get this cleared up with an interview sooner rather than later. But again, It’s almost like people want to believe James Bean is the bad guy. I post what he said on IG and people just hop right on him not giving one benefit of the doubt. Will be nice when this is cleared so people like you can pipe down.


I agree, it’ll be nice when this is actually cleared up. When there’s actual proof for people to point to rather than just attacking people who disagree with you. And what the hell kind of attack is “negative Nancy?” anyway? I’d rather be a cynic than a fool blindly trusting someone with an obvious profit motive to lie. Note that I’m not saying he is lying, before you attack me again. I’m just saying he has an obvious motive to lie, and it’s obvious why people would, and have been, questioning him.


Lol I don’t blindly trust James Bean. But this post was a step in the right direction and if anything should lessen the skepticism around this situation. It certainly makes me feel more comfortable about my BOG purchases on SHN anyways, but I’m not believing 100% of the story yet either.

There is also plenty of motives for Tony G to start ragging on James Bean when he’s working with Bogs old gear and selling it. So… :man_shrugging:

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There may be motives for him to move his bog crosses, but he hasn’t mentioned at all during this period of “calling each other out” that he has bogs old work and to buy his stuff and not from shn


He doesn’t get the blame in my mind. You said yourself that you have been one of the skeptics. Jim Bean is taking the burnt of this since at present he is the face of BOG seeds, the only one available, and will continue to deal with skeptics till Jr. does what’s right and speaks to all the loyal BOG fans.

I don’t see it that way. I think everyone want’s him to be a stand up guy. I personally have no feelings about the man one way or another. I cannot speak to his character or if there is a lack of character. I don’t have the exposure to the man to make that kind of judgement. But I doubt there is one person here that does not want to find out that he speaks the truth.

The fact is that BOG had loyal customers. If Jr. is going to carry on his legacy then those people deserve to have him step up and speak to this. It’s been 2 years. His lack of caring about all those who spend their hard earned money on his fathers genetics is disheartening. Going by what Jim Beam posted he has been making a shit ton of money off BOG’s seeds for Jr and Pat. That money comes from us, customers. To ignore us for so long is not only bad business but really bad form. As long as Jim is selling BOG seeds and Jr does not take the time to show some respect to BOG’s customers there will continue to be those who’s concerns continue to grow.

So who’s fault is this, Jr’s, 100%. Even if he doesn’t respect BOG’s customers, who have been loyal all these years, enough to speak to their concerns it would be nice if he would step up out of respect for Jim Bean and put people minds at rest. He is the reason this continues, the blame does non lye anywhere else IMO.


Very good way to put it doug


Beans aside, James writing that nobody ever said they weren’t bog genetics and that Tony saying it’s not bog genetics is talking shit in the same paragraph made me laugh.


The fact is that BOG had loyal customers. If Jr. is going to carry on his legacy then those people deserve to have him step up and speak to this. It’s been 2 years. His lack of caring about all those who spend their hard earned money on his fathers genetics is disheartening. Going by what Jim Beam posted he has been making a shit ton of money off BOG’s seeds for Jr and Pat. That money comes from us, customers. To ignore us for so long is not only bad business but really bad form. As long as Jim is selling BOG seeds and Jr does not take the time to show some respect to BOG’s customers there will continue to be those who’s concerns continue to grow.

By the sounds of it, all or nearly all of the proceeds from the BOG seeds sales have been going to Pat and Jr., so I’m not going to assume that James has been making a boatload of money off these sales in the last 2 years. But I agree with everything you’ve said, James could have done a better job at being more transparent, and certainly Jr. as well.


They raise funds through the auction part of the site, listed gear is all paid for and profit pocketed…


Also, before I forget, let’s make it happen right now :yum: I can send you a double pack of sour strawberry f3s if you want them.


It appears that is the case. This is all the more reason for Jr. to come forward. It would take the dude 15 min in a podcast or some other form of communication to sort this all out in people heads and ease their minds. I do look at this with an open mind and my hopes are all on there being nothing nefarious. But the reality is that the longer you let an issue fester the worse things are going to get. I just hope Jr. comes to his senses and realizes that reality sooner rather than later. It would be best for everyone. In the mean time I will continue to run the BOG gear I previously accumulated because well, I love BOG gear.


Agreed! By the looks of the comments on IG of Jim Beams post, it seems like he wasn’t aware of how many people were skeptical over this whole thing, so maybe that will motivate Jr. even more to get his arse into gear and tell us what’s going on. Hoping that’s the case anyways, lol.

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Seriously? Wow! Thank you! it’s definitely much appreciated!!

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Thing is, 2 years ago on a podcast, James said JR would be carrying the torch, implying that he’d be producing seeds. Instead many moons later, once complains about germ rate start rolling in, we hear that it’s in fact old jarred up beans, and small drops. No disclaimer anywhere, some stuff went for hundreds, even 1k in the case of a sour bubble pack at auction for questionable germination seeds :man_shrugging:


Absolutely. That would be a good thing. They waited till the pot was boiling and started spilling over. It will only get worse from here but hey, like you say, perhaps that’s the motivation Jr. needed.