BOG's 15/7 for HIGHER FEMALE RATIO in Regular Seeds

Im running my first regular seeds, and I guess theres a lot of bro science around how to get higher female ratio, but BOG (who wrote the post above) is quite respected and seemed to believe maybe he was on to something?

Do any of you do this? or anything else to get higher female ratio?



I tend to get a few more females than I do males by just random chance :+1:


ah yes, the old school tek. lol, yeah i mean i guess three trials is nothing to validate anything, but… i can dance around my tent at midnight to get a couple more females.


I get more females than males by planning to cull half my plants. To spite me, the universe makes them all female and screws up my plans. Sounds almost as plausible as a 15/7 flowering period, or looking really closely to make sure they have a round indentation where the seed attached to the plant, or making sure the temperature and RH are exactly exactly perfect, except no one knows what exactly perfect means but just that it guarantees females, or any of the other tricks I’ve heard. :stuck_out_tongue:


I think this applies to breeding. By reducing light below 18hr preflower, it allows mothers (to be seeded) time to transition instead of being immediately flipped to flower. What I think Bog was saying is the reduced stress on the plant allows it to produce more female seeds. Seeds are either male or female at pollination, you can’t change the sex of a seed.




I know the feeling. “Well this round of germination I would consider a failure but I’ve still got enough plants for a solid run :rofl::love_you_gesture:


There’s studies about germination conditions and sex with the results talked about stressful conditions may favour the best ratio of males:females in order to have the highest chance of pollen finding somthing to regenerate the line sexually through seed production.

I don’t recall which conditions produce more females that males but the same studies couldn’t accuratly reproduce the results often enough to say “this is 100% a thing”.

The other argument is that it’s locked in the seed at time of it’s creation and no matter what conditions a male is male and female female.

The bottom line was “x” conditions “may” favour one or the others sex to be expressed but due to the irratic results from all the studies the only way to ensure a female plant from seed is from reversed seed stock that only has only XX chromisomes due to the process creating them.


no, he is talking about an interim flowering period to induce more females in a room of regular plants for a pheno hunt (the thread is about pheno hunting a sog)

You sure that’s what he meant? Given that he was a breeder I would assume he was talking about the production of female seeds not female plants.




wait… YOU are right. i completely misread that. thank you.


I do the same and I always end up with more females then I can use but some how I make them fit lol


Only the one mention of this, but was he talking 15/9 ? using seven will give a constant changing light schedule everyday before 12/12? Where’s the 2 hours going? Oversight or was he changing flowering onset time everyday for 5 days? Seems like more stress not less?


my dyslexia, he used 15/7 - corrected it in the tittle just now - but yeah, theres still 2 hours missing. lol im guessing he meant 15/9

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Yeah, leaves the on light time changing by 2 hours a day. I think? he meant 15/9 but 15/7 was posted. I forget the dudes name but someone did a lot of time manipulation while in University, that was using a longer lights off veg period that pulsed the light in the middle of lights off period. It was done to reduce energy usage without triggering flowering during veg. It was like a 6/2 cycle or something tedious. But that was nothing to do with seedmaking, just vegging.


I’ve read that generationally breeding in a high nitrogen environment can cause the ratio to shift which makes bro sense to me from a environmental pressure standpoint. No idea if it’s a real thing though :man_shrugging:

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while I would generally subscribe to this theory, I’ve read enough bro science about germination Temps affecting female to male ratio to question if it’s locked in at seed creation. I mean, look at alligators for example. temp of the nest affects the m/f ratio, known science… it’s entirely possible in plants I would assume then. I won’t even mention fish that change sex in the absence of a dominant opposite sexed fish.


Gaslantern technique?

Any perceived success in manipulating sex from regular seeds via any method is entirely coincidental. Nothing but respect for Bog(rip) but he was wrong on this. You can stress(or reverse via sts/cs) a male or female plant into presenting either sex organ but you can’t change or predict their sex at seed. Pure bro “science”.


It may be called that, I believe Matt Rize did some work on it about 10 years ago…

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Idk that dude, I think I read about it from ICMAG circa 2006ish, i used it before for veg to save $.

here’s a good quote, apparently it’s from the 90s from some guy called Reinhard Delp.

"In the late 90’s Reinhard brought back the gas lantern routine that you find in any college grade horticulture book, and applied it to cannabis. Cannabis needs only 13 hours to stay in the vegetative growth stage. The 18-6 lighting schedule in vegetation, actually stress your plants, that never get that much light in one-day outdoors. Cannabis is an outdoor plant. Growing indoors you should copy how it grows outdoors. No Cannabis growing in Afghanistan gets 18 hours of light in growth pattern. Most strains today have some part Indica in their genetic pool. Even equatorial strains don’t get 18 hours of sun a day.

The 12-1 lighting schedule is as follows 12 hours lights on, 5.5 lights off, 1-hour lights on, 5.5 lights off, and repeat schedule. The 1 hour on in between off period fools the plants that stay in vegetative growth state! Your immediate savings are 5 hours in energy costs daily, as well as your bulbs and equipment lasting longer. "

After some reading on the man, apparently he basically invented ice water hash as well. Never even heard of him before this. The internet definitely changed how we learn as humans, it’s tough to find the originations of ideas and thoughts. Good on one hand, annoying on the other for those who seek the truth.

I always like to think about Mark Twains thought “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope.”