🕉 Bohdi Seeds Yogi Preservation Co-op Run (Sign up closed) (F2 to F3, Open-Pollenation)

@OhNo555 I have them automated so they are 24/7 “ready to go” when things fluctuate

The sensors are pressed against the mat by the drip-tray of a plant. This way it’s not cooking the root trying to get the ambient air temp to the setting versus the ground.

Under the 4x4’s silver drip tray are insulation mats separating the cold floor from the pots. It’s worked well enough but I was always intending to update this tent with the 2x mats as it’s worked perfectly in every other tent I run.

Before I did this I was battling the root mass vs ambient air temperature fluctuations so I focused on each problem independently.

The mats keep the roots happy, and the oil-heater lung box keeps the veg happy by addressing the ambient temp of the air.

Right now with the basement’s ambient temperature the mats are only kicking in every now and then during lights off which is exactly what I would hope for.

I already monitor so many things and never actually thought about soil! :man_facepalming:

Hydro do non-stop but now you have me getting a $10 probe thermometer to leave in my downstairs soil/soiless toolbox you magnificent bastard! :rofl: :+1:


Was not trying to make you buy something else :joy::joy::joy: or over think :face_with_monocle: what you were doing. I was just curious :eyes: and trying to up my game. What you are saying makes a lot of sense. We own a rambler house on a slab with hard wood floors so I understand the clod thing rate now I got all up on that 2” thick blue styrofoam to avoid this problem, but like your idea :bulb::wink::clap::sunglasses::v:


If that was cheaper than what I did I would have use that as well!

I went with dollar store “anti fatigue” mats and it made a world of difference even though they are only 1/2" thick.


The only reason I used that 2” blue styrofoam was it was free. :wink::+1::peace_symbol:


Ahh yes, one of my favourite F-words!


@SEMOActivist , i got aloe and coconut water.

Is it 15ml/ L for coconut water?

Aloe i’m planning on blending 1/4 cup of gel/leaf and then mix that with 1gal water.

Last Q: can i mix them or is there a benificial order with time period in between?



I mix 5 gallons at a time. I add 1/8 cup Kep Powder, 1 Cup Aloe Vera, 2 1/2 cups Coconut Water to 5 gallons of water.

Per Gallon

1/5th Cup Aloe Vera Pulp
1/2 Cup Coconut Water
1 and 1/5th teaspoons kelp powder

I use this every third watering during the vegetative stage and every other watering in flower. During the seedling stage, I just use aloe vera. If you see deficiencies use the mixture more often.


Thank you @SEMOActivist !!!

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It’s green, it’s slightly sloppy, it’s Aloe + Coconut Water + Water! (didn’t have kelp)

They each got 11oz of the goodness. :+1:

Next feeding is Friday :ok_hand:

Have a great night folks!





Forgot to tell y’all they all got sprayed down 2 days ago with @BudBusterPro !

Not the man, but his product because we want beefy seeds don’t we folks?

:muscle: :seedling:

:rofl: :+1:


Interesting that you mentioned this.

Where I’m from, there’s town called Thiruvannamalai where there’s this hill (Arunachala, a physical form of Lord Shiva) and surrounding the hill are eight ‘Lingams’ which is represented by the eight petals of the ‘Heart chakra’.
Below is a brief description of what it denotes and I’ll try and get the diagram sometime to upload.
This was taken from the book ‘Chakras: Energy Centres of Transformation’ by Harish Johari.


I have a massive Shiva Lingam stone in my bathroom!



Bro…place it in your garden with a pot of water placed above, slowly trickling water over it. Add flowers on and around it from the same garden. In some states, cannabis leaves are offered as a symbol of worship.
It helps develop an aesthetic mind. It’s the union between Shiva and his consort, Shakthi.


Funny enough I do place it in my bee/insect bath which is a tray filled with water and marbles with the lingam in the middle. I pour the water over the lingam to fill the tray. It’s autumn here so that’s now put away so the ligam lives in the bathroom until spring.

I do have a massive chunk of elite shungite I do this with inside though.



They are happy and are exploding above ground now :grin:

Have a wonderful Friday folks!



Good Liftoff vibe for a Friday morning 🪴 :rocket: :bird:

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Plants are loving those mats. One week and they’ll double in size! :sunglasses: :metal:

Hold on to your helmets! :grin:


I’m hoping so! We’re on day 32 for 7 of them, day 25 for 3 of them.

I gotta keep remembering that the only reason I feel they are small is by comparison to Doug’s Sweet & Sour Cindy run which is not far off from my start time :sweat_smile: These are different genetics and are doing fine so I just gotta calm down.

Oh yeah! I’m not sure how often this happens but @DougDawson and I do live in the same general area, just opposite sides of the city. Which means that there are 2x co-op runs happening at the same time only kilometres apart!

Personally I find this rather rad.



In my veg tent, I have 6 plants that just hit their 5th set of leaves after 40 days.

Low temps really do hinder growth. My heating pad is a small clone size, but finally it is enough to warm the tent enough for them to be happier. I wanted to be topped and into the flower tent by now but have to go with the flow.

It’s no contest but understandable when you look at his plants haha. They are rippin and roaring.

Very cool! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Nothing like a heated bed for the girls! :hugs: