🕉 Bohdi Seeds Yogi Preservation Co-op Run (Sign up closed) (F2 to F3, Open-Pollenation)

Looking great brotha!
Getting crowded in there. Pretty soon they’ll be doin the luv-rubs all on their own! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


holy explosion ! great as always! :slight_smile:

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@Mrgreenthumb , thanks! I need to grab a bunch of 3x pack shallow roasting trays from the dollarstore so I can set-up rows in-between all these plants to catch the pollen.

@DougDawson , as with your situation this run may also become a pollen run and I may need your help getting all this dust out to the people interested! :rofl: / :sneezing_face:

@LegsMahoney I was thinking the same thing growmie!!

Thanks for the love as well @blowdout2269 & @m0sirys !

My only complaint for how tight things are in there is that I can’t really train the females as things are. If I bend the limbs the way I want to now they will not get enough light as the males are extra competing for the canopy.

So I pose an idea for everyone and would love opinions.

In the next week:

1: I remove all the large fan-leaves from all 7x males which will open up space for the 3x females.

2: The females get HLST training so their branches are now horizontal maximizing the bud-site exposure.

Another thought is that removing all the large fan leaves would allow the pollen to collect on the trays i’m gonna install vs the leaves everywhere. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for chiming in folks, this is all of our grow and I’m just pulling the strings.




Beautiful canopy. Love how they’re just tucked in the tent rubbing elbows.


I vote for removing fan leaves, not going to hurt pollen production. And will things alot easier to deal with in the tent


The males are now averaging 35".
:rofl: :straight_ruler:

Have a great night!



Despite the numbers, the garden looks great!! You’ll be surprised how many seeds those 3 females can make.

Collecting the pollen in trays is a smart idea.

Keep doing what you’re doing and thanks for posting such great content!


Long day so I ended up passing out before posting yesterdays photos… so here they are… today! :rofl:

I’m upping the volume per day of solution as the heat mats are doing a fantastic job keeping everything cozy but at the cost of drying out the pots in 24 hours.

They are now each getting 33oz of liquids a day and it’s some serious plant Yoga to get under this canopy to reach the back plants.

Yes yes yes… the plants look a little sad in these photos because of the dry out but it’s not like they will stay that way…

I told them to stop complaining and we’ll see if they choose to listen.

:rofl: :+1:


As of tonight the stretching males have now started to overcrowd the females.

In the summer I’d just raise the females but I need their trays in contact with the heat mats or we all know what’ll happen. :confused:

@Foreigner either lucking out or will get upset with the male in the front blocking the package as if it was a British sexy-comedy.

Mrs. Pigeon’s :foot: for :straight_ruler: reference! :rofl:

Have a great night everyone!

:v: :grin:


At least he has got clothes on :joy::joy::joy:


They stretched rather quickly.


Id pull the fan leaves as well. If nothing else you said it would make collection easier. Looking nice.


yeah and stretchws quite alot!


How I feel after finding that one of the assumed males is actually looking like a female!!!

Will confirm on the weekend when I defoliate the shit out things and re-arrange the plants so everything gets even coverage.

I really hope these fuckers stop with the stretching soon! :rofl: / :worried:

Here is a fuck-load of close-ups!

I’m concerned one male may be a hermie but I’ll take a closer look tomorrow. The one that looks like it’s gonna open a :banana: any day now is 100% :eggplant: :+1: .

:v: :grin: :+1:


Question on the heat mats.
Is it one big mat or a bunch of 2x4 mats?
They look awesome btw. You got the green touch :seedling:


Is it just my eyes or the angle this Male look like it might be popping a few pistils to me?

Top rightish corner


2x of these 48" x 20.75" mats. :ok_hand:

Thanks @LzBoy ! :blush:

Thanks @DesertHeartGardens ! As mentioned one of these is giving me the hermie-gurmies… :thinking:

I’m gonna take out each plant tomorrow for a closer look and then set things back using dark geometry :wink:


Totally missed that :sweat_smile: hope it turns out to be nothing! Much love everything is looking killer though crazy how fast they grew some super vigorous plants


Seriously: THE FUCK with the stretching already! :rofl:

4 feet! The bastards!

Here’s the one that’s throwing me but looking more like a male than a hermie now… I think. :thinking:

And for comparison a blatant male. :ok_hand:

Have a great night folks!



Holy hell, gonna pop the roof soon?
Thanks for the great pic of male v herm. Bookmarked for future reference :seedling:
Doin an awesome job Pigeon :+1:
Ordered 1 of thoes heat mats to help this winter, thx. Probably gonna need 2. Maybe boxing day

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