🕉 Bohdi Seeds Yogi Preservation Co-op Run (Sign up closed) (F2 to F3, Open-Pollenation)

Bro Christmas/Yule season isn’t for another month! You don’t need the tree(s) yet!


How good are you bending and holding? :grin:


man thats really crazy!! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: time for some bondage! :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

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Well, they’re healthy bastards…that’s all you can ask for! :grinning:


@LzBoy , awesome! I hope the mat does for you what these have been doing “to” me :rofl: :+1:

@HeadyBearAdventures , I usually put lights on one of my citrus trees and call it a “Pagan Yule Bush”. :rofl:



@CanuckistanPete , agreed but I would appreciate them calming down already :rofl:


Automatic like for Betty Page….

Huzza, yowza and vvvvvvvvvrooooom for the “Devil Woman”.


Another day and another few inches. :+1:

So here’s a blatant Male:

Blatant Female:

Here is the one I was initially questioning but now keep thinking it’s just an odd male but PLEASE ADVISE IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE.


Thanks for the help, defoliation comes tomorrow as I’m too beat and may cause harm if i do it tonight.

Have a great night folks!



For the record, I’ve never been on team “hermie” regarding that plant.
I’ve scoured the previous photos, and this one, and I don’t see pistils.


I see a male also. No pistils


Perfect! Thanks for confirming!

It’s the brightness and tired eyes by the time I get down here to work after a long day. In the macro shots I see nothing but in person I keep thinking i’m seeing something hence the many micro shot and 3rd party assessment from all y’all wonderfuls!



It’s a boy it’s a boy :boy:


There’s a balls festival out there too…
A pollen war with Doug would be epic :boom: :bomb: :firecracker:



Looks like a lad to me bro! Awesome work over here! Overgrowing the world we surely are! Love it


Yes yes yes I love this Giant Robot, Big B, Mr Buckethead!! Huge fan, his cataloge is soooo damn huge, its insane. Just a few top of my head I love:
Growing Gills
Night of the Slunk
Hold me Forever
Northern lights
Ancient Desert
Leave the light on

Best Guitar player ever…I mean skill…songwriting…made Slash look like a school kid when he was in GNR…listening to Slash trying to play There was a time live :smiley: that really showed the difference. I love Slash, but Big B is the best out there FOR SURE

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I did LOTS of work today so I’m posting and eating late tonight but it’s totally worth it!

Before I pulled out the plants I took a few shots for comparison because shit got real you with my :scissors: :metal: .

Empty tent for the frist time in a while. I’m using my under lighting for work lights lol.

Since I was doing all the work with the plants today I lifted the light with chain gaining the max height I can work with in this tent unless I re-re-arrange the fans again.

I got a whole 62" headroom. :ok_hand:

That being done it was now time to go to town with these gents waiting out in the cold room next to the bar counter…

…And the ladies hanging out near the other tents.

I pull out the scissors and go cray-cray to some catchy beats all like:

The back row, male / female / male:

Second set, male / female / male:

Last set! male / female female / male:

I said I was defoliating and I wasn’t fucking around. :rofl:

Okay now I’m heating up pizza and re-watching an episode of “The Grand Tour” (dune-buggy episode) before passing out.

:rofl: :oncoming_automobile:

Have a wonderful night folks!!

:v: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:


Bodhi and Strayfox! So glad I didn’t miss out on seeing this

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that sure was quite some work man ! looking nice and clean :slight_smile:

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What a difference from what you started with. Beautiful work @Pigeonman. Thanks for the show.:peace_symbol:

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@leetdood , @m0sirys , & @Greenfingers thanks so much!

It feels really good seeing light penetration all the way to the floor again with all the :broccoli: :duck: 's in their rows :smiley: :+1:


I think it’s all because of the magical :mage:‍♂ carpets! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::turkey::peace_symbol::wink: