BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Exactly! Let’s just judge the real idiots and not generalize a whole generation based on the actions of few. There’s enough of that going around.


Also I will say my mom is a baby boomer and always tried her damnedest to use what skills she had to make me a smart and decent person.


My moms a gen x, but I’m like early millenial. Turned 37 this year. I was half raised without the internet and cell phones. We had imagination and respect for our elders. Then years later, the elders are trashing millenials they raised. Now the newer generations are trashing everyone.

It’s all a joke because it purely comes down to how you were raised, not the generation you’re in.


@TopShelfTrees1 , as someone who has done a community seedrun without the benefit of the Co-op structure and logistical support, I know how overwhelming the whole process is once the seeds are down. I opted to send out pollen packs too so that just compounded things on my end. Difference being that you have a life… family, work ect … I have none of those comittments and I was still overwhelmed but did not want my first seed run project to fail so I stuck my head in and ground it out.
I would do it again but only within the structure of the co-op where distribution is handled by the co-op leaders. That said, @DougDawson did offer to help me with distribution , which I did appreciate, but opted to handle it on my own.

In the end, these things need to be fun for the grower and those who are eager to aquire the seeds. My Shishkaberry 3f2 to f3 seed run was a whole lotta fun and is why I would do it all again … Then there is the satisfaction that comes from seeing grows pop up on OG with those seeds.
anyways… another classic ramble from me hehe but hang in there bud… all good things , in good time :wink:


I like how you put things. I don’t have commitments to speak of beyond taking care of my own needs. I’m blown away at what you guys do, getting seeds and cuts to people.


It’s definitely worth doing, because quality genetics should be in the hands of the people. I respect people getting paid for their work but I also respect there being a place where people can get the medicine they need for free or close to it. That’s what a lot of people want this place to be. Sharing with each other and spreading plants that help people. It’s all worth it in the end. It’s just a lot of work sometimes. Gotta keep that in mind.


Absolutely, and it really doesn’t matter which generation you’re in. :+1::+1:

1 Like

I sent out 9 packs recently. It’s the biggest shipment I’ve ever done, and with 9 it was VERY confusing. I can’t imagine how stressful it would be sending a shitload of seeds.


It’s unfortunate if anyone is acting entitled in private messages, but all I see in this thread is a lot of excited people expressing that in a variety of ways. Got a lot of attention; that’s a good thing.

Responsibility can be a lot of pressure, but it can also be power to do cool things. Always some positive way to see yourself out of a rut of being overwhelmed. Nobody is losing home or family over forum seed runs; it’s all for fun at this level. Try to have fun with it where you can?


Folks also got to understand that he was also doing Original Blues co-op run at the same time. Seems like he just needed a break. Conversed with him over the weekend and he is doing well. :v:


Have you heard from TopShelfTrees1 in the past month… is everything ok?


@Indicana_Jones ten characters


I talked to him yesterday and he said he would be back soon. He has started posting on IG again a few days back. He has been dealing with some stuff but is ok.


I’m here for it!


Temporarily closed.

I’d like to provide those following this thread with an update.

As is evident, TopShelfTrees has not been seen on OG for a couple of months now.

This would rarely be a concern and is a somewhat common occurrence. However, the coincident timing with the call for funds, stamps, seeds, and sundries in conjunction with his subsequent disappearance has prompted us to poke around this some.

After speaking at length with a number of individuals, it has been determined that TopShelfTrees has apparently engaged in repeated private commitments (some of substantial value), taken delivery, but then would fail to follow through. This appears to have occurred regularly, over an extended timeframe, with a pattern that is not indicative of being one-offs, while leaving his various counterparties holding a significant loss.

With an increasing number of incidents that we have become aware of, we had asked TopShelfTrees via an intermediary, to reach out to the moderation team to discuss these concerns. To date, he does not seem inclined to do so leaving us with considerable on-going risk. Here, we close that window.

We’ll leave this thread open for limited duration for comment. Please remain polite and factual.


Yep, got jacked for 800+ pucks and over 1000 printed stickers that were supposed to help get seeds out to the community. Obviously that never happened which is a major disappointment and letdown for the community.


Please keep these comments clean and on-point. Appreciate it but no dibbing here. Thanks.


sorry that happened to you. guy came with a sob story and got everything thrown at him day after day while living in a big nice house with boats and rods and reels worth tons but always claimed broke and people here kept sending things to him left n right.
'i gotchu bro 100 %" when ever i asked about the clones jet asked him to share. all 3 times about 5 months apart cuz i didnt wanna be rude lol
@jetdro called it awhile ago