BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

As far as photos go…. I Veg for appx 60 days almost always as I prefer them to show gender naturally and it gives me plenty of time to observe traits and document everything big or small (I have notebooks everywhere) one day someone’s gonna get a whole flatbed and then some of all of my notebooks, observations, drawings, leaves I’ve kept etc. it’s gonna be a genetic knowing goldmine trust me as I very much try and document everything from growth rates,leaf shape and serrations, stressors, feed rates. Stem rub and natural untouched scents, stature, colours of green and depth of that green, variegation , and nutes used , strength given, soil/soilless etc. and so much more. By then I’ve culled anything not interesting. And usually chosen the males I’d like to flower out. Then flip…. And keep males completely separate but document them as closely if not more so and hope for beasts with pods so stacked they look like giant colas etc. good vigour, size, strength and number 1 thing that will determine a male keeper for me is frost/trichomes. They are so few and far between that IMHO any resinous males that do not show instability or mutations etc are absolute gold!

Hope this helps @tuned


Yes it helps alot. You are meticulous. :+1:
And I am bookmarking your posts. :slightly_smiling_face:


Could be a Dread … check for smoke

Awesome. I’m glad. You ever have questions etc. just hit me up, may take up to a day but I’ll surely respond and help in any way possible or point you to someone who can 100% thank you for the kind words my friend :pray:t3:


I’ve got a seat :seat: in this Tent…
Go get’m @TopShelfTrees1
My first-time hearing of this Breeder, your Friend.
I happen to love Oranges :sunglasses: sending you good NRG bro


Useful was a great dude. Really wanted to get killer stuff that was hard to obtain or expensive out there to the masses. Absolutely loved this about him. I remember mentioning Stardawg and its elusiveness here. Literally the next year he sends me 5 packs of Stardawg he made. Great guy, great breeder and a friend anyone would be proud to have. He was also quite generous with his genetics. All those times I said “no, you’ve done enough” now I wish I had them all to get out there. Especially the 7-8 packs he was planning on sending I had been really wanting of his newer stuff. Always there for people and a good listener too. You guys would have got along great!


I don’t have any pics at the moment, but I’ll take some soon. I’m about a month into flower so things are starting to get some odors now.

Speaking of Stardawg, you gonna be doing any repros of that? I have a pack of Usefuls Stardawg x Gorilla Biscuit that I got from @FirstCavApache64 who got them from Useful himself right before he passed. I think it’s like 90% Stardawg judging by seedfinders info. Could be useful in some Stardawg repros :wink:


Oh nice! That gorilla biscuit was a nice cut! Reminds me of grease monkey especially in the high department. Yes definitely plan on doing it . I have 1 more repro that’s been ten years almost in the making so it’s next up for repros. I also have 3-4 others I must pull off in the next couple of years as well. But Stardawg will definitely be repro’d especially for the special place that cultivar holds in my heart! Hoping to have Corey in my stable soon as well . It’s been over 5 years since I’ve even had any but I always loved her! I was looking far and wide for the top Dawg ix/bx after release but to this day have never found one, nor a repro/adage. @imstinky


This is exactly why the run you’re doing is important. BOO falls in that category and should be taken care of. Being fems, we will need to do these more often and if someone is familiar enough with the variety do a BX.

Again thank you it means alot


I’m fully aware of the unreal honour and privilege it is for me to have obtained and to be able to grow out some of these gems, heirlooms etc. I’ve managed to acquire over the years. I went insanely hard for a few years just trying to check off every thing I missed, or just really wanted and then those I loved and lost. And for the most part I was absolutely blessed to reobtain these and take it probably more serious than most the responsibilities it entails. I am still working on but getting close to building a specific breeding area I can constantly run along side my sensi runs or explorations etc. that will make things much easier as I plan on running them constantly until I’m at least caught up on what I really MUST repro. :facepunch:t2:


The apparent integrity one senses in reading your conversations about breeding, @TopShelfTrees1, as well as the dignity of friendship which is so well honored here is downright inspiring. My compliments and respect!


Thanks for your devotion to these projects @TopShelfTrees1 people like you that are preserving gems is truly OGing to the highest level. Carry on and good luck. Ill be following, waiting on crumbs to fall.


Those aren’t crumbs, they’re trichomes!


I totally forgot to compliment you on your very smart purchase @HeadyBearAdventures !

Huzzah!!! Don’t Grow Blind!!!



Thanks buddy, even in shades I can tell that it’s hard on the old eyeballs, and I plan on keeping the lights on!


@TopShelfTrees1 mannn I never understood the show sex naturally during veg. Or I’m just not good at it at all. What do you look for?


After 6 or 7 nodes, the plant will show pre flowers that are very clearly male or female. It takes about 6 weeks, so folks often flip before sexual maturity.


@HeadyBearAdventures right on I’ll check that out, now if I top it it will is still show? Also soaking someone seeds now and we are going to experiment !!


It’ll still show even if you top it, but it will take longer as you’re stunting the growth.


Thanks for covering me guys, apologies for not getting back sooner @Hotrods_and_hounds