Breeders who've caught your eye this year

I ran a plant from Humboldt Seed Company this year (Humboldt Poundcake). It was a crazy surprise all the way through. Really nice smoke, fast, easy. Very clear that there was some good breeding going on there.

Bought a bunch of AK Bean Brains. Super interesting sativas and crosses. Haven’t grown anything.

And of course, I can’t wait to run some Bodhi Lavender Lemonade crosses.


Some more breeders I thought of and forgot to mention before:


-Blackbird Preservations
-Bald Monkey/Bald Man Lala
-Esbe/Hybrids From Hell
-Derg Corra Collective


Syrup’s Turn Spit Genetics,
Ill Eagle Bird Seed
Comacus 8th Avenue Genetics
Stuff I’ll be starting, but got this year,
Fleur du Mal - ESB
JPS’s fund raiser sale, 4 packs of FIRE!!
And that is all the space I got for the coming year!!

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OH MAN ,Thats great … How was the smoke??? Damn thats a pretty plant.

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Listing by Instagram account some lesser known or underrated breeders and seed makers that I’d grow before ever considering spending money with some of these pedo spouse abuser pollen chuckers lol.



Thank you. Was pretty decent. Threw some nanners in early flower. So I have plenty of seeds from it if you’d like any. Just know, it will likely do the same for you. JD won’t be releasing that line for obvious reasons

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Honestly, for me it’s been REPUTABLE FORUM BREEDERS/CHUCKERS :heart_eyes: specifically here and PhenoHunter forums. Some have “gone legit” and sell their wares on some seedbanks.

Bob Bitchen. specifically his Chernobyl (Slymer Cut) fems. The freshest scent and taste I’ve ever had in cannabis, ever. It’s like a new pair of Air Max’s stuffed with cucumber slices and lime wedges.

Dino Party — full disclosure, I haven’t grown his gear but have sampled some grown by a buddy. Solid guy, GREAT lineup, will be dipping my pen in his company ink for sure

3Thirteen Seeds — similar to Dino Party except I am growing one of his fems right now, but still in a solo cup. A solid guy with a solid lineup.

our very own @Budderton :pray: :pray: :pray: my money’s no good to him, but i’llbedamned if he ain’t the most generous guy around! He’s thrown me some great genetics that I’ve in turn shared with others. If this dude ever sells his wares, I’ll be in line to GLADY pay retail for it. Seriously Budder! UDAMAN!

Native Sun Genetics/Cartier Crops, a breeder my dad and I have used before. Need to revisit some of his catalog. A major focus of his is the potency of his own Cartier Cookie and what it brings to his crosses.

Honorable mention:
Humboldt Seed Co. I feel like they do a FANTASTIC job of describing each strain accurately, the gear is decently homogenous unless the description says “varying phenotypes” then you’ll get those. I’ve grown about half a dozen strains and overall potency is like medium to medium-hi, but VERY TASTY VERY FRAGRANT buds.

OOOPS just realized this whole thing is basically a repost :man_shrugging:


Hey thanks for the kind words @RookieBuds , I appreciate them very much. I doubt I’ll ever sell beans in the future. I make a good living and providing folks with good seed, for free, is very rewarding. At the end of the day, its kinda my way to serve the plant that has been my close companion and served me well since the age of 16, when I started collecting and growing out seeds from imported Herb. I’d like be known as a solid selector, by folks in the know, and that’s good enough for me.


@Budderton tell that to the poor plant you’ve been torturing in flower for 6 months :wink::joy::joy::joy::joy: LMAO I’m totally kidding! Still can’t wait for the smoke report on that zombie :metal:

You are very much a respected steward of the Ganj 🫡


God damnit… Wish I saw there was someone using that name…


The Calicaveman has some awesome genetics. I do some giveaways with his stuff here and there. Very nice work imo.

Thats awesome and kind ve why I do it . I stubbled into growing 16 years ago to help my kids mom with MS and my older brother who was fighting brain cancer. I got to be a legal care giver and started studying on pain management . Funny part is 12 years after I got hurt at work and now Im in constant pain and trying to create that great Blueberry strain that checks all my boxes…


Hi, I return to also give a shout out to @KropDuster for having some fantastic cultivars and he’s also been dropping in here and there on the forums. I’ve ordered from him through Strainly and his own site, every time it’s been smooth sailing.

Pz :v:t2:


I’m really interested in picking up his Purple Mexican heirloom IBL this year and a few others maybe some Shit crosses or PBB work


Just ordered had to grab that purple Mexican :sunglasses:


@Movement13 Yeah, I’ve been looking at that purple Mexican aswell. But I snagged a pack of Black Afghan Landrace he had before, really looking forward to take a look at those. The pics showed totally blacked out plants!

@Dirt_Wizard I got a pack of Stunk #1 from him that are going to meet a couple of different Afghans before the progeny gets a visit from the Chems :wink:
Looking to reinact some sour type ladies.

Pz :v:t2:


Looks crazy think I’m going to try it outdoors this summer


That Raspberry Rally F2 and Peanut Butter Roadkill look crazy good. I’ll be adding these to my list. Great stuff @KropDuster. :beers:


Santa cruz goat farmer

A few places that I have recently stumbled across (via research, recommendations, etc) that look interesting:

(I believe he was the guy who started gage green)


and a bunch more… too many seeds, too little space. lol

There’s a number of OG members/breeders that have also recently piqued my interest.

@stanknugzz77 at illegalbidseeds. His ‘Hel’ strain looks great, as do numerous others (like black apple)

@Cannavore selections (a # of interesting offerings)

@Crafty_Flame - their OGKB crosses look fire!

@Doc.D (Doc D’s magic spirit seeds)

I know there’s more but that’s all I can remember off the top of my head.