Breeders who've caught your eye this year

Thank you for the mention! My Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel is definitely something fucking else!

@DesertHeartGardens reviews of it here:

seem to make packs fly off of the shelves! I know that I am biased, but I feel like Hel is a hybrid that is an instant classic and will be for years to come. I still hold my male and female cuts of Hel and work with them quite a bit.

Much love and appreciation to @DesertHeartGardens for their test run of Hel and to @Trial-N-Error as well for their test run of Hel over at Phenohunter! Amazing people and awesome growers! Positive vibes…



Do you know anything about them? I have some packs of theirs i’ve been sitting on and thinking about popping some soon but I’ve legit not been able to find anything at all about him or his work at all outside of the info on soaknbeans site :confused:

Found them this year… rocking plants true to form , no issues , solid :fire:


I’m reeeeeeaaaallly interested to see how people’s grows turn out this year. I’m also personally curious how their feminized Donutz stacks up against their Triploid Donutz. I might have to grab a 3/5 pk of each and find out

I’m blind so they gotta captivate the honest senses.


Homie is PDX420grower AKA PeeDee from back in the day on all of the old forums that don’t exist anymore and maybe some that do haha. He was always a really good dude, from my interactions with him. He used to work quite a bit with TreFarmer of Sub Rosa Gardens. I do not get on IG too much, but when I do, he is one of maybe a handful of people that I see who are actually even putting out anything even close to what I would be interested in beyond my own work haha. In fact, I am pretty sure that I just commented that same sentiment on one of his posts yesterday haha. I haven’t ran any of his work since back in like 2013-2014 or some shit, but depending on what work of his that you have, I wouldn’t hesitate to pop that shit. Positive vibes…



The triploid seems to have potential!

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Do it!!! Why not

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Oh that’s even better than I hoped for! I have his TK BX1 and his Katsu Bubba Kush BX2. Sounds like I’ll have to prioritize those. I can at least do some research in the meantime now. Thank you very much!