Breeding question

What’s wrong with OG this week ? It’s the ban of Shag that make everybody on the teeths like this ?
update : Wise decision, i follow you.


I have no Idea brother, I surely hope it isnt turning into the same kinda toxic enviroment as some of the other forums.

Exactly what I am doing, It would be awesome if I got an apperence that is a cross between the two mutations, but that isnt really something I am expecting to happen. Mostly the goal is to get to something that looks at least a Bit like freakshow OR ABC that is an Auto.

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No, OG is quite resilient and have good anti-bodies. Seriously. It’s just unexpected waves of tension sometimes, maybe a transpiration from Discord dramas or jars emptied at the same time who the fck know ^^ Don’t mind much buddy, just passion.

Considering the two blends and the reccurent meetings, something cool will happen for sure. Now strategically yes, you’re steering mechanically to the ABC by the process. Still not a fate, you make your own seeds so you have all the time to wait for the “Freak” dominant pheno in progeny to counterbalance. Whatever it is ^^ You can spend the same time to only reproduce singular specimens too, plants will tell you anyway.


I’m going to interject here…

So with my project, I’ve crossed a photoperiod reg(f) with feminized autoflower pollen.
This first line of seeds are F1. All photoperiod.
It will take until F4 to have autoflower dominance.
At that point is it technically F1 again? Lol :thinking:

And a completely different scenario…
What if I continuously chuck the original F1 auto fem pollen at my F1 cross?

Sorry to kinda hijack ya @Ace71975.
Feel like its somewhat related.


Female x Feminized reversed : you’re in F1. Yes.

But you can’t consider the line as “normal”, she’s already full of constraints. Sexually and on the photoperiod. Let’s say they are all already “intermediate” at this step. Each pass will stack a new layer that will trigger faster the line. F4 or F3 is indicative for the average duration of this program, some pairing are more hard or more easy.

In F4 … you’re in F4 ^^ It’s not a time machine, and with fem pollen it’s even more an accelerator of particles.
If you followed the program, you will be in F4-BX3 (the first BX happening only in F2).

What if I continuously chuck the original F1 auto fem pollen at my F1 cross?

I advise this solution over to feminize four time in a row the poor progeny of this lady ^^


That’s what I thought. Back crossing.
So I could essentially make better selections through the line as I steer it towards 100% autoflower. Thus resulting in a more consistent outcome. Correct?

Ok, so then when I go and cross the F4 Bx3 to itself, what would be the significance?

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hey there… haven’t read all the posts so far but i have been breeding mutants for a while. read the op’s posts about breeding questions and concerns. i’ll add my two cents.

autoflower mutants are in a league of their own. if you can stabilize the life type as well as auto, more power to you. i wouldn’t attempt this myself because they’re both recessive traits. the more recessive traits you seek to find the more seeds you’ll have to grow out to see. autos just seem incredibly difficult to stabilize because there’s no cloning, and each generation only has so many days on this planet. unless you make tons of seed it’s really difficult to play around with the genetics. as soon as you outcross you lose all that work because the auto and mutations are recessive. additionally, one can only take it so many generations before it becomes too in-bred to want to grow.

now there’s the fun part of breeding with two mutants. if you line-breed or backcross you still really need to go 2 generations to secure the leaf type. similar to autos… if you go to f4 the plants will be a lot more uniform. since both plants are a different type of recessive the possible combinations to find progeny that exhibit traits from both mutations… in a way you like…(that’s key)… i think when i last looked at combining mutants in the f2 generation 1 in 32 seeds will be a mutant of both types. in my mind one would want at least 20 of these types to pick your favorite pair to continue the line. that’s a lot of dang seeds to sprout and germinate until the first leaf set to see if they’re mutants.

it’s for this reason, for now, i’m trying to breed each mutant to stay the same way it is. maybe once i have my own mutant crosses for every mutant type (there’s several more than duck, abc, and freak) then i’ll try to tackle mutant x mutant breeding. been at this around 3 years now & grown every mutant, if it’s worth anything.

all the best, cheers


Selection and its quality (then the length of the work) is a totally different subject, it belong (mostly) on your mileage on both lines.

But mechanically you reinforce this trait by repetition, yes. It’s the principle of a BX, that can be applied to a lot of others traits.

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there is a new publication you might want to consider “Cannabis Breeding” by James Loud - it’s a recent book published in 2024- have heard nothing but good ( he also has his own genetics ands Podcast


hmm that one doesnt seem to exist in pdf format online that i can find. I did find this tho :rofl:


IF i am just after recessive genes that will show up f2s and f3s is it important to grow out dozens of f1s for selection?
IS popping 100 gonna give me something that popping 5 wont ?


Yes 100 beans should do it. 200 would be better

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well I started 36 But started to wonder why. I dont care about/need any of the plants except 2. Dun even know what I would be selecting for this round. 100 would do it but so would like 3-5, no ?

Are you doing autos?

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yeah i knocked up banana daddy ibl from ethos with a male freakshow.
Right now they will flower pretty much right away outside regardless of autoflower genes,

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They are both autos so the cross will flower right away.
Photo x auto the auto traits won’t show in the f1 generation


I am doin Auto Fems with Auto Fem Pollen right now, but this project will be aim to get some auto version of freakshow x ABC Auto Purple bastard. I just want to try my hand at making an auto, I have a few Autos I would like to make at some point.

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I am so confused. When iu made a post this morning it was a new post. i didnt hit reply in some elses thread.
i dunno how that happened. sorry @Ace71975 i didnt mean to thread jack.

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No worries hyjack away

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Someone was trying to clean up the forum and moved your thread hear. IDK why.

Genetics are funny and unpredictable. I might know nothing and be talking out my ass, so take this with a grain of salt.

Talking chromosomes, right now they are an even split. 10 from mom and 10 from dad. But you don’t know what ten chromosomes the parents have passed on. F2 is where things get wild. You could get a recombination favoring either parent or everything in between.

From what I’ve read, looking at a plant we physically only see half the chromosomes. So even with some selected killer phenos, you don’t know what chromosomes it’ll choose to pass on.

I would assume, the best tactic for you is a large open pollination rather than just a few plants. You’ll get a larger pool of potential chromosome parings and you’ll be less likely to see genetic drift.