Breeding through selfing a line

What If I self once a gorilla autoflower FEM plant to have more seeds?
Is It a good practice or I d Better buy One seed for fucking 10 bucks?

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@Andrexl It’s a great practice, much better than buying seeds every grow IMO.


I could also use the same pollen to cross to another auto fem strain right?

Yes, although reversed now “male” plants don’t make anywhere near as much pollen as a real male. But then again it only takes one male flower to effectively seed its breeding partner. Just don’t know if expecting to produce enough to collect and save is going to be realistic, especially first time reversing.


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Hi @nefrella,
I don’t mean to quibble, but I don’t believe that S1 implies “diminished.”

You have a point tho, that if you self the plants you grow from S1 seeds your S2 generation may show the recessive traits. That can be good or bad depending on what shows up. Right?

I think the quality breeders are offering stabilized genetics after they’ve cherry picked phenos from a few gens.



@GrouchyOldMan Yes, I agree, it’s not degraded to the point of no vitality. S1 however is not the actual plant, blah blah, we know how the genetics play out with selfing.

This was more of a gripe from an old lady LOL.

You’re correct that stabilizing the genetics, we get the best of that stabilization. I was just being a brat about the cost of the seeds and what I perceived to not be “the best of the best” because in reality, it’s not the actual cut. That’s all. :heart:

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