Creating True Breeding Strains By Vic High

You have a third eye somewhere @Cactus or what ^^ Actually i’m making a double expresso, on the go to share something in this thread :

This is pretty challenging for me, because i consider the selfing process as the guts of the evil to produce genetic material. It’s a very personal and outdated vision of breeding, considering the actual market needs. But, I’ve done my part also in this sin.

@RedOctober was actually driving pretty well the discussion, and is outside the usual opposition fem/reg and debates that are too far from a practical consideration. It’s stimulating. I will try my best to go in the sense of the “only females breeding”, not mine. So it close the loop partially on apomixie problematics.

For the Vic High trend (rip, all the respect for this kind of guy, that was sharing widely/openly/“freespeechly”), i don’t like the way it’s interpreted most of the time. Theory lovers have the tendency to push really hard on homozygosity, at the point to totally mix homozygosity and dominance. It’s actually my point of disagreement.

By extension i underline Subcool (rip, more close to me) and the occurences of the well known Space Queen, catalyzed by backcrossing habits of the guy. I don’t care about the buzz around and the usual habit to smear breeders for nothing. But the (nice) catalog of Sub’ was indirectly counter-argumenting vic high himself with his own genetic. A stellar one, and i say that without playing as a fanboy of both.

Here, we are losing already a ton of people interested to try this game. :grin:
Not a critic, just a reminder of my own will and efforts to make it an open door for everyone. Teenager i’ve met this guy that make everything simpler to put in practice, i try to pay this debt the best i can.

It’s really what my soul is thinking (with a hint of sarcasm, yes), but i can’t throw it like that in all honesty without giving also what my mind have listed aside with exceptions and mistakes.

On a global consideration (specimens facing you), there is only traits on which you’re finding sensitive leverages. So, useless to lure people, a combo of multiple reactions for only one single “stoner/grower” trait. A genotype present generally a stable occurence of these combos, but individually you have to reveal it for each selected/unselected specimen. At least to known what is latent and active, or not.

I’m ok to consider the screws as complimentary or antagonists naturally, and pretty “stable” (not the vic way) on a very large timeline. But I’m not ok to only say that the bolts have an unilateral way to turn, and also that the human nature can’t cheat the genotype with some elegance. There is a margin : breeding and it’s sacrifice.

But hell, it last what … twos or three years when you begin. Less than a year when you have mileage and a genpool to restart, it’s nothing. This is nothing also to pay against the big reward : the golden jail. Spending so much efforts on strains you don’t love as fck is a waste of time, and when you’re improving each round something that you can already smoke all day long … the hell become quickly the exposition to lines that are not yours.